Racism in the MCU?

With the world now taking a more serious war against racism many have to wonder about recent accusations made against Disney. We’re going to take a look at two creative moves, or were they creative moves?

Damien Poitier, a black actor, portrayed Thanos in Avengers 1, back in 2012. He was later replaced by Josh Brolin over creative differences. While many brushed it aside, it was a second creative difference many could not brush off.

TQR, creator of the online global hit novel, The Forgotten Ranger, was sub-messaged and reference in many MCU films, along with the former Netflix shows. The plan was for these sub-messages and references to reveal a secret character in the MCU. This would be a character not of the MCU, to save the MCU from Thanos in Avengers End Game. This would’ve been historically big, a character outside Disney and Marvel to save the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Then something strange happen. TQR was later (without warning) replaced by Brie Larson. To make things worse Robert Downey jr ends up defeating Thanos, due to backlash from the fans learning that Larson replaced TQR and was going to be the hero to defeat Thanos in End Game. The move not only ignited anger in fans, but anger within FOX and Netflix. FOX was so upset at the move that Deadpool 2 was pushed closer to Infinity War. In a panic move Disney pushed Infinity War to an earlier date. This however did not stop Deadpool 2 from defeating Infinity War in the box office. A collapse many said wouldn’t happen.

Many said the collapse wouldn’t happen, others knew it would. Fans remember Lionsgate Films was discovered to had stole creative ideas from TQR’s The Forgotten Ranger and put them in the Power Rangers film, the movie failed in the box office, and was quickly removed from theaters.

There’s been rumors Robert Iger’s departure is due to the company being investigated as well of plagiarizing off TQR’s creative ideas. It was TQR from day one, who said the MCU is alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. Fans learned of this truth at the end of Avengers End Game and realize TQR was indeed telling the truth. This has led to many wondering why was he replaced in the first place?

False accusations created by cyber bullies, racists, and troll accounts were constantly spreading false accusations about TQR. Some believe this was why he was replaced. But there are some investigators who believe Disney was working with the false accusers as an excuse to replace TQR, with him being, black.

Disney didn’t want a black man (Secret Avenger) defeating Thanos. They sure didn’t want a black man portraying a threat (Thanos) to the MCU. Also keep in mind The Forgotten Ranger had a powerful female lead. A female lead who’s more powerful than TQR/Corporate Red. Now some will say Disney didn’t turn down TQR/CR because he’s black and a powerful female character. Disney didn’t turn down a powerful female character? Tell that to film director Shane Black and actress Rebecca Hall. Shane Black states Hall’s role was reduced due to Disney worrying about toy sales. Really? Black has gone on record that Marvel Studio’s President, Kevin Feige, had nothing to do with the decision. Could this be why Feige has been unease when questioned about why TQR was replaced by Larson? Many insiders have said the MCU wanted TQR over Larson, and that removing TQR, hurt the MCU big time. For one TQR’s role in the MCU was to restore the original MCU. This would’ve resulted in adult Spider-man (not teenage Spidey-boy), original X-MEN and Fantastic Four cast merging into the MCU. Many feel maybe its not too late to bring back TQR. Bring in TQR as Secret Avenger for Avengers 5 would be good timing. For the real villain is Chris Evan’s Captain America, who not only hurt the branches of the multi-verse, but also intentionally erased a timeline.

Having Secret Avenger and Khang headline Avengers 5 would be big. Perhaps maybe even have Damien Poitier star as Khang and TQR as Secret Avenger. Two secret characters on their own individual secret wars against the MCU. Baron Mordo portrayed by Chiwetel EjioforĀ  said it best, “the bill comes due always”. Tony Stark portrayed by Robert Downey jr said in Avengers End Game, “mess with time, times messes back”.

Is it time?

Avengers 5 Secret Wars Enter Khang and Secret Avenger

Captain America is seen passing on the shield to Falcon. Suddenly the scene zooms away as someone is monitoring the scene. The individual is also monitoring other realities. The individual is none other than, Khang. Suddenly some realities start fading.

Fade to Black

Khang: We must find out who is threatening all of realities.

Time rips are seen in different realities. Secret Avenger, Corporate Red is in his apartment and sees a time rip in his apartment glowing with alight blur aurora. The same is happening in another reality of Crystal Tokyo, where Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts see a rip in their reality.

Queen Usagi: There is a rip in time.

Corporate Red: Someone in a parallel universe did something to cause the rip.

Khang: These rips are causing fractures in the space time continuum. It was caused by someone’s actions. There is a reality that is endangering all of realities.

A brief fade in image of Old man Captain America is seen smiling while Khang was talking.

A Captain America is seen throwing his shield at Khang who has his arms behind his back. The shield just goes through Khang body.

Captain America: What?

