Sam Raimi helming Doctor Strange leading to Corporate Red?

Scott Derrickson who was the original director of Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness, recently stepped down due to creative differences. Yep this sure sounds familiar with other MCU projects. Edgar Wright and Ant-man ring a bell? TQR/Secret Avenger/Corporate Red being replaced for Brie Larson/Captain Marvel ring a bell? Although that move most people hated and has shown already to be the downfall of the MCU moving foward. But then came news Sam Raimi is the new director for Doctor Strange 2. How could this tie to Corporate Red?

Well leading up to Infinity War, TQR constantly stated that the MCU is a reality that is not suppose to exist. Doctor Strange, Spider-man Homecoming and recently End Game have proven this TQR/Secret Avenger theory true after Captain America stayed in the past and altering an already alternate reality. An alternate within an alternate? That’s not good.. Remember what Stark said in End Game, mess with time, time messes back. Sam Raimi also directed the original Spider-man franchise, with star Tobey Magiure as the web-head.

The MCU alternate timeline theory by TQR has been that Holland’s Spider-man is not the real Spider-man, and that the MCU is a timeline that is not suppose to exist. Or at least that version of the MCU is not suppose to exist. Constant use of the Time Stone resulted in the glitches in the MCU’s matrix.

Could Raimi being bought in to helm Doctor Strange 2 set up the stages for Secret Wars where Secret Avenger/Corporate Red leads the Multiverse in a war against the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Things are getting.. interesting..

Secret Wars is coming

CABLE: Captain America, what did he?

Alex pulls out a cosmic cube and it begins projecting.

PROFESSOR HULK: “Remember, you have to return the stones to exact moment you got them, or you’re going to open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.”

CAPTAIN AMERICA: “Don’t worry Bruce, I’ll clip all the branches.”

SAILOR PLUTO I caught that reference..

CAPTAIN AMERICA: “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.”

BUCKY BARNES: “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”

The two hug..

BUCKY BARNES: “I’m going to miss you buddy.”

CAPTAIN AMERICA: “It’s going to be okay Buck..”

Alex turns off the cosmic cube.

SAILOR PLUTO: Captain America.. He’s the reason several realities have disappeared. He clipped the branches of realities..

Fade to Black

Somewhere in a reality

A Secret Avenger in street clothes, denim jacket, with bookbag over his shoulder enters his apartment. Once closing the door behind him, he sees two individuals in the shadows in his living room.

Nicholas: Secret Avenger

Cable: Corporate Red

Secret Avenger: Cable.. Who’s the elder?

Nicholas Fury: Nicholas Fury, one of the original founders of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Cable: A World War II veteran.. ::breathes:: We need your help. There’s a threat to the all of reality.

Secret Avenger: Just give me a name

Cable: Captain America

Secret Avenger: ::serious stare:: I’ll take over from here.

Fade to Black

The Forgotten Ranger Sequel Thanos Negan style & Infinity War in serious trouble

Fans have learned the reason Avengers Infinity War is coming out April 27th is due to the The Forgotten Ranger II coming out early Spring announced back on Feb 23rd, and that it will spoil Avengers Infinity War. Now new reports coming out that the ending will have a feel of what happen on the Walking Dead when Negan killed those unexpected individuals who we later found out were Glenn and Abraham. Here’s what one insider stated:

It won’t be no blind-side ending. The fans will find out who dies in Infinity War. The deaths will be brutal. The sequel is what it is a bombshell and its scaring Disney and Marvel. For that reason they pushed up the release date from May 4th to April 27th and they also realize that the fans know there’s a stolen scene in Infinity War and that the FOX pushed up Deadpool 2 close to Infinity War when they and the fans learned that Corporate Red was replaced by Captain Marvel in both Infinity War and Avengers 4, a move the fans hated and even enraged FOX, and what many are calling a racist move (a white woman replacing a black man in which Disney didn’t want the black man to be the savior against Thanos). This was even felt during the Black Panther Los Angeles premier when the feel there was very awkward feel among everyone as many within the African-American community have not forgiven Disney and Marvel over the move and FOX continues to stick with the plan to not merge X-MEN and Fantastic Four with the MCU as a result along with Galactus and Silver Surfer. Constantine Films who owns rights with Fantastic Four with FOX also has been reported by insiders to not have condole the racist move by Disney and Marvel.

