The Forgotten Avenger (short story), Avengers feature anniversary and Guardians of the Galaxy weekend. Corporate Red is back and with a Vengeance.

The Forgotten Avenger.. Enjoy.. (new scenes) Child friendly version will be release tomorrow. Also today is the anniversary of the 2012’s Avengers feature film.

TheForgottenAvenger2 <— download

The Forgotten Ranger, Superbowl 51, Infinity Wars Crossover and Announcement

The Forgotten Ranger will be re-released one last time with a re-release on Superbowl 51 weekend along with announcement concerning the upcoming live action film.

The Forgotten Ranger Final Re-Release, Infinity War, 2017 Live Action Release

theforgottenrangerdoctorstrange4edit short story/screenplay

theforgottenrangerdoctorstrange5 124 page screenplay format

infinitywarspartisixthdraft The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Wars Crossover Part I

Here’s the short story/script format and the 124 page version. I was going to release Part I as well, but I’m struggling under the weather. So I’ll save Part I for tomorrow and Part II for Monday. Alot of edits done to the dialogues throughout the story, and extra endings. Corporate Red is coming to a screen near you in late 2017 of October.

Update: I’ve uploaded Part I. Part II coming later this weekend

68 characters:

1. Iron Man
2. Captain America
3. Thor
4. Doctor Strange
5. Ms. Marvel
6. Spider-man
7. Hawkeye
8. Black Widow
9. Scarlett Witch
10. Vision.
11. Black Panther
12. Buck Barnes
13. Hulk
14. Ant-man
15. Wasp
16. Dr. Hank Pym
17. Janet/original Wasp
18. Nick Fury
19. Agent Maria Hill
20. Agent Coulson
21. Agent Simmons
22. Agent Fitz
23. Wong
24. Star Lord
25. Gamorra
26. Drax
27. Rocket Raccoon
28. Groot
29. Nebula
30. Yondu
31 Cyclops
32. Wolverine
34. Storm
34. Jean Grey
35. Gambit
36. Rogue
37. Jubilee
38. Beast
39. Morph
40. Colossus
41. Kitty Pryde
42. Iceman
43. Professor Charles Xavier
44, Magneto
45. Reed Richards
46. Sue Storm
47. Johnny Storm
48. The Thing
49. Luke Cage
50. Jessica Jones
51. Iron Fist
52. Daredevil
53. Elektra
54. Punisher
55. Dr. Doom
56. Red Skull
57. Loki
58. Deadpool
59. Cable
60. Pyslocke
61. Silver Surfer
62. Galactus
63. Skrull Empire
64. Kree
65. Squirrel Girl
66. Howard the Duck
67. Thanos
68. Corporate Red

Final Re-Release of The Forgotten Ranger. Corporate Red officially coming in 2017


Well everyone I’ve restored the original timeline, to a half extent. As for most of you are aware Corporate Red is officially coming to a screen near you late 2017.

The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Time Stone Original Secret Ending


For those of you that have been following The Forgotten Ranger, now The Forgotten Avenger, some of you may remember an original secret ending I did last year (way before Doctor Strange) where Corporate Red found the Infinity Time Stone during a black market meeting between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. In this new re-release some of the secret endings have been altered and I’ve re-added that original secret ending involving the Infinity Time Stone and  an explanation why Corporate Red no longer possesses it. Enjoy!

The Forgotten Ranger Doctor Strange Crossover Tie In Post Credit To Thor Ragnarok. The Forgotten Avenger Strange Effect


Reality has changed. Enjoy the new timeline of The Forgotten Ranger, now The Forgotten Avenger, altered by the events of the Doctor Strange movie. New scenes and new extra endings. PDF File downloadable in link above.

November 4th The Forgotten Ranger “Strange Effect”

The events of Doctor Strange will have a major impact on both the re-release of The Forgotten Ranger short story (November 3rd) and the live action October 2017. After you catch Doctor Strange head straight to the re-release of The Forgotten Ranger. Is reality being altered? Find out next weekend…

The Forgotten Ranger Doctor Strange Weekend Upcoming Big Announcements

More announcements are coming for The Forgotten Ranger Project. As announced back on Oct 9th, The Forgotten Ranger is officially coming and will be released October 2017, with the sequel on May 3rd, 2019. The third phase is expected to be announced during Doctor Strange weekend with the announcement of the cast of the Corporate Rangers as well. It’s been already reported Phase 3 could be out in 2020, but so far no date.





The Big Reveal/Announcement for The Forgotten Ranger

It is official The Forgotten Ranger is coming. Teaser poster below and the dates theforgottenrangerposter

Oct 2017 for Phase 1

May 3, 2019 for Phase 2

Infinity Wars The Forgotten Ranger Parts I and II (Finally Part II)

The Forgotten Ranger (Short Story)


The Forgotten Ranger (120 page version) This won’t be the same as the theater version whenever released. So the public won’t be able to predict certain scenes.


The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Wars Part I


The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Wars Part II


Part II which I was suppose to been released, even before the announcement that Infinity Wars will be a single movie. Part II is not finished, its a half draft version for now. I probably won’t be posting any more scripts after this as I prepare for shooting on my untitled project for The Forgotten Ranger this Autumn. I will be entering choreography training in September with my cast. Then film shooting in October. Thank you all for your support from across the globe. I can’t wait to release the live action to you the public next year.