Secret Avenger could debut in Secret Wars & Loki Series Tie In & More

Secret Avenger to debut in Avengers 5?

Several insiders believe that Secret Avenger, Corporate Red may make his debut in the upcoming Avengers 5th film. Many of the insiders expect it to be the collision of The Marvel Cinematic Universe vs The Multi-Verse, in which the Multi-Verse being led by The Forgotten Ranger timeline. So far all of TQR’s predictions involving the MCU have come true. He was also the guy who said that Thanos would be defeated through the multiverse long before End Game was released. TQR also stated that the MCU is a alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist and this was confirmed at the end of End Game with Captain America staying back in the past. A report goes as followed:

The entire multi-verse is in danger because of the actions of both the Avengers and Captain America. Several timelines altered, and one timeline (the MCU) that’s not even suppose to exist threatens all realities. Captain America did what he said he was going to do. He snapped the branches resulting in timelines being wiped out from existence, or some being altered. News reaches dimensional watcher Khang and several dimensional and time travelers, and its a race against time. A secret hero (Secret Avenger, Corporate Red) in the MCU who forewarned Tony Stark about the MCU’s fate must now take action. Who’s side will you be on? Team MCU or Team Multiverse? 

There had been tons of rumors during Infinity War production that Secret Avenger is being saved for Avengers 5. Some say it was due to TQR’s health (concussion), while others say it was bad politics (many saying Disney’s racism).

The Forgotten Ranger trilogy to debut/crossover Top Gun, Ace Combats and Transformers

TQR’s version of Secret Wars will be re-released sometime before the end of this year or 2020. The Forgotten Ranger trilogy will be re-released in 2020. The re-release will also see the debut of iconic movie crossover of Tom Cruise’s Top Gun, along with Namco/Bandai’s Ace Comabts. The Top Gun/Ace Combat storyline will take place during the prequel saga of The Forgotten Ranger, taking place within the 1980’s – 2000’s. The storyline is expected to have some collisions with the Secret War storyline involving The World’s Security Council & S.H.I.E.L.D. vs The Skrull Empire.

The Transformers franchise is expected to also have a bigger role. The Transformers series originally made cameo roles in the online global hit. In the upcoming re-release they are expected to have major roles with the Autobots having an alliance with The World’s Security Council.

Loki Series leading into Secret Avenger 

There have been tons of theories long before Infinity War and End Game that The Forgotten Ranger is a alternate timeline and that it would explain Secret Avenger’s absence from the MCU events leading to Infinity War and End Game. If this turns out to be true, Secret Avenger and Khang will both lead the multi-verse in the Secret War against the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If the reports are true Avengers 6 would debut Galactus and the Skrull Empire’s Secret InVasion.

Disney D23 confirms Corporate Red prediction She-Hulk

Spiderman removed from MCU due to Tom Holland and Disney’s Racism

For those of you that aren’t aware check out the link above on top two main reasons that led to Spider-man’s remove from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Another TQR/Corporate Red prediction confirmed – She-Hulk

During one of the extra endings of the online global hit novel The Forgotten Ranger, Corporate Red meets with several characters, including She-Hulk. The team is gathering as they are getting read to battle Thanos. She-Hulk makes her presence felt taking down Deadpool. This was years before yesterday’s Disney’s D23 announcement of She-Hulk.

Once again a character confirmed by TQR/Corporate Red confirmed years before the official announcement. Disney and Marvel Studios are not in a good light right now.

TQR’s global hit Secret Wars coming this Saturday

TQR’s recent global hit, his version of Secret Wars will be re-released this Saturday August 31st. The re-release will feature some new scenes, new characters, and new extra endings. The elite character roster will feature the MCU’s Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Professor Hulk, Ronin, and rest of the MCU roster taking on the Multi-verse roster featuring an elite cast of Corporate Red, Khang, Cable, Bishop, Deadpool, X-MEN, Fantastic Four and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts with Tuxedo Mask. There will be new characters introduced, which fans will have to wait and see on the Aug 31st re-release.  The story as followed, after the events of End Game, Captain America’s actions of staying in the past has threatened the existence of several realities within the multi-verse. Khang takes immediate action while word spreads to other time and dimensional travelers. A Secret War is being prepared to Secretly InVade the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its the battle for survival as the entire Multi-verse takes on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Time is running as the Multi-Verse must fight to remain in existence taking on the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Forgotten Ranger II: Infinity War (IW Spoilers)


Finally the release of the sequel to the online global hit The Forgotten Ranger, here is The Forgotten Ranger II: Part I Return of Corporate Red/Infinity War with some spoilers from the upcoming Avengers Infinity War. Well now.. A hero’s revenge.. Enjoy..