James Gunn on his Facebook live recently reported that a merger between Avengers and FOX doesn’t look like it won’t be happening and several on the “inside” said it does have to do with TQR aka Corporate Red not being in Infinity War and Avengers 4. As reported for a long time CR was suppose to be savior against Thanos and was going to restore the original timeline which was going to bring back adult Spider-man, X-MEN and Fantastic Four merging it with the MCU. When Avengers 4 wrapped up once FOX learned the news they immediately pushed up Deadpool 2 close to Infinity War. The fans and FOX were upset and now the fans could use Deadpool 2 to express their anger. Disney has had a racist reputation for years and this was a low blow on their part to replace TQR with Brie Larson, who is portraying Captain Marvel. The MCU have been sub-messaging Corporate Red since Age of Ultron, and one easter egg (317 in Spider-man Homecoming) was confirmed by James Gunn back in October on his twitter page. The fact the fans knew this hero was coming and then he gets replaced by Brie Larson, Captain Marvel is just disgusting and shows Disney has not removed their racism track.

The fact Disney/Marvel pushed up Infinity War to April 27th they already know the fans are getting ready to express their anger. It’s just a matter of time. They remember what happen to Lionsgate Films Power Rangers that stole TQR’s ideas from his online global hit story The Forgotten Ranger. The movie as a result went from #2 to knocked out of the box office and quickly pulled from theaters. If you look at the calendar for Infinity War its in a familiar position. It doesn’t look good. It’s stuck in the middle between The Forgotten Ranger II short story release and Deadpool 2. To see the scene that Disney/Marvel stole which they put in the upcoming Avengers Infinity War check out the links below (Loki handing Tesseract to Thanos)

Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit

Updated Avengers Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit/Crossover

Infinity Wars/The Forgotten Ranger Crossover Part I (Updated)

The Forgotten Ranger Civil War Weekend Re-Release

Characters in The Forgotten Ranger Avengers Infinity Wars Crossover Script. More than 68 characters… 92 in Total

Infinity Wars The Forgotten Ranger Parts I and II (Finally Part II)

The Forgotten Ranger Final Re-Release, Infinity War, 2017 Live Action Release

The Forgotten Ranger sequel to reveal Soul Stone in Wakanda

The Forgotten Ranger II: A Secret War will have many unexpected plot twists and surprises. While many are buzzing if the fans worldwide will boycott Disney & Marvel now or wait till Infinity War, fans are highly pumped up for The Forgotten Ranger II: A Secret War. Fans are now being given an early surprise. There will be a scene featuring Corporate Red discovering the Infinity Soul Stone in Wakanda. What is he doing there we won’t spoil. Reports are stating the sequel will either be released tomorrow or in May.

The Return of The Forgotten Ranger – Sony/FOX & Disney/MCU timelines merged into one


TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly version)

Didn’t think you come back Corporate Red. Thanos has merged everything. Disney, Sony, FOX, and Universal. Don’t get me started on the Disney/20th Century FOX deal. You would’ve thought Deadpool and Cable were breaking the 4th wall. But that Infinity Gauntlet is colliding tons of universes. The Avengers and Guardians are gone. You’re the last hero left. So you’re back to being The Forgotten Ranger.. Welcome back kid.. Now stop Thanos and then finish the Skrull Empire. But first let’s read this new merged timeline and see what’s been going down. I hear Deadpool has been breaking the 4th wall in this new release.

A table of contents is included in this download with the newly updated novel. Enjoy.. 900 plus pages.. New scenes, new extra endings and a mind blowing new extra ending involving the Skrull Empire and an old enemy.

Update: I forgot to upload the child friendly version I created from this past summer. It’s in second link above.

The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20 (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.

Jessica Jones to crossover in re-release of The Forgotten Avenger this October. New villain to debut in secret ending.

