The Forgotten Ranger Upcoming Schedule

Despite not being introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and recent unprofessional behavior of President Feige, The Forgotten Ranger continues to dominate internationally. Fans can look forward to the following:

The Forgotten Ranger – 120 page

The Forgotten Ranger 120 page will be released this October. This will not include as most fans are aware the prequel saga.

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page 

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page will be released in April of 2020 on the anniversary of the original release. This will include the prequel saga.

Secret Wars 

TQR’s global hit release, his version of Secret Wars, will be re-released on August 31st. Here’s character lineup and synopsis for those not aware.

Synopsis: Captain America’s actions of staying in the past now creates another alternate reality within an already alternate reality of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actions of both the Avengers and Captain America threatens the space time continuum, and several realities within the multi-verse are either erased or fading. It is up to time travelers and heroes of the multi-verse to wage a Secret War against the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Khang, Cable, Deadpool, Bishop, Spider-man, Wolverine and the X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, Thor, Ronin, Professor Hulk, Doctor Strange, Wong, and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts.

Secret InVasion

Synopsis: The sequel to TQR’s Secret Wars, will be released this October. The Skrull Empire’s homeworld is destroyed by the hostile cosmic being Galactus. The Skrulls prepare for a Secret InVasion of earth, assisted by Captain Marvel. Corporate Red and the Avengers also begin their preparations to search for the lost family, The Fantastic Four.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Skrull Empire, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Terrax, Iron Man, Spider-man, Wolverine, Deadpool, Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Gambit, Rogue, Dr. Hank McCoy (Beast), Jubilee, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, and The Fantastic Four.

Corporate Red IV & V introduces Khang, Galactus, and Marvel writers lie.

Breaking news this morning, fans will now know when to expect The Forgotten Ranger IV & V. The Forgotten Ranger IV (title will be revealed upon release date) will take place after Avengers End Game. The Forgotten Ranger IV and V will be released this summer, along with the original trilogy. Here are the previews for both The Forgotten Ranger IV and V. Also it appears the writers of Captain America trilogy, Infinity War and End Game have been caught in a lie. According to several news outlets the writers said the husband Peggy Carter is talking about in Winter Soldier is Captain America. However this is a lie. Peggy states that her battalion was trapped in a blizzard behind German lines. This was before the war ended. Captain America in End Game went back to when WWII had already ended to meet Peggy.

The Forgotten Ranger IV Synopsis – Captain America’s actions of staying with Peggy Carter has resulted in the destruction of several realities. This catches the eye of multi-verse watcher and time traveler Khang. Khang goes on a hunting pursuit of Captain America’s from different universes. Meanwhile Corporate Red and Doctor Strange both realize the timeline is not fixed, and that Captain America’s actions have made things worse.

The Forgotten Ranger IV: Secret Wars (taking place immediately after End Game)

1945, that was a difficult winter. We were in Russia. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve, the Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a Hydra blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over thousand, including the man who would become my husband as it turned out.

The video then fades as the scene moves away as it reveals Khang staring at the screen.

The scene then goes to the alternate timeline of the MCU just as Corporate Red predicted.

Corporate Red: The timeline is still changing. Look.. Peggy’s family has been erased.

Doctor Strange: Reversing the snap has made everything worse.

Corporate Red: It also killed more people and its erasing different realities. Captain America did something he wasn’t suppose to do.

Marvel Studios Logo and The Forgotten Ranger logo are seen on a collision course.

Corporate Red is now seen in his Next Gen Quantum suit.

Doctor Strange: You know what must be done?

Next Gen Quantum: I’m going quantum jump, and find him.

Doctor Strange: What if he resists?

Next Gen Quantum: I’ll take him down.. By any means necessary.

Scene cuts to Khang with his hands behind his back confronting a Captain America. Cap throws his famed shield that goes through Khang’s body. It bounces off a wall and stops in midair behind Khang. Khang then fires a laser at Captain America and kills him. Scene then shows lasers being fired by Khang from different angles and killing different Captain America’s from different realities. Next Gen Quantum arrives and uses a Time Stone to revive a Captain America.

Captain America: Thank you

Inside the helmet of Next Gen Quantum is shown a serious stare.

The scene then goes to the battle of Avengers End Game.

Khang is seen flying through the battle field. The scene also cuts to Next Gen Quantum flying through the battle field in opposite direction of Khang. The two now have Captain America cornered. Captain America is joined by Iron Man and Thor. Suddenly a time portal opens and Cable and Bishop arrive with adult Spider-man and Old Man Logan. Doctor Strange arrives and does the number one finger.