The Forgotten Ranger / Marvel Cinematic Universe Unsolved Mysteries

Since May 2015 The Forgotten Ranger turned The Forgotten Avenger now turned back into The Forgotten Ranger has been an online dominant hit for readers across the globe. While many wonder what the future will hold for Corporate Red and a possible or in this case imminent MCU crossover there’s still some unanswered questions and we’re here to break them down:

Who really created The Corporate Initiative?

In the original drafts of The Forgotten Ranger readers learn that Corporate Red was created by the World’s Security Council, but that Next Gen Quantum was created by S.H.I.E.L.D.. In later drafts which would feature the prequel saga’s we learn the devices which required secret legislative’s to be approves by the senate and through the president and black budge funds and then through scientists at a mysterious base in Nevada. This project overseer by a man by the name who readers would learn by the name of Professor Jonathan, a professor of Harvard and City College who is later recruited by the Council and is brief about Queen Edea. In the new updated drafts we learn that Back to the Future’s Dr. Emmet Brown has aligned with him. This now leads to bigger mystery.

Where were the Corporate Rangers in The Forgotten Ranger/ Chitauri InVasion?

This is the biggest debated question of The Forgotten Ranger. Where the heck were Corporate Red’s teammates during the Chitauri InVasion? Why didn’t Corporate Red reach out to them? For reasons which seem out of place Corporate Red refuses to reach out to his teammates during a global crisis. To make things even more mysterious neither the Council or S.H.I.E.L.D. reaches out to them. When the Chitauri InVasion begins we never hear from any of Corporate Rangers. So where were they? There’s multiple theories. Either they were hiding, or they were fighting, but its never covered in the story? Or they just weren’t in NY. One Corporate Ranger that was probably not in NY was Corporate Green. Alexis more likely was either in Washington D.C. or overseas. We’ll never know unless its explained in the The Forgotten Ranger sequel. Its like the mystery of where was Corporate Red during the Harlem Incident. That we learned in The Forgotten Ranger.

Agent Quantum: I was overseas fighting Hydra.

Does The Forgotten Ranger reveal the Kree’s Revenge in Agents of SHIELD 100?

In the current season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the Kree have enslaved the humans. But why? While the season just started a few weeks ago, the answer may have been in The Forgotten Ranger. In the prequel saga during the Kecksburgh crash members of the US military, NASA and S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately went to the site and sealed off the area from not only citizens, but law enforcement and fire fighters as well. Members of the Council were the first on the scene and order law enforcement and fire fighters to stay away from the Kree which was identified as a UFO. The Kree was later cornered and killed. In The Forgotten Ranger the crash of one Skrull alone later to a large fleet of Skrulls heading to Earth. Could a similar situation have lead to the Kree’s revenge in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Who glitch the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

This question remains a mystery? Was it Corporate Red when he found the Time Stone back in 2015 in the secret ending of The Forgotten Ranger? Was it Doctor Strange the year after? Was it the Skrull Empire? Or did the Agents of SHIELD recent time travel cause the major glitch? One thing is certain the discovery was made during Spider-man Homecoming. Uh 8 years later anyone? Along with the fact that the Avengers had already moved out of Avengers Tower into Avengers Facility during Captain America Civil War.

Where was Corporate Red during Age of Ultron?

Its revealed during the Age of Ultron secret ending Corporate Red was retirement.

Where was Corporate Red during Captain America Civil War?

Many fans were expecting Corporate Red to fly in during the final fight scene between Iron Man vs Captain America vs Bucky Barnes. CR flying in through the opening vents would’ve been a classic talk about moment for years. But it didn’t happen? Some argue its part of Stark’s and CR’s deal to keep their alliance they promised during the Secret Age of Ultron ending a secret. Either way it would’ve had the crowd flipping had CR flown in rescuing Stark against Cap and Bucky. The same guy who refer Stark to Spider-man and gave him the idea for Iron Spidey.