Big breaking news, you can now add Jessica Jones to the blockbuster line up for the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger. A line up heavily focusing on the Skrulls. The re-release which will also include Agent Carter, Dr. Pym’s final days as Ant-man and the original Ultron’s peaceful fighting days. Which time period Jessica Jones will appear in is not being spoiled. It’s safe to say it won’t be pre-Corporate Red timeline. Also reports that a well known worldwide villain will debut in the re-release during one of the secret endings. Who could he or she be?

Agent Carter will appear in The Forgotten Avenger this October during Dr. Hank Pym and Ultron 90’s storyline

Announced on facebook late last night Terrell Quentin Rogers announced that Agent Carter will be appearing in the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger, this October. Agent Carter who first appeared in Captain America: First Avenger, and had a short lived series on ABC and deceased on Captain America: Civil War will appear in Corporate Red, The Forgotten Avenger. While her role isn’t being revealed TQR did reveal a sub-message citing the word Alzheimer, and how the life the fans didn’t see on-screen. We’re guessing this the chapter TQR is heading with Agent Carter in the 90’s arc. The 90’s arc which will also introduce the Skrulls, and go into Dr. Pym’s final days as Ant-man and the introduction of Ultron. Previous drafts of The Forgotten Avenger only showed Ultron battling Corporate Red. Now readers will get to see Ultron born and in action.

More Corporate Red sub-messages and references in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Netflix Iron Fist, Luke Cage, The Defenders and even ABC’s Scandal?

The big question everyone is buzzing about. Is Corporate Red coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Sub-messages, references, coincidence or a big unexpected surprise coming? Here’s the updated sub-messages and references all in chronological order from the MCU movies, to the Netflix and even ABC’s/Shonda Rhimes Scandal?

Rumors started back in 2014, along with sub-messages and references of copyrighted Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum created by Terrell Quentin Rogers since Marvel’s Age of Ultron. The following two rumors were both back in 2014.

Rumor #1: Corporate Red will team up with Spider-man and Wolverine in 2017 leading into Infinity Wars.

Ironic all three will be released with major solo projects in 2017. Just recently with FOX’s Logan. Spider-man made his Marvel/Disney debut in Paramount’s Captain America Civil back in 2017 and will make his Marvel/Disney solo debut this July. Corporate Red will make a mini debut on Oct 2017 and a big release expected on May 3rd, 2019.

Rumor #2: Corporate Red will lead Luke Cage, Punisher, Daredevil, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Deadpool and Magneto against Thanos in Infinity Wars Part II.

At the time of this rumor Disney/Marvel did not own the rights to Cage, Punisher or Daredevil. Deadpool wasn’t in production. Kitty, Colossus and Magneto still currently owned by FOX. There was only one Magneto (Ian McKellen). The Russo’s ever since Terrell Quentin Rogers released his version of Infinity Wars to the public have shown heavy interest in Deadpool and Wolverine. Since that rumor Infinity Wars Part II was later cancelled and replaced with an untitled Avengers film that many expect will debut a new hero, the term different. As for the rest, Daredevil ended up on Netflix, Punisher debut on Daredevil season two, and is expected a solo release later this year. Luke Cage debut on Jessica Jones (Netflix) back on Nov 20th, 2015, and later a series solo debut on Netflix back on Sept 30th, 2016. Deadpool debut on the silver screen back on February 12th, 2016. The film also featured Colossus. Last time we saw Magneto and Kitty Pryde was Days of Future Past. Since then there’s been two versions of Magneto young and old. Young Magneto portrayed by Michael Fassebender and old Eric portrayed by the legend himself Ian McKellen.

The sub-messages in television shows and television ads.

Jeremy Renner on Jimmy Fallon Show

Hawkeye makes Corporate Red references from 2:09 – 2:17

In 2:24 – 2:45 of the same video Hawkeye is holding a red quantum bowling ball and two people seen sitting and waving at camera. But notice what the two people are wearing. One is wearing a red shirt and the other is wearing a white shirt. These colors along with the color of the bowling ball represent Corporate Red (red and white) and Next Gen Quantum (Quantum) say what?