Suddenly Khang appears out of nowhere infront of Captain America and fires a beam assassinating him. After Khang departs Secret Avenger, Corporate Red arrives and brings Captain America back to the life with the Time Stone.

Corporate Red: This time, I’ll make it right.

The next scene starts with Corporate Red talking and the events of Avengers End Game being shown, or in this case off-screen event. Hulk is seen using the Infinity Gauntlet to reverse the snap, but with consequences as people that were dusted are bought back to life. But those that were bought back that were dusted while in the skies are falling to the ground.

Corporate Red: The Avengers, are a threat to time. By reversing the snap you killed several more people. People that were dusted in the skies fell to their death. People that were bought back can’t go back to the homes they lost to those that survived the snap.

Khang: Someone in the Avengers has destroyed multiple realities, including mine.

Everyone turns around to see Cable, Bishop and Pyslocke

Cable: And ours.. The X-MEN are no more..

Corporate Red: Deadpool?

Deadpool: Don’t wet your pants tiger. I’m right here..

Khang and Corporate Red are seen on the battle field of Avengers End Game as Khang is running through the fighters with Corporate Red also doing the same. The two then have Captain America cornered.

Khang: Captain Rogers, you have disrespected time.

Captain America: Corporate Red..

Corporate Red: I’m sorry Steve ::pulls out plasma gun::

Iron Man and Thor join with Captain America. Doctor Strange is then seen joining with Khang and Corporate Red.

Doctor Strange: The one universe Tony, wasn’t you…

Corporate Red: Our Secret War now leads to the real End Game.

Fade to Black

The words Avengers, Sailor Moon, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, and The Forgotten Ranger merge to form the words A Secret War.

Adult Spider-man is seen putting on his mask, and Wolverine hand is seen pulling out the famed claws.

Coming Soon


Avengers End Game Spoilers

Fans will be treated to The Forgotten Ranger III later today. In the meantime here are the real Avengers End Game spoilers. Keep in mind we’re breaking down spoilers for both Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III (which would’ve been Avengers End Game). Spoilers and changes will be broken down.

Captain Marvel dies

In both Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III Captain Marvel will bite the dust early at the hands of Thanos. This biting of the dust also results in the destruction of the Infinity Stones. Thor then kills Thanos.. Honorary mention a Skrull also bites the dust at the beginning in a ship with Captain Marvel.

Quantum Time Heist

The plan was originally for the Skrull Invasion to take place early with the Skrulls impersonating Captain America, Black Widow,m Ant-man and Captain Marvel. A Skrull hijacks the Pym’s van with Ant-man still trapped. This Skrull would’ve been part of the Hydra Skrull Alliance that was first talked about in The Forgotten Ranger I. During the first Ant-man movie Mitchel Carson (S.H.I.E.L.D./Hydra agent) steals the Pym particle). Fans of The Forgotten Ranger series will learn that Carson hands the Pym particle over to Hydra and Skrull scientists in which they create a Ant-man suit duplicate of Hank’s Ant-man suit he gave to Scott. The real Ant-man would’ve been rescued out of the Quantum realm by Corporate Red.

The Soul Stone

In Avengers End Game Black Widow sacrifices herself allowing Hawkeye (Ronin) access to the Soul Stone. However in The Forgotten Ranger III (original plan for Avengers End Game) was going to have a Captain America recruited from another universe (Winter Soldier Captain America) to sacrifice himself for his other best friend, Tony Stark.

Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock The Greater Threats

Immediately after the snap Corporate Red in End Game was suppose to head to Wakanda after his first response assistance in New York. The hero and the Avengers find Fury’s beeper and realize that Fury’s beep to Corporate Red was intercepted with a unknown symbol on the pager. Corporate Red heads to the Strange Sanctorium home while the Avengers head backto Avengers Facility. Captain Marvel (who would’ve been a Skrull) shows up to Avengers Facility. It is at the Sanctorium fans see that Wong survived the snap. Wong also tells Corporate Red about Adam Warlock, the original keeper of the Soul Stone. Both Wong and Thor also tell him that Adam Warlock was once a peaceful hero who turned hostile which forced the removal of the Soul Stone from him. Once back home Corporate Red few days later meets with Nicholas Fury, the original Director of S.H.I.E.L.S.. Fury introduces Corporate Red to Cameron Klein who fans saw in Age of Ultron and Civil War. Klein tells Corporate Red about the energy readings used by Thanos from the Infinity Stones. He also tells the hero about an energy reading that is equivalent to the Infinity Stones that just showed up at Avengers Facility. Unknown to the them this is Captain Marvel (this Captain Marvel would’ve turned out to be a Skrull) who shows up to Avengers Facility asking for Fury. What the fans would’ve been treated to would’ve been a Secret InVasion during post snap with the Hydra and the Skrulls trying to take advantage of a post snap earth.