Why hasn’t Stark revealed Corporate Red yet?

Again this goes back to Age of Ultron secret ending. Both Stark and CR made a deal to keep their alliance a secret from the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Council, and whoever. Both are aware that something and that there be no win for the Avengers and that CR will be the key of MCU’s last hope if Thanos kills everyone off. It may also have to do with Spider-man. The Spider-man CR was referring to was an adult not a teenager. Both CR and possibly Doctor Strange are aware of the glitch.

Corporate Red sub-messages in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So far out of all the CR sub-messages only one has been acknowledge, the 317 in Peter Parker’s cellphone in Spider-man homecoming, which was confirmed back in October via Twitter by Guardians Director/ Infinity War Producer James Gunn. The Forgotten Ranger also predicted the destruction of Asgard before the production of Thor 3. Before the release of Spider-man Homecoming Corporate Red says its been seven years since he’s been retired. In Spider-man Homecoming in the movie the words 8 years laters? What? In Age of Ultron Ultron reveals he had past body. He asks Jarvis where’s my.. then stops himself and asks where’s your body? Readers learned that Ultron fought Corporate Red in his original body. A chip giving to Corporate Red by Dr. Hank Pym was used to remove Ultron from his body. Ultron originally a peacekeeping program that went rouge. After being defeated by Corporate Red the chip was handed secretly over to Baron von Strucker by Alexander Pierce.

Is Corporate Red the Secret Avenger?

From what the fans saw in the Infinity War trailer it doesn’t look good for everyone (everyone). Plus everyone, except Corporate Red has been confirmed for Infinity War, and the CR rumor said that everyone would be thrown into the war to lose to Thanos and the new guy would come. Then there’s filming for Avengers 4 which appears to be either flashbacks or time travel. Either way one thing is certain there’s a new hero coming to Avengers 4 and he’s ready to make his mark. Will be Corporate Red, Next Gen Quantum or an upgrade? Back in March during a new secret ending part of Logan, during the West Chester incident Next Gen Quantum finds a file from the dead Dr. Hank McCoy that reads Red Illuminati Initiative / Upgrade to Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum. Could this be the Secret Avenger to Corporate Red?  Another sign that points at Corporate Red being the Secret Avenger, few months ago there was going to be a major Corporate Red announcement. Few days before the announcement Stan Lee at a Marvel event said there is a Secret Avenger and then was quickly stopped by Marvel reps before leaking further details. Few days later the Corporate Red announcement was cancelled. Coincidence? Here’s another major piece of evidence it could be Corporate Red. This past summer there was going to be a major Corporate Red announcement. Then last minute Disney and the cast of the Avengers announce there will be an Avengers Infinity War trailer at D23. Coincidence? Hey, don’t get mad at the messenger, get mad at the Infinity War poster that shows Thanos completing the Gauntlet.

Avengers 4 rumored to be 1st person movie in eyes of Corporate Red?

Avengers 4 could be a 1st person movie according to several rumors. Several news outlets have stirred rumors of time travel for Avengers 4, while others believe its flashbacks being filmed for Avengers 4, which would mean that everyone failed against Thanos. Regardless either situation means everyone lost. This would lead to the big question who is the new guy? All eyes and fingers continue to point to Corporate Red and rumors stirring up to a possible 1st person view movie similar to Hardcore Henry. This would be something interesting and different for Disney/Marvel. One movie has even suggested expect the cancellation of several movies and maybe even a delay of the upcoming untitled Avengers aka Avengers 4. Apparently the Disney/FOX deal would be the takeover and the movie could be re-named The Forgotten Avenger or The Forgotten Ranger or a different title. The movie would then kickstart the new universe and upcoming new movies such as new Avenger & X-MEN titles and return of the Fantastic Four. Remember these are just rumors.. But remember alot of CR rumors have come to light before and after the Disney/FOX deal so this could be the big one we’ve been waiting for.. One thing is certain we may be witnessing history all along..