The Jimmy Kemmel Show

Two of the people Jimmy selects to ask the Avengers cast questions are both wearing red shirts.

The Avengers Audi TV add. The car is Red

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Age of Ultron

During Tony Stark’s vision of the Avengers death there are dead bodies of both the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. You can see a dead S.H.I.E.L.D. member (male) laying next to Captain America and a dead S.H.I.E.L.D. member (female) laying next to Hawkeye. This would mean both the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Guardians will more likely lose to Thanos in Infinity War. Now that all the heroes have been thrown into the 2018 movie the big question is who will face Thanos in 2019? Perhaps a crossover? After all the 2019 film is being called “a different Avenger film” with a new hero expected to debut.

Tony Stark discovers Ultron and his clones.

Tony Stark discovers a secret room within the castle of Hydra in Sokovia. This secret room has the monster face Chitauri carrier and also a body of Ultron. There are also clones of Ultron in the room. The big question how did Hydra get their hands on Ultron in the first place? We’ll discuss that during the talk between Tony Stark and Banner and a conversation between Ultron and Jarvis.

Mysterious Voice: Why didn’t you do more?

During Tony Stark’s vision a mysterious voice asks Stark why didn’t you do more? It’s never stated who this unknown individual is, but some believe its Corporate Red. In the secret ending of The Forgotten Ranger Tony Stark tells Corporate Red about the vision he saw at the hands of Scarlett Witch. Stark also told Nick Fury about the same vision during Age of Ultron.

Jarvis: There are elements I can’t Quantumfy

During the conversation between Tony Stark and Jarvis, Jarvis while analyzing Loki’s scepter states there are elements I can’t Quantumfy. This term Quantumfy, which may be referencing either the Quantum Realm (Ant-man) or Next Gen Quantum (The Forgotten Ranger) or a combination of both. Terrell/Corporate Red under S.H.I.E.L.D. became Agent Quantum/Next Gen Quantum where he fought Hydra and hunted down Bruce Banner under orders from The Council and S.H.I.E.L.D. Terrell/Next Gen Quantum also defeated the Hulk twice. Also keep in mind Age of Ultron was released before Ant-man.

Bruce: I thought Ultron was a fantasy
Tony Stark: Yesterday it was

In The Forgotten Ranger prologue scenes readers learn that Corporate Red fought an earlier version of Ultron created by Dr. Hank Pym. Known as “The Day of Ultron” Corporate Red is briefed by Gideon Malick, Alexander Pierce, and The Council who introduce the hero to Dr. Pym. CR fights Ultron and nearly gets killed in the process. Before the battle Dr. Pym gives CR a chip that carries a virus. The chip would be used to remove Ultron conscience from the artificial body. Corporate Red is successful, but the chip is taking by Alexander Pierce who secretly later hands it over to Baron Von Strucker. In the updated version of The Forgotten Range/Avenger Pierce also gives him the body of Ultron as well during the meeting. This may explain how Hydra got their hands on Ultron and hostile AI’s program and physical body.

Tony Stark: What if, next time aliens roll up to the club, and they will
(Infinity War reference)

Tony seems to know everything now since the vision shown to him by Scarlett Witch.

Bruce Banner: Sounds like a cold world Tony.
Tony Stark: I’ve seen colder.

The sub-words cold world and colder were referring to the secret cold war of The “World’s” Security Council against Queen Edea. The Corporate Rangers were in a secret Cold War against Queen Edea. While the public was aware of the team’s heroics against hybrid monsters, what the public wasn’t aware othat the hybrids were being sent to the US by Queen Edea. During a war against the Corporate Initiative, a hybrid monster froze the Prehistoric Metallic Beasts and later took control of the them. A very young Tony Stark is called upon by The World’s Security Council to create a high frequency electromagnetic pulse weapon (incase the Pentagon’s EMP weapon failed which it did), to help seventeen year old at the time Terrell/Corporate Red and his team against their own defense system. Stark ‘s EMP worked and the CR and his team later regained control of their prehistoric metallic beasts and destroyed Edea’s hybrid. The storyline was an inspiration from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season two’s three part episode The Mutiny. The EMP in Captain America Civil War appears to have been a reference to The Forgotten Ranger flashback scene. The Forgotten Ranger script keep in mind written back in 2014 and released in 2015, long before Civil War. This scene in the updated version because of the events of Doctor Strange is altered in which now its hackers hired by Edea taking over the defense system of Corporate Red and his faction instead of the hybrids.

