Corporate Red sequel to enter Infinity War, Deadpool 2 and Legion Crossover

The recent release of The Forgotten Ranger II will be re-released and will explain the off-screen fatalities and survivors of Infinity War. The events in Deadpool 2 post credit where Wade travels in time will alter the events of The Forgotten Ranger II, and a crossover with FOX’s and Marvel’s Legion. Here’s some details:

While fans know that in the original Nick Fury was contacting Corporate Red, not Captain Marvel, the big question everyone is asking where the heck was Corporate Red during Infinity War? That question may tie-in to Wong’s disappearance in Infinity War during the second invasion, which involved the children of Thanos. There are reports Wong went to look for Corporate Red and that the two hid during the events to avoid the fallout if Thanos won. It will also reveal what happen to Corporate Red and his faction during those events. The Forgotten Ranger II which was split into a two parter, in which Part I Infinity War and Part II Secret War will be altered. Part II Secret War featured Corporate Red teaming up with Deadpool, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Magneto, Cable and the Defenders. In the original script Jessica Jones and Iron Fist were not included.

The Forgotten Ranger II will now just be a single instead of a two parter, while The Forgotten Ranger III will feature “A Secret War”. Plans for The Forgotten Ranger IV is already completed but will not revealed to the public no time soon as it would spoil the next two releases.

Here’s what the new roster will include in the upcoming two releases along with synopsis:

It’s been seven years since humanity has last heard from Corporate Red. With the Avengers split and crime rising in NYC, Terrell decides to take on the mantle again of Corporate Red to take on new enemies and faces a nemesis from his dark “corporate” past.

Main Roster for The Forgotten Ranger II: Infinity War

Corporate Red, Edea, Skrull Empire, Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, Wong, and Thanos.

Synopsis for The Forgotten Ranger III: After the fallout of Thanos snap, the surviving Avengers must join forces with some crossover allies. Corporate Red assembles a team to help take down Thanos who now poses a threat to the multi-verse. Will this be Thanos last stand?

Main Roster for The Forgotten Ranger III: A Secret War

Corporate Red, Thanos, Edea, Skrull Empire, Ultron, Tony Stark/Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Ronin, Dr. Hank Pym, Colonel Nick Fury, Ant-man/Scott Lang, Wong, General Ross/Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Professor Xavier, Wolverine/Logan, Quicksilver, Deadpool, Cable, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Magneto, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher, Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts with Tuxedo Mask, and Silver Surfer.



The Forgotten Ranger Sequel, Princess Diana, and More

Will readers see one more release of The Forgotten Ranger?

Terrell: There will be one more release attached with the sequel. There will be a novel released, and the original standard release with no prequel. In regards to the novel in won’t include the Princess Diana conspiracy arc. I originally didn’t want to include that chapter. As an American we’re more open minded to conspiracies than we were in the past. JFK and 9/11 these days the America people are more open up to when it comes to should they be re-investigated and there replies are yes. I’ve never been overseas and I can’t speak for the people of the United Kingdom, Great Britain, of Whales. How do they feel about her death? Do they feel it really was a car accident or foul play? Do they feel comfortable with the conspiracy theories? I felt like with each passing day I just wasn’t comfortable anymore with that chapter anymore so I recently removed it during an edit. I love life, and I care about the well-being of people, and I was thinking how the people of the United Kingdom might be feeling because I do have a huge fanbase over there and I care deeply about everyone, including them. I love life..

There’s talks that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming to an official end and with the recent contract signing between Disney and 20th Century FOX a certain 2014 rumor is coming into major play here. Few months ago James Gunn recently confirmed you are referenced in Spider-man Homecoming. Yet we have all these other rumors about you starting to come to light about a Disney/FOX team up led by you. You was going around saying back in June you was going to bring an army from FOX.

Terrell: I mean that army could’ve been anyone. The Skrulls? The X-MEN?

Fantastic Four?

Terrell: No…..

How big is this sequel and any plans for the release date?

Terrell: I have a release date just not ready to announce that yet. I want to wait till my next concussion appointment and physical which is coming up. I will say this though, its a mystery and intense suspense thriller. The villains are psychological villains as in they know the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming to an end and so does the hero. Both sides know the great MCU is coming to an end. Is it being replaced by something or perhaps the MCU really was stealing a spot from an old universe? This goes back to the mystery/suspense thriller.