Doctor Strange: The one universe, isn’t you Tony..

Thanos: There’s a disturbance in the force..

Khang: Time has been disrespected.

Captain America: Corporate Red..

Next Gen Quantum: ::pulls out plasma gun and sword:: I’m sorry Steve..

Fade to Black

The logos of the Avengers and The Forgotten Ranger are on a collision course as the words A Secret War form and then the words Secrets Wars form.

Deadpool: Breaking the timeline just for a dance?

Nick Fury: Mother..

Coming soon..

The Forgotten Ranger V: Secret InVasion: Thy Cosmic Hand

Synopsis – With realities restore and the Marvel family reunited things seem to be all calm. However there is a disturbance in the force as planets one by one are mysteriously disappearing. Meanwhile the Skrulls are preparing for their next Secret InVasion of Earth.

Preview – The scene is in a room where Tony Stark, Mr. Fantastic, Professor Xavier, Dr. Hank McCoy, Logan, adult Spider-man, and Corporate Red are in a room watching a universal radar.

Corporate Red: There it is again..

Logan: What just happen?

Corporate Red: Each time the energy reading goes near a planet, the planet disappears.

Tony Stark: You don’t think?

Mr. Fantastic: But Silver Surfer destroyed Galactus

Professor Xavier: That was another life..

Everyone stares at Xavier as the scene fades into a new scene.

The scene shows the planet of the Skrull Empire. Several ships are seen fleeing the planet. The Skrull Queen is seen in one of the ships, looking scared. One of her assistants holds her shoulder. The scene moves away from the window revealing a cosmic entity sucking the life out of the planet. A giant cosmic hand is seen followed by revealing the individual. The individual is none other than Galactus.

Assistant: What course?

Skrull Queen: Contact Captain Marvel.. It’s time we start the second invasion of Earth.

The scene fades to black as the words The Forgotten Ranger Ranger V: Secret InVasion and a image of Galactus hands sucking the words and the title Thy Cosmic Hand.

A quick image of Silver Surfer with a serious stare is seen for brief.

Coming soon..

Infinity War and Captain Marvel confirm Secret Avenger Corporate Red

Both the Infinity War movie and recently released Captain Marvel reference and sub-message Corporate Red. Let’s break down where you can spot the Secret Avenger, The Forgotten Ranger, Corporate Red references.  But first lets break down some CR references from Black Panther.

King T’Challa’s assassination CR reference

During The Forgotten Ranger Princess Edea’s father is assassinated. Her mother later dies from depression and drug overdose and Edea becomes queen. Interestingly Black Panther becomes king after his father is assassinated during Captain America Civil War.

Red and Green dress

During the gambling scene with Mr. Corporate, Nakia and Okoye wear references to Corporate Red and Corporate Green/Next Gen Emerald.

The Forgotten Ranger Spin

When Killmonger takes the throne the famed spin from The Forgotten Ranger is referenced.

Mr. Corporate/Agent Ross

He wears a white shirt and red tie.

Now to Infinity..

Ebony Maw references CR’s shh

During the attack on the Asgardian ship, Ebony Maw wraps up Thor in metal with his telepathic powers and then does the shh taunt. This taunt first seen back in the famed 2015 release of The Forgotten Ranger, when Corporate Red finds the Infinity Time Stone after taking down a black market meeting of a auction where the bidders were Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D When CR gets the time stones he turns to you the readers and does the shh taunt.

Twirling scene

When Hulk is being sent to earth the scene twirls on Manhattan. This twirling was also taking place during the 2015 – present famed The Forgotten Ranger during the entering of his room when the scene twirls over Corporate Red while he is sleeping in bed.

Wong keeps Corporate Red’s promise

Wong made a oath that he and the Sanctorium would protect the Time Stone and this sworn is made reference during Infinity War.

Guardians of Galaxy arrival

During Infinity War the Guardians arrive to a universe that is red and blue. Colors seem familiar (CR and Thanos)

Gamora’s Weapon

Gamora’s weapon is in the colors of red and white

Stark and Strange not getting along/ Stark time altered?

During the lead up to Avengers Infinity War its known the fans worldwide that Corporate Red, Doctor Strange, and Stark are aware there’s a time glitch in the MCU. This was even made aware in the movie without mentioning the glitch through conversation and errors. Stark for example says Thanos has been in his head for six years. The ending of the Forgotten Ranger states seven years however had passed since the Chitauri InVasion. While Spider-man Homecoming with the glitch 8 years later. Stark appears to have been effected by the time glitch when he says six years of Thanos in his head. Doctor Strange body language towards Spider-man also originates from The Forgotten Ranger. During the secret endings in The Forgotten Ranger few years and months leading to IW, CR tells Strange that Spider-man has been altered. CR had refer Stark to Spider-man, not Spider-boy and a reference to TQR/CR was even displayed in Spider-man’s cellphone during Homecoming, aka 317, confirmed by James Gunn. Strange even references CR even more when he states he won’t be hesitant to let Stark or Spider-man die for the safety of the universe. Things get more interesting during Strange and Thanos conversation.