Where’s my, where’s your body? (The Big Reference)
– James Spader/Ultron

The biggest question even to this very day nobody has yet ask (not even the die hard fans have asked) why was Ultron asking for his body? Ultron goes from asking about the whereabouts of his own body to quickly asking where is Jarvis’s body? Why would Ultron want to know where is his own body, and then asking Jarvis where is his body? This goes back to the The Forgotten Ranger prologue, and as stated CR removed Ultron from his original body. Ultron’s physical body and AI mind is handed over to Baron von Strucker and Hydra in The Forgotten Ranger.

Brooklyn is the home of both Steve Rogers/Captain America and Terrell Rogers/Corporate Red (ironic both have the same last names)
– Brooklyn in real life is expensive, and Corporate Red knows this since he too was born, raised and still lives in Brooklyn. After all Brooklyn receive its spotlight of the Chitauri InVasion in “The Forgotten Ranger” and mentioning in Age of Ultron (Brooklyn/The Forgotten Ranger cameo reference). As Captain America stated I don’t think I can afford a place in Brooklyn.

Agent Maria Hill’s Red dress/Tertesterone comment
– One of the biggest notices in Avengers: Age of Ultron was Agent Maria Hill wearing a red dress. In “The Forgotten Ranger” Agent Maria Hill is a close ally of Terrell/Corporate Red. She’s like a best friend. Did any of you catch what Agent Maria Hill said before she coughed during the party scene conversation with Tony, James and Thor? Testosterone right? Wrong.. Listen
Agent Maria Hill: “Ter”testerone
James Rhodes: Are you okay?
Tony Stark and Thor smile at the reference (audience missed it the first time)

Ultron early data/memory transfer scenes/ red boxes?
– If you look closely during Ultron’s date transfers in parts of the movie there were red boxes. These red boxes were data memory banks of Ultron’s encounter with Corporate Red.

The “Forgotten” reference
Tony Stark: Anyone “remember” I carried a nuke into a “wormhole”?
James Rhodes: No, never came up, never heard of that.
Watch Agent Maria Hill’s facial expression.
– Terms don’t remember and wormhole both The Forgotten Ranger references. Terrell in one of his conversations with Agent Maria Hill during “The Forgotten Ranger” said the word wormhole. Agent Hill said that’s an old term. The word wormhole which is barely used in today’s world, since most in today’s society use the term portal or gateway.

Tony Stark: A hostile alien army charging through a hole in space. We’re standing three hundred feet below it. We’re the Avengers. We can bust arm dealers for a living long day. But that up there, that’s the end game. How do you guys plan on beating that?
Captain America: Together
Tony Stark: We’ll lose
Captain America: Then we’ll do that together too
– Infinity Wars II Part movie is now being a solo movie. This means more likely the heroes will lose in 2018 with the reason the 2019 movie being “a different Avenger”. Remember Tony said they’re going to lose.. Don’t want to take my word? Re-watch Age of Ultron.

Tony Stark: I don’t trust a guy without a dark side
Captain America: That’s because you haven’t see it yet.
– We know….