Who are the villains?

Terrell: Nope, you thought I was going to reveal that. Let’s just say Corporate Red, he’s outnumbered. This isn’t the Skrull Empire, Black Order, Sinister Six or Thanos for that matter. These villains mean business and the fans getting into the Infinity War hype don’t realize time is almost up for the MCU and they’re going to discover that through my sequel. This is going to be a dark storyline..

There’s rumors, big rumors you’re in Avengers 4 and talks you’re in Avengers 5.

Terrell: Well look at the time..

Avengers 4 rumored to be 1st person movie in eyes of Corporate Red?

Avengers 4 could be a 1st person movie according to several rumors. Several news outlets have stirred rumors of time travel for Avengers 4, while others believe its flashbacks being filmed for Avengers 4, which would mean that everyone failed against Thanos. Regardless either situation means everyone lost. This would lead to the big question who is the new guy? All eyes and fingers continue to point to Corporate Red and rumors stirring up to a possible 1st person view movie similar to Hardcore Henry. This would be something interesting and different for Disney/Marvel. One movie has even suggested expect the cancellation of several movies and maybe even a delay of the upcoming untitled Avengers aka Avengers 4. Apparently the Disney/FOX deal would be the takeover and the movie could be re-named The Forgotten Avenger or The Forgotten Ranger or a different title. The movie would then kickstart the new universe and upcoming new movies such as new Avenger & X-MEN titles and return of the Fantastic Four. Remember these are just rumors.. But remember alot of CR rumors have come to light before and after the Disney/FOX deal so this could be the big one we’ve been waiting for.. One thing is certain we may be witnessing history all along..

The Return of The Forgotten Ranger – Sony/FOX & Disney/MCU timelines merged into one


TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly version)

Didn’t think you come back Corporate Red. Thanos has merged everything. Disney, Sony, FOX, and Universal. Don’t get me started on the Disney/20th Century FOX deal. You would’ve thought Deadpool and Cable were breaking the 4th wall. But that Infinity Gauntlet is colliding tons of universes. The Avengers and Guardians are gone. You’re the last hero left. So you’re back to being The Forgotten Ranger.. Welcome back kid.. Now stop Thanos and then finish the Skrull Empire. But first let’s read this new merged timeline and see what’s been going down. I hear Deadpool has been breaking the 4th wall in this new release.

A table of contents is included in this download with the newly updated novel. Enjoy.. 900 plus pages.. New scenes, new extra endings and a mind blowing new extra ending involving the Skrull Empire and an old enemy.

Update: I forgot to upload the child friendly version I created from this past summer. It’s in second link above.

Big reveal tomorrow.. Sony/FOX Marvel & Disney/MCU Timelines to merge in famous novel

The Forgotten Avenger will be returning online tomorrow and it will merge the Sony/FOX Marvel timelines and the Disney/MCU timelines into one. How will this happen won’t be revealed for it will reveal spoilers. The novel will be 900 plus pages with several new scenes and new extra endings.

Michael Chiklis interest in Fantastic Four adds to CR Theory

Michael Chiklis who played the Thing in the 2004 and 2007 Fantastic Four expressed huge interest in reprising the role for the Disney/FOX deal on Twitter back on Thursday. This is interesting after back on Dec 6th majors rumors of a roster re-cast was revealed and Chiklis name was one of the celebrities popped on the reveal back on Dec 6th. Chiklis twitter post can be seen in link below and the rumor post under the link

Rumored new timeline roster in link below

Dec 15th Release & New MCU Timeline/Roster?

Wasp confirmed for Infinity War (everyone confirmed now)

Today on Facebook Evangeline Lilly confirmed she is in Infinity War. All of the Avengers are now officially confirmed. Even though Wasp was also already on the Variety Fairs covers of Infinity War. What does this mean for the CR sub-message? Well the remember the theory before the Infinity War trailer since 2014 is that every Avenger along with the Guardians will be thrown into the movie and lose to Thanos. Well apparently it looks like that’s where things are heading folks. Also is Ms. Lilly foreshadowing her character as one of the Avengers to fall victim to the Skrull Empire during the events of Infinity War or maybe before? Everyone getting in the fun of the sub-messages on the Avengers cast.