Corporate Red predicted both Spider-man & X-MEN in MCU before 2019

What’s crazy about the Corporate Red predictions both had Spider-man and the X-MEN in the MCU before 2019. Now with the Disney/Fox deal completed only time will tell when the X-MEN will get introduced and more likely it probably won’t take long. We probably won’t see all of of them, but certain key members. If you remember the CR rumors from 2014:

Rumor 1: CR will team up with Spider-man and Logan

Rumor 2: CR will team up with Luke Cage, Daredevil, Punisher, Kitty Pryde, Colosssus, Deadpool, and Magneto.

Back in June TQR stated he was bringing an army from FOX and then some days/weeks later James Gunn and the MCU announced the Skrulls in Captain Marvel and then few months later the recent Disney/FOX deal.

Did he know all along? Were you the fans warned all this time? Which leads to the big question, is he the chosen one? We know sub-messages are hidden of Corporate Red in the MCU movies, one confirmed by James Gunn in Spider-man Homecoming (317 in Pete’s cellphone). So here’s the question, when will Corporate Red make his debut? Will he debut as Corporate Red? Or under a different name? Is Corporate Red in the MCU or a parallel universe?

The Return of The Forgotten Ranger – Sony/FOX & Disney/MCU timelines merged into one


TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly version)

Didn’t think you come back Corporate Red. Thanos has merged everything. Disney, Sony, FOX, and Universal. Don’t get me started on the Disney/20th Century FOX deal. You would’ve thought Deadpool and Cable were breaking the 4th wall. But that Infinity Gauntlet is colliding tons of universes. The Avengers and Guardians are gone. You’re the last hero left. So you’re back to being The Forgotten Ranger.. Welcome back kid.. Now stop Thanos and then finish the Skrull Empire. But first let’s read this new merged timeline and see what’s been going down. I hear Deadpool has been breaking the 4th wall in this new release.

A table of contents is included in this download with the newly updated novel. Enjoy.. 900 plus pages.. New scenes, new extra endings and a mind blowing new extra ending involving the Skrull Empire and an old enemy.

Update: I forgot to upload the child friendly version I created from this past summer. It’s in second link above.

Infinity War/Star Wars references Corporate Red (The Force)

During the July (Spiderman Homecoming), Oct (Skrulls InVasion), and Nov releases, Corporate Red’s grandfather states that “the force” is strong with his grandson CR on several occasions.  It was officially confirmed that Avengers Infinity War will be coming out on the same day of a Star Wars film on May 8th, 2018. Are the two films together referencing Corporate Red? Remember time is also running out on the MCU as well. Through The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger, Doctor Strange, and recently Agents of SHIELD (although SHIELD didn’t mention Time Stone because of Time Travel) we know the MCU as a whole is in a time paradox/anomalies mess at the hands of CR, Strange, and possibly the Skrulls (revealed through The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger). All three who have used the Infinity Time Stone. Skrulls its revealed used it as a weapon against humanity. Strange on the apple and then bargains with Dormammu, which Mordo before and after warned there would be consequences and CR  well probably used it to fight crime but after Stark saw it in a secret ending he handed it over to Wong. According to the The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger it appears Thor was wrong and that the Mind Stone is not the most powerful Infinity Stone. The Force is Strong with the CR sub-messages and references and something big appears to be coming. It looks like the Infinity War trailer was indeed one big distraction from something bigger. It also appears talks may have heated up again between Disney and FOX (but we saw this coming as the dominoes are coming into place for 2019 for Infinity War is the end of the MCU). In our next article we’ll break down what the new MCU roster could look like in the new timeline and the release date for the The Forgotten Avenger/ Infinity War along with Infinity War what’s that? Infinity War spoilers? Come on do we look like Mark Ruffalo? Tom Holland? Elizabeth Olsen? Paul Bettany?  Even though now the rest of the MCU is doing it for fun.

Avengers Infinity War/X-MEN Dark Phoenix tie-in to upcoming The Forgotten Avenger release? New updates

As reported last night due to TQR’s health (concussion/migraines) the next release for The Forgotten Avenger has been pushed back to Nov 30th. However the release could be pushed back to even December now. The upcoming release will feature major role involving JFK’s secret war against both the World’s Security Council and the Skrull’s Empire. The upcoming release will also feature RFK’s battle in civil right’s for both African American’s and mutants. Mutants will be heavily tackled and their battles when it came to segregation.