Tony Stark: I saw it Nick. I didn’t tell the team. How could I? I saw them all dead, I felt it. The whole world too. Because of me. I wasn’t ready. I had to do all I could. I wasn’t tricked, I was shown.
– Alot of people have stated what Stark saw wasn’t the future. But yet Stark stated he wasn’t tricked, he was shown. Apparently it appears Thanos will defeat all of earth’s superheroes in 2018. This leaves the big question. Who is going to fight Thanos in 2019? During the lead up to Avengers: Age of Ultron, it was stated there would be a hashtag ending. It was never stated what the hashtag ending was. But it was announced by Terrell, who stated the hashtag ending is Corporate Red. Terrell used his hashtag Corporate Red before the release of Ultron back in April to his promotional advantage. Movie goers after seeing Age of Ultron went to go read The Forgotten Ranger and to see a post ending/hastag ending involving Tony Stark meeting Terrell/Corporate Red in his apartment. The scene since then has been edited over time. This is the same scene where Corporate Red tells Tony Stark about Spider-man, which leads Stark to finding the web-slinger in Civil War. Stark tells CR, there are heroes not even on the Avengers yet in the vision, and that everyone is dead except CR. Kevin Feige once stated Spider-man was always in the MCU. Could the same actually be for The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger Corporate Red?
Bucky Barnes murdering Stark’s parents discovered by Corporate Red before Zemo Reveal/ Spider-man discovery
– In the first drafts of The Forgotten Ranger Corporate Red in a extra ending tell Tony Stark that it was Bucky Barnes who killed Stark’s parents and that they will need a distraction while he hunts down Bucky Barnes. CR then tells Stark about Spider-man. In Captain America Civil War Zemo shows the footage to Stark who learns the truth. But Stark never tells Spider-man or the audience for that matter who refer him to Spider-man. Hmm..
Just recently concept art for Infinity War shows Tony Stark rebuilding his suits, but in the forms of drones/armies to prepare for an upcoming threat (Thanos). Does Stark already know Thanos is on his way? Is this what he meant in Age of Ultron when he told Fury because of me I wasn’t ready, I had to do all I could?

Another sign that Corporate Red could be the guy in 2019 is because of something Marvel did in pertain to one of their videos.

When Marvel release the deleted video of Thor’s water scene on youtube there were sub-messages of Corporate Red in the video. There was also a comment in the replies section. Apparently when that certain comment was posted Marvel took down the video for some days before putting it back up. Coincidence?

Ant-man – Writers Chick references Corporate Red?

A writers chick speaks with Sam Wilson/Falcon concerning a certain superhero or heroes. When Sam Wilson/Falcon is talking to the writers chick it appears he’s searching for two people (not just one).

Sam Wilson/Falcon: I’m looking for this dude who’s new on the scene who’s like flashing his fresh track (short story) who’s got like the “Power” moves right? (The Forgotten Ranger/fresh track/ Power Moves/Jumping/Corporate Red). Who you got?

Writers Chick: Well we got everything nowadays. We got a guy who “jumps”. We got a guy who swings. We got a guy who crawls up the walls. You’ve got to be more specific.

Sam Wilson: I’m looking for a guy who shrinks.

Now according to reports Kevin Feige stated this is not Spider-man, and that the references were put in before the Spider-man deal. Both Spider-man and Ant-man were not in the original Civil War script, and were later added after the Sony Spider-man deal. So who are the individuals? Well Daredevil in the comics had a weapon that lets him swing. Crawling man some felt would be Black Panther. What superhero would be famous for jumping? Well don’t the Power Rangers jump? But they’re not in the MCU. But wait a minute. Sam Wilson/Falcon mention a guy with a “fresh track” who also has the “Power” moves. Well the term “fresh track” could be the equivalent to short story (The Forgotten Ranger). “Power” moves, fresh track (short story), the same guy who “jumps” (into action)? Sounds like a Corporate Red. Some believe Cap told Sam about Corporate Red before his hunt for Ant-man. But because of CR’s possible ties with Tony Stark it wouldn’t had worked out.

Captain America Civil War (wait for it)
Captain America: Do you see that “ranger” over there?
Scarlett Witch: The “red” one it’s cute.

Special mentioning: Guardians of the Galaxy V1 Thanos Lair
This is probably just a coincidence but why is Thanos staring at a red universe during the scene involving Thanos, The Other, Nebula and Ronin?

Recent References?

Robert Downey Jr posted a photo of a fish bowl with a goldfish and a Iron Man toy. Now some felt that Downey jr was hinting at Namor. But wait a minute, the creator of Corporate Red and the character itself both born during the month of March, which in the astrology community is called Pisces, who’s symbol is a fish. Hmmm… In the Forgotten Ranger both Tony Stark and Corporate Red formed a secret alliance in one of the extra endings and Corporate Red introduces Mr. Stark to Spider-Man.