Thanos knows timeline is wrong

During a scene in Infinity War Thanos states the MCU must be “corrected”

Strange and Thanos know the MCU must be destroyed

Many fans have been wondering and puzzled why Strange and Thanos were very calm in their conversation. Strange even goes on to tell Thanos “Our Will is Equal to Yours”.

Thanos Fire Blast

During a fighting scene Thanos absorbs fire and shoots it back. This is a reference of when Thanos absorbs fire during the IW/The Forgotten Ranger crossover battle scene in The Forgotten Ranger II.

Thanos knows Stark through Corporate Red

Thanos tells Stark that not only does he know him but he’s not the only one “cursed” with knowledge. A similar hero also “cursed” with knowledge is Corporate Red. His knowledge on the Council and CR was also aware Thanos was coming through Stark.

Change of Thanos Plan

Thanos states because of Stark only half of humanity will be destroyed. Originally all of humanity was going to be destroyed at Thanos snap, leaving CR as the lone survivor. There have been two theories from insiders stating it would’ve been CR as the lone surviving hero or CR of a parallel universe (Avengers 4 time travel) defeating Thanos.

Captain America vs Thanos CR reference

During the 2015 release of The Forgotten Ranger CR gets into a fist lock with Loki and almost manages to break grip before being taking down by Loki. This grip would be references during Captain America vs Thanos in IW.

Thanos snap references Queen Edea’s snap

During the famed The Forgotten Ranger Queen Edea would snap her fingers to make her hybrid monsters grow. This reference is not only referenced through Thanos snap but with the Time Stone lighting up which is the birth color (green) of TQR aka CR.

Nick Fury: Code Red

This edit was pretty obvious among fans as Nick Fury knew the day had finally arrived to bring Corporate Red to the MCU when he says contact control, “Code Red”. Throughout The Forgotten Ranger Nick Fury constantly made jokes about CR being “the hero” in the end of the world of the MCU.

Now Captain Marvel

Nick Fury eye, Skrull vs Kree War

The Skrulls play a major impact in Captain Marvel and there’s a Skrull working within S.H.I.E.L.D. This Skrull in S.H.I.E.L.D. was confirmed in The Forgotten Ranger long before the release of Captain Marvel and the cast. During The Forgotten Ranger the World’s Security Council were at war with the Skrull Empire from the 1940’s to the early 2000’s. The story also mentioned the Skrull vs Kree war. Nick Fury in The Forgotten Ranger also states on two occasions mentions about how he trusted a Skrull and in one of those scenes even stating it took out it’s eye.



Big reveal tomorrow.. Sony/FOX Marvel & Disney/MCU Timelines to merge in famous novel

The Forgotten Avenger will be returning online tomorrow and it will merge the Sony/FOX Marvel timelines and the Disney/MCU timelines into one. How will this happen won’t be revealed for it will reveal spoilers. The novel will be 900 plus pages with several new scenes and new extra endings.

The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20 (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.

Agent Carter will appear in The Forgotten Avenger this October during Dr. Hank Pym and Ultron 90’s storyline

Announced on facebook late last night Terrell Quentin Rogers announced that Agent Carter will be appearing in the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger, this October. Agent Carter who first appeared in Captain America: First Avenger, and had a short lived series on ABC and deceased on Captain America: Civil War will appear in Corporate Red, The Forgotten Avenger. While her role isn’t being revealed TQR did reveal a sub-message citing the word Alzheimer, and how the life the fans didn’t see on-screen. We’re guessing this the chapter TQR is heading with Agent Carter in the 90’s arc. The 90’s arc which will also introduce the Skrulls, and go into Dr. Pym’s final days as Ant-man and the introduction of Ultron. Previous drafts of The Forgotten Avenger only showed Ultron battling Corporate Red. Now readers will get to see Ultron born and in action.

The Forgotten Avenger (short story), Avengers feature anniversary and Guardians of the Galaxy weekend. Corporate Red is back and with a Vengeance.

The Forgotten Avenger.. Enjoy.. (new scenes) Child friendly version will be release tomorrow. Also today is the anniversary of the 2012’s Avengers feature film.

TheForgottenAvenger2 <— download