CR what have you started? Somewhere Deadpool is angry….


The Forgotten Avenger to merge Sony/FOX & Disney/MCU into same universe (Details) ?

With details of an announcement of  deal between Disney & FOX all eyes will also be on The Forgotten Avenger,  as there’s suppose to be two big announcements one this Monday and one this Friday. Well brace yourself because the big release is coming this Monday. Remember the Sony/FOX timeline (Maguire/Riami Spider-man & FOX/X-MEN/current X-MEN/current Deadpool) and the current Disney/MCU. Well that is going to be merged into one universe this Monday and it will be explained through a brand new The Forgotten Avenger and many are speculating this will tie into the Disney/FOX announcement, along with the announcement of a possible a secret project. Right now just just rumors we all know CR has been rumors and speculated since 2014 and the hero has been sub-messaged in the MCU since Age of Ultron. So far only one of CR’s sub-messages was confirmed by James Gunn via Twitter in Spider-man Homecoming, the 317 on Pete’s cellphone.

CR  is the secret referral who told Tony Stark about Spider-man doing a secret off-screen ending of Age of Ultron during the original The Forgotten Ranger, a online global hit back in 2015 of Age of Ultron weekend. During Doctor Strange it would become The Forgotten Avenger with an altered timeline before shifting back to its original timeline. Along the way a prequel was added to the story explaining the heroes origin.

The upcoming release will explain how the Sony/FOX & Disney/MCU universe are in the same universe. That means we’ll learn the whereabouts of the Fantastic Four and the X-MEN which have been revealed in past releases. In this summer’s hot release fans were introduced to Dr. Doom in the post ending where Tony Stark asks Victor for help, in which Stark needs to rebuild his Stark drones but needs the equipment. Fans were also treated to Thanos destroying Thanos, a scene from The Forgotten Ranger/ Infinity Wars crossover, the same scene featuring Silver Surfer.

Remember it was back in 2014 there were two big rumors. One stated CR would team with Spider-man and Logan. The other (the big one) stated CR would team up with Daredevil, Luke Cage, Punisher, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Deadpool and Magneto. Neither of those characters had any projects at the time, exception of Colossus and Kitty who were on X-MEN films and Wade who appeared on X-MEN origins. Deadpool however was not in production.

Before the announcement of the Skrulls CR creator TQR said he has an army coming and in the Infinity War trailer a secret army is invading Wakanda.  We also see Loki scene from The Forgotten Ranger/ Infinity Wars crossover in Infinity War. Was this scene put in to let the fans know that CR is coming to the MCU?

Asgard’s destruction also predicted through The Forgotten Ranger. Before the film went into production there was a secret ending where CR is briefed about Asgard being destroyed and CR then says The Tesseract.

Agents of SHIELD on a few occasions has even joined in on the fun referencing the character on a few occasions. In the last episode the reference storm the castle referring to the destruction of Edea’s kingdom at the hands of the US government and S.H.I.E.L.D. and her defeat at the hands of CR.

While the next release will be over 800 pages, by Monday it may reach 900. TQR because of his physical health situation has been taking multiple breaks and has been delayed with proof reads and edits. However all signs indicate a release for this Monday. As for possible 900 pages? We’ll have to wait till Monday.

Dec 15th Release & New MCU Timeline/Roster?

Mark it down on your calendar The Forgotten Avenger will return December 15th, and “The Force” will be strong with this hero. The release will feel like the JFK Files, but in the form of Infinity War. Sound the alarm…. Is Spider-man real? What happen to the Fantastic Four? Where are the X-MEN? How does the 100th episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the rest of the season tie to Infinity War? Who died at the hands of Thanos? We know Vision dies, but who killed him? We saw two legs standing over him in the trailer. We know those weren’t the final cuts. Who wants some gosh dang spoilers? Wait did we say spoilers?