The Russo Brothers Announce a new character in Infinity Wars?

This announcement is still having people wondering is this Corporate Red’s entry into Infinity War. The character titled red ninja appears to have a knife weapon and a plasma gun. Well there’s one problem. Nobu from Marvel’s Marvel’s Daredevil does wear a red ninja costume, but he doesn’t have a plasma gun. There’s also no red costume hero with a plasma gun in the MCU. However a certain character outside of the MCU in a special crossover (The Forgotten Ranger) does have a plasma gun. Is Corporate Red the new hero?

Thor Ragnarok Logo

The colors of Ragnarok are blue turning red and white. Is this Thanos blue turning into CR’s red and white? One individual within Marvel said the colors represent the 80’s. This is ironic with the creator (TQR) and the character CR both born in the 80’s. Is Thanos the beginning and Corporate Red the end? Or perhaps these two will decide the fate of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Neither have been heard from since 2015 (Age of Ultron/The Forgotten Ranger). Another theory is that Corporate Red is ant-hero who will either side with Thanos or betray the MCU? Fans who read the original releases of The Forgotten Ranger may remember Corporate Red did have a anti-hero persona angry with society for betraying him. What if that same anger turns him into a new villain?

Doctor Strange: The Infinity Time Stone
When The Forgotten Ranger was first uploaded to social media there was a secret ending involving the Infinity Time Stone. During this secret ending Corporate Red is in Times Square at a indoor party. During the scene he stumbles upon a secret auction meeting who’s attendees include S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra. The item on auction is none other than the Infinity Time Stone. Corporate Red takes out both factions and the host, takes the Infinity Time Stone and tells readers to shh. The scene was later removed by TQR, but appeared in a re-release of the The Forgotten Ranger: Strange Effect, and is currently still in the extra ending of The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger. What’s so interesting and mind blowing about this is the scene first appeared in the first release of The Forgotten Ranger back on the weekend of Age of Ultron back in 2015. Doctor Strange was released on Nov 4th, 2016. Even more interesting the Infinity Time Stone is Terrell’s birthday color, green. In the new re-releases The Forgotten Ranger Corporate Red hands the Infinity Time Stone over to Wong.
Joe Russo’s Interview with Cinema Blend
When it was announced that Infinity War will become a solo movie, and that the sequel will be a different Avengers movie many have wondered what was meant by the term different. Here’s what Joe Russo told Cinema Blend back in August of last year.
“We wanted the movie to be very different and distinctive, you know? “There’s certainly cross-pollination between characters and some story-arcs, but you know, the first movie is very clearly Avengers: Infinity War and, in time, we will reveal what the second film is… You’ll learn [it], but not for quite some time.”
Joe Russo interview with Cinema Blend
Did this learn mean we’ll read about the new hero? Perhaps you the fans have already have? What’s interesting Joe Russo states we won’t know about the second film for quite some time. So far it has not been revealed who the new “different” hero in 2019 is. In a recent update Marvel fans have learned that 2018 is Thanos movie? Could 2019 be CR movie? Ragnarok colors anyone?
Marvels/Netflix Luke Cage: A woman talks about spandex heroes?
– In the episode titled You Know My Steez it appears a woman is referencing a group of crime fighting spandex heroes, possibly Corporate Red and his faction.

Woman: All these people were talking bad about Luke Cage. But they didn’t stop for one minute to think look at the good he had done. Cleaning up christmas attics by himself. Looking out for people. Most of these guys wear spandex. Who would’ve thought a black guy in a hoody would be a hero.

Now who are these spandex fighters she was referring to that look out for people? Well Daredevil suit isn’t considered spandex. Spider-man suit isn’t spandex either (one created by Stark and the other homemade by Parker). So who are these spandex fighters the woman is referring to? Corporate Red and his faction, grown adults in spandex fighting suits? Is this Corporate Red and his factions first reference in the Netflix Marvel universe?