Quantum Suits

The Avengers in the original plan would’ve received duplicates of Corporate Red’s Next Gen Quantum suit. This has puzzled fans why the suits have the colors of Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum. Now you know.. But it gets bigger..

X-MEN arrive and real Spider-man

The original End Game (The Forgotten Ranger III) also would’ve saw the introduction of the X-MEN and the real Spider-man. X-MEN time traveler Cable is secretly working with Colonel Fury in a dimensional Secret War against Thanos. The following heroes are recruited: Corporate Red, Deadpool, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Logan, Defenders (fans would learn Karen died at the snap), Punisher, and Magneto.

Two Main Events, Dimensional War

The first main event pits Thanos against Corporate Red teams. Fans would’ve saw cameos of Onslaught, a merger of Xavier and Magneto and Marvel Zombies, in which Thanos would’ve used the Infinity Stones to bring the dead heroes back as Marvel Zombies. Silver Surfer shows up in this battle with the heroes taking a beating against Thanos along with a dimensional assistance from Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The battle goes down to Corporate Red and Thanos ending in a flash. It then shifts to Tony Stark and Ant-man who have time travel to the Chitauri InVasion of 2012 to recruit Corporate Red, Captain America, Thor and Hulk. However there’s a difference in this battle as Wolverine and the real Spider-man (adult Spider-man) are also fighting in the battle. Stark realizes Corporate Red must’ve won in the MCU timeline and the real original timeline is being restored. This is where things get more interesting. Once completed the Infinity Gauntlet Thanos arrives with his army of ships. Doctor Strange opens multiple portals bringing in heroes from different realities and the original timeline such as the Avengers, X-MEN, S.H.I.E.L.D., Defenders, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Nova, Nova Corps, Guardians of the Galaxy, Corporate Rangers, and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The real Captain Marvel (now with a haircut) shows up in the battle as well.

Thanos final Defeat

The original plan was for Corporate Red to use the Infinity Gauntlet and defeat Thanos with the snap of his fingers. This also would’ve resulted in all the realities being restored and a sad fading away (non-dusting) of Corporate Red who is returned to his reality where there is no Avengers and the original thirteen Corporate Rangers timeline where ten of the Corporate Rangers died at the hands of Queen Edea. Instead in Avengers End Game Tony Stark uses the Infinity Gauntlet and snaps his fingers, killing Thanos and the use of the Infinity Stones kills Tony Stark.

Tony Stark recruits Corporate Red for Iron Heart

In a parallel ending of Avengers End Game Stark is speaking at Captain America’s funeral. Captain America had recently went time traveling to return the Infinity Stones to their respective realities and goes on to have his promise dance with Peggy Carter. In a post credit Stark would’ve showed up to Corporate Red’s residency introducing himself as the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D and tells Corporate Red he’s looking for a heart of iron, setting up CR as Stark’s apprentice aka Iron Heart. Meanwhile Captain Marvel and the Skrulls are preparing for a Secret InVasion of Earth.

Stay tuned as The Forgotten Ranger III will be released sometime before the end of this weekend. Perhaps later today..


Marvel Actors kept secret from Secret Avenger ?

During filming of Avengers Infinity War all of the Marvel actors constantly told the media and fans that they have no idea where Marvel is headed after Infinity War, aka Untitled Avengers Sequel. Most of the actors also don’t have access to the script. Most of the actors weren’t giving the full Infinity War script as well, and this was also confirmed by several actors, including Sebestian Stan on GMA and Elizabeth Olsen on Colbert. The big question is could there have bee a bigger reason behind this?

According to several insiders the reason could be to prevent secrets and leaks to the Secret Avenger. We know the Secret Avenger isn’t Captain Marvel. The Secret Avenger as many insiders are reporting is someone that will be the key to defeating Thanos, but could lead to an unexpected plot twist. He’s someone that’s never appeared in Marvel Comics or the Marvel Cinematic for that matter. For that reason the Marvel actors were not given the full scripts.

Right now this is just theory, but several insiders who wanted to remain anonymous said this is the reason and also said its leading into yeah that social media online global hit guy. The guy out in New York (TQR) who came out of nowhere and went on social media and laid the foundation for his future. Just one short story, The Forgotten Ranger, made a difference and it led to a huge global fanbase.

What helps Secret Avenger even more is Disney buying 20th Century Fox. The moment that deal went through all of the CR theories were confirmed. Its like the world stopped. Everything we heard back in 2014 and it all went down in that signing between Disney and FOX. You’re like wow he was right.

So now the big question what happens now? When do we see the Secret Avenger debut? We know who he is? What is his agenda? Is he a friend or foe? After all last time we heard from our famed online hero he was retired. But what will happen upon his return in the upcoming sequel that may or could possibly impact the events of the post MCU’s future? Why has he been kept secret this long? Are they going to announce him before Infinity War? After or announce him in 2019? Are they going to reschedule and possibly even cancel some movies to make room for him, X-MEN and Fantastic Four? The deal after all changes the cinematic. Bring in Secret Avenger take out Thanos, save the MCU, or take it out and bring in a new universe, or bring back the original universe?