What will the new timeline look like? Here it comes #theory.. hashtag? Nope, not made famous by Deadpool.. someone beat you to the punch… #CR

Return of the original timeline/merged into the MCU – With the CR prophecy slowly coming to fulfillment (wow and what if) what will the new timeline look like? With talks between Disney/FOX heating up, that deal would fulfill the prophecy since half of the prophecy was completed when Disney pulled out of Netflix which will go down in 2019 (the same year the CR prophecy is expected to go complete/whoa). We’ll say hashtag theory for this new timeline roster below (grab a seat belt and buckle up because this list is a roller coaster) :

Aaron Taylor-Johnson – Quicksilver

Anson Mount – Black Bolt

Brianna Hiddlebrand – Negasonic

Brie Larson – Captain Marvel

Bruce Willis – Original Nick Fury

Charlie Cox – Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Chris Evans – Johnny Storm/Human Torch

Chris Hemsworth – Thor

Clark Greg – Agent Coulson

Cobie Smulders – Agent Maria Hill

Daniel Cudmore – Colossus

Donnie Yen – Namor

Doug Jones – Silver Surfer

Ellen Page – Kitty Pryde

Elizabeth Olsen – Scarlett Witch

Eme Ikwuakor – Gorgon

Emily Blunt – Agent Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

Emily VanCamp – Sharon Carter

Eric Bana – Bruce Banner/Hulk

Eric Dane – Cable

Evangeline Lilly – Hope/Wasp

Famke Janssen – Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix

Finn Jones – Danny Rand/Iron Fist

Haley Atwell – Agent Carter

Halle Berry – Storm

Hugh Jackman – Wolverine

Hugo Weaving – Johann Schmidt/Red Skull

Ian McKellen – Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto

Isabelle Cornish – Crystal

Iwan Rheon – Maximus

Ioan Gruffudd – Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic

Jake Gyllenhaal – Peter Parker/Spider-man

James Marsden – Scott Summers/Cyclops

Jennifer Garner – Elektra

Jeremy Rener – Agent Clint Barton/Hawkeye

Josh Brolin – Thanos

Kelsey Grammer – Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast

Ken Leung – Karnak

Krysten Ritter – Jessica Jones

Liu Yifei – Jubilee

Mads Mickkelsen – Doctor Doom

Melissa Joan Hart – Sue Storm/Invisible Woman

Michael Chiklis – Ben Grimm/The Thing

Michael Douglas – Hank Pym/original Ant-man

Michael Keaton – Vulture

Michelle Pfeiffer – Janet van Dyne/original Wasp

Mike Colter – Luke Cage

Patrick Stewart – Professor Xavier

Paul Rudd – Scott Lang/Ant-man

Ray Stevenson – Punisher

Rebecca Romijin – Mystique

Robert Downey jr – Tony Stark/Iron Man

Ryan Reynolds – Wade/Deadpool

Samuel L. Jackson – Nick Fury

Sebastian Stan – Winter Soldier

Serinda Swan – Medusa

Taylor Kitsch – Gambit

Terrance Howard – James Rhodes/War Machine

Terrell Quentin Rogers – Corporate Red

Tom Hiddleston – Loki

Vincent D’Onofrio – Kingpin

Wesley Snipes – Blade










Agents of SHIELD season 5 premier episode sub-messages Corporate Red? Major spoiler alert

For those of you that caught the season 5 premier episode let’s break it down. Spoiler alert….

At the truck scene, we see hologram technology being put onto the truck. Where did the shadow agency get the freeze tech from? We see the team staring at a red and white prehistoric rock (#CR reference). Coulston recognizes it as it melts and all of a sudden the scene is staring at the universe almost similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy style almost hinting of a foreshadow to the possible new hero (and possibly the Avengers/Guardians have already lost to Thanos future wise). The same scene is frozen in time, almost given reference to time control in the last The Forgotten Ranger/Avengers release involving the Skrull control over time with the Eye of Agamotto. Simmons examining the people on the floor aka Marvel Zombies (in Space). The big major CR reference is from Yo-Yo. Yo talks about S.H.I.E.L.D. not having a base called Sphere or a base on the moon. Both were referenced under CR back in October. Sphere referenced as a ruling term under the World’s Security Council. However CR as Next Gen Quantum was able to fly into outer space. Coincidence or sign of things to come? People hiding on the moon the Council secretly destroyed a Skrulls base on the moon in the last CR release back in Oct/Nov.