Back in October it was reporter that the Skrulls was spotted on set of X-MEN Dark Phoenix. This was reported after the release of The Forgotten Avenger Skrulls InVasion. The Skrulls back in the summer were confirmed by Gunn and Marvel Studios that the Skrulls will be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will be first appearing in Captain Marvel. Ironically weeks before the announcement (back in June) TQR said he would be bringing an army (from FOX) to invade the MCU. That next month in July Gunn and Marvel announced the Skrulls.. (say what?) Tie-in?

Shonda Rhime’s character Rowan Pope from ABC’s Scandal will have a bigger storyline than previous releases in the upcoming new release.

Adult Spider-man who was first referenced in The Forgotten Ranger (before it became The Forgotten Avenger) made his appearance in The Forgotten Avenger along with Logan aka Wolverine. Long time readers remember adult Spider-man was first referenced during a briefing between Director Fury and the World’s Security Council, leading up to the events of the Chitauri InVasion. Expect more appearances from adult Spider-man adding more to the mystery is the MCU Spider-man real?

The Fantastic Four also made two appearance in the last release. One appearance during a secret ending involving the Skrulls. It’s revealed that. S.H.I.E.L.D. under Hydra betrayed the Fantastic Four which the lead the heroes into the hands of the Skrulls. While the last release didn’t show a scene explaining how the capture happened the upcoming release could shed more light on that.

She-Hulk was introduced in the The Forgotten Avenger Skrull InVasion in serious and comical fashion. A major addition to CR’s army. It appears Ms. Walters is also a rival to attorney Matt Murdock aka Daredevil. Things get comical when Deadpool as well is Deadpool and She-Hulk puts him in his place. No reports if we’ll get an origin story for Ms. Walters She-Hulk with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the prologue leading up to the Chitauri InVasion in The Forgotten Avenger.

There will be the introduction of side characters/side stories. Some of these characters could trigger major events or just end up being side characters as in nothing major.  But they will add depth and emotional impact to the story.

This past weekend a shocking and unexpected announcement that Dr. Emmitt Brown from Back to the Future will make an appearance in the upcoming release. While reports stated his role would be a cameo, insider reports are stating his role could be bigger and it could involve both the creation of Corporate Red and the circumstances surrounding the Infinity Time Stone. Speaking of the Infinity Time Stone expect it to make it a bigger comeback like in the previous releases thanks to the Skrulls who use the Eye of Agamotto take over humanity. Readers now learning that Corporate Red and Doctor Strange weren’t the only two that used the Infinity Time Stone. But could this have caused serious consequences to the MCU’s timeline? We’ve already seen in past releases Corporate Red briefing Doctor Strange about the MCU’s timeline and we know something big has happened and you the fans actually don’t know.

The Infinity Soul Stone will make a major appearance. How many is not being announced.

Skrull Avengers? So there was a secret ending revealing the Avengers, some of them as Skrulls. Tony Stark, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Spider-man. Interesting with TQR saying the Skrulls are on the Infinity War poster. Cap with the beard, and Widow with the blonde wig. Captain Marvel would make sense for her to pop out of nowhere, and in the last The Forgotten Avenger release Pierce and Fury stated her as pretty much dead, paving the way for the 21st century crimefighter, Corporate Red. Hawkeye is spotted in a dark trenchcoat and putting on shades (that new attire makes sense now). Now some Avengers are missing. Doctor Strange makes sense since in last releases Ant-man complains to CR and Wasp how Strange attacked him recently. CR asks Strange did you get my message? Strange replies he did. The two go into defense against Ant-man and Wasp. It turns out Ant-man and Wasp aren’t Skrulls. Black Panther is also missing in this ending. Scarlett Witch and Vision are both missing as well. Now Vision let’s be serious, he’s dead. More likely he was killed at the hands of either Thanos or the Black Order in Infinity War. We all know the Gauntlet gets completed confirmed by the Infinity War poster released by Disney/Marvel Studios. Questions is will we see this secret ending again or will it be like the CR/Time Stone ending and will it disappear and re-appear another time? Fans will have to wait and see till next release. Another Avenger Rhodey aka War Machine is also missing. So the fans have a mystery on their hands with this ending along with Infinity War itself. Who wins, who loses? Who’s the new guy? Or perhaps you the fans already been reading him all this time?


The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20 (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.