The Forgotten Ranger sequel will come out sometime between February and May. Some reports say during Black Panther weekend, while others say Infinity War weekend. Either way the sequel will reveal the MCU’s final fate or in this case, final phase.

Corporate Red predicted both Spider-man & X-MEN in MCU before 2019

What’s crazy about the Corporate Red predictions both had Spider-man and the X-MEN in the MCU before 2019. Now with the Disney/Fox deal completed only time will tell when the X-MEN will get introduced and more likely it probably won’t take long. We probably won’t see all of of them, but certain key members. If you remember the CR rumors from 2014:

Rumor 1: CR will team up with Spider-man and Logan

Rumor 2: CR will team up with Luke Cage, Daredevil, Punisher, Kitty Pryde, Colosssus, Deadpool, and Magneto.

Back in June TQR stated he was bringing an army from FOX and then some days/weeks later James Gunn and the MCU announced the Skrulls in Captain Marvel and then few months later the recent Disney/FOX deal.

Did he know all along? Were you the fans warned all this time? Which leads to the big question, is he the chosen one? We know sub-messages are hidden of Corporate Red in the MCU movies, one confirmed by James Gunn in Spider-man Homecoming (317 in Pete’s cellphone). So here’s the question, when will Corporate Red make his debut? Will he debut as Corporate Red? Or under a different name? Is Corporate Red in the MCU or a parallel universe?

The Return of The Forgotten Ranger – Sony/FOX & Disney/MCU timelines merged into one


TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly version)

Didn’t think you come back Corporate Red. Thanos has merged everything. Disney, Sony, FOX, and Universal. Don’t get me started on the Disney/20th Century FOX deal. You would’ve thought Deadpool and Cable were breaking the 4th wall. But that Infinity Gauntlet is colliding tons of universes. The Avengers and Guardians are gone. You’re the last hero left. So you’re back to being The Forgotten Ranger.. Welcome back kid.. Now stop Thanos and then finish the Skrull Empire. But first let’s read this new merged timeline and see what’s been going down. I hear Deadpool has been breaking the 4th wall in this new release.

A table of contents is included in this download with the newly updated novel. Enjoy.. 900 plus pages.. New scenes, new extra endings and a mind blowing new extra ending involving the Skrull Empire and an old enemy.

Update: I forgot to upload the child friendly version I created from this past summer. It’s in second link above.

The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20Ā (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2Ā (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.

Daredevil season 1 confirms Corporate Red in MCU? Rwanda reference..

During the episode Speak of the Devil in Netflix Daredevil of season one Father Lantom mentioned Rwanda. This is interesting because before the debut of Netflix Daredevil Rwanda is mentioned in The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger, one of the countries Princess Edea visited during her dangerous humanitarian work. Father Lantom mentions helpng refugees and refugees were mentioned during The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger scene during Princess Edea humanitarian work in Rwanda. None of the MCU heroes have encountered Rwanda.

Jessica Jones to crossover in re-release of The Forgotten Avenger this October. New villain to debut in secret ending.

Big breaking news, you can now add Jessica Jones to the blockbuster line up for the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger. A line up heavily focusing on the Skrulls. The re-release which will also include Agent Carter, Dr. Pym’s final days as Ant-man and the original Ultron’s peaceful fighting days. Which time period Jessica Jones will appear in is not being spoiled. It’s safe to say it won’t be pre-Corporate Red timeline. Also reports that a well known worldwide villain will debut in the re-release during one of the secret endings. Who could he or she be?

Infinity War ending involving Corporate Red and Doctor Strange and new hero in secret endings in upcoming Red October Re-release

The hype is building up as a few weeks away from the big October release of the re-release of The Forgotten Avenger that will feature the big debut of the Skrulls and major new scenes and new secret endings. The new secret endings which will include the Skrulls as well along with Dr. Doom, Galactus and Silver Surfer. However now more details that there will be a Infinity War ending as believed and possibly more than one. One rumored ending could feature Corporate Red and Doctor Strange again. Details aren’t being leaked but the fans did a glimpse of the scene this past summer. What could the scene be and will Corporate Red be in the scene or is this just a teaser in the form of a secret ending? Reports also surfacing there will be a new hero debuting in one of the secret endings possibly part of Corporate Red’s team if the Avengers fail. Although not much is being said about Avengers 4 many are still rumoring and favoring Corporate Red and his untitled team to be the favorites to continue where Avengers Infinity War left off. If the Avengers fail.. Whether it be against Thanos or possibly against the Avengers?