Infinity Wars The Forgotten Ranger Parts I and II (Finally Part II)

The Forgotten Ranger (Short Story)


The Forgotten Ranger (120 page version) This won’t be the same as the theater version whenever released. So the public won’t be able to predict certain scenes.


The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Wars Part I


The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Wars Part II


Part II which I was suppose to been released, even before the announcement that Infinity Wars will be a single movie. Part II is not finished, its a half draft version for now. I probably won’t be posting any more scripts after this as I prepare for shooting on my untitled project for The Forgotten Ranger this Autumn. I will be entering choreography training in September with my cast. Then film shooting in October. Thank you all for your support from across the globe. I can’t wait to release the live action to you the public next year.

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