Agsard’s Destruction in Thor Ragnarok confirmed in The Forgotten Ranger before Ragnarok trailer
– The Forgotten Ranger confirmed Asgard’s Destruction a year before the release of the Thor Ragnarok trailer. Marvel has already spoiled for the fans of its destruction through the recent Thor Ragnarok trailer. Is the spoiler a Corporate Red reference? Ironic since Corporate Red was told of Asgard’s destruction by a scientist during a post ending in The Forgotten Ranger.
Marvels Defenders Teaser Poster
– The words Defenders are in red and white.

Marvel Defenders – Alexandra is really Edea?

Not much has been revealed about Alexandra portrayed by Sigourney Weaver in playing in Marvel’s Defenders. But the news that shocked everyone is that the Defenders lead villain is not a Marvel character. Some believe this was done to shut up the Corporate Red haters who were going around saying Marvel would never use a non-Marvel character for their big projects. Well they already have now with the Defenders. There’s multiple rumors who Alexandra may be, but one rumor has many wondering could Alexandra really be Edea, Corporate Red’s nemesis? During the trailer we see the Defenders being taking down what appears to be a telepathic wave attack or some type of wave attack. Later we see Weaver revealed. Is Weaver none other than CR’s nemesis the telekinetic Edea? The trailer won’t show where the wave is originating from. In the trailer when Weaver appears we hear Nirvana singing there’s a “new” enemy. This new enemy is a non-Marvel character. A foreshadow of a new and non-Marvel hero possibly crossing over? Alexandra says the more connections you have the easier it will be to break you. Who are these other connections Alexandra is referring to? Avengers? Maybe even Corporate Red perhaps? Later we see Alexandra standing powerfully with her hands behind her back as corporate men rise up with her pulling out weapons in a office briefing room. What’s also interesting is the project’s release. The Defenders were originally scheduled for a September release, and is now coming out in August. This is interesting two months before the release of independent project Corporate Red coming later this October. Then the month after that Thor Ragnarok. As mentioned previously something familiar about the two colors in the words Ragnarok.

Marvel’s Iron Fist

Episode Titled Rolling Thunder Canon Punch

– Not just the title, but the references in the episode. Power Rangers have the lightning bolt symbol. But when you’re thinking of thunder canon punch or a power punch in the MCU most are thinking about a non-MCU character by the name of Corporate Red. This same episode also featured references. During a Danny Rand conversation with Jeri Hogarth two skateboarders are shown. Both are African-America and one of them is sporting the colors of Corporate Red, wearing a red hat, white shirt, black pants and a red and white sneakers.

In the episode titled Bar the Big Boss Bakuto says: Where living in a new age where governments aren’t true controllers of man’s destiny’s. It’s “corporations” like Rand Enterprises that govern the world.

This is interesting where Bakuta is saying “corporations” are running the world and not governments. The initiative CR was under was funded by Wall St. and under The World’s Security Council. In the original CR universe from TQR’s teen years there was no Marvel crossover and CR was started under an organization under The Corporation. This organization is mentioned during the Strange Effect of The Forgotten Ranger and after.

ABC’s/Shonda Rhimes Scandal Reference?

Awhile back CR creator TQR tagged/hash tagged Shonda Rhimes in some of his earlier The Forgotten Ranger scripts which included Rowan Pope. Since then some believe Shonda has been referencing the hero in her shows. One episode titled Heavy is the Head where a princess tells Olivia the world will never know she is not human. She is later murder that evening. In the episode titled The Box many believe the completed dinosaur Rowan Pope complete’s is a Corporate Red reference at CR’s metallic beast. Rowan Pope in The Forgotten Ranger recruited Terrell into becoming Corporate Red.

So the big question…. Is a Corporate Red/Avengers crossover coming after all?

The Forgotten Avenger (short story), Avengers feature anniversary and Guardians of the Galaxy weekend. Corporate Red is back and with a Vengeance.

The Forgotten Avenger.. Enjoy.. (new scenes) Child friendly version will be release tomorrow. Also today is the anniversary of the 2012’s Avengers feature film.

TheForgottenAvenger2 <— download