Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger Theories/Reports

Ant-Man 3 Quantumania is now in theaters, and if you haven’t seen the movie, be advised there are spoilers incoming. These spoilers confirm an upcoming secret character in the MCU, that’s been foreshadowed several times in the MCU. Is Secret Avenger a friend or enemy to the MCU? Ant-Man 3 might’ve revealed some hints. In the meantime here are the spoilers/easter eggs/references for Secret Avenger in Ant-Man 3: Quantumanani


Before Ant-Man 3 was released in theaters, TQR released a off-screen secret ending from MCU’s Ant-Man 3. In the secret ending Janet and Catherine (or a variant of theirs) meet with Secret Avenger. Catherine says the Avengers have done something horrible. Before they can finish the two get time frozen by Kang. In Ant-Man 3 Kang freezes Janet.

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger’s Reports

TQR before Infinity War and present has been saying that the MU threatens the Multiverse. TQR also at times on Twitter constantly said that Kang is destroying timelines, and Ant-Man 3 confirms those reports. Kang tells Scott he killed him once, along with a Thor variant. Kang also confirms he killed the Avengers. This was confirmed by TQR several times on Twitter before Ant-Man 3 when he would say he and Kang destroyed another timeline. The recent one during the Superbowl between Chiefs and Eagles, where TQR/Secret Avenger stated:

This is not the first time Kang and Secret Avenger (or a variant) destroyed realities within the Multiverse. TQR’s Avengers Secret Secret Wars prequel, the House of Kang assassinated multiple Captain America’s, and members of the Avengers. TQR/Secret Avenger on Twitter at times also talked about how he & Kang assassinated members of the Avengers in different realities.

Post Credit Confirms The Tournament mentioned in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel

The Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR stated that a tournament would be put in place to take down the MCU. This tournament/battle realm arena appears in Ant-Man 3 during the post credit.

The Universe that is a Threat

Wasp tells Kang you want to destroy a universe that threatens you. The sacred timeline which has been mentioned by Thanos, The Other, Kang and Secret Avenger are mentioned in Ant-Man 3 as well.

Someone Exiled Kang

Janet: He was exiled

Hope: By who?

Janet: I don’t know..

I think you all know

Cat References Secret Avenger

Cat tells her dad Scott: Just because its not your fight doesn’t mean its not yours. The MCU needs Secret Avenger. Its not his fight. But they need him. Cat also says they need to look out for the little guy. There currently is no little guy in the MCU. But he is coming, and he’s none other than, the Secret Avenger.

Check out Ant-Man 3: Quantumania directed by Peyton Reed.

Avengers Secret Wars Prequel Part I & 2

Avengers Secret Wars Prequel Parts I & II. Part III will be released January 2023. Enjoy

Secret Wars Part II written by TQR is in Memoriam to Jason David Frank aka the Green Ranger and White Ranger, of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Red Zeo Ranger in Power Rangers Zero. Red Turbo Ranger in Power Rangers Turbo. Black Dino Ranger in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.

Team MCU: Captain Marvel, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Bucky Barnes, Ms. Marvel, Shang-Chi, She-Hulk, Professor Hulk, Spider-man of Earth 1999999

Team Multiverse: Kang, Secret Avenger, Deadpool, Cable, Bishop, Professor Xavier, Wolverine & the X-MEN, Spider-man (Maguire/Riami Universe), Spider-man (Amazing/Garfield Universe), Sailor Moon & the Sailor Scouts, with Tuxedo Mask, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Power Rangers, Silver Surfer, Queen Edea, Robocop, Madison (Badlands 2), and Goku.

Secret Wars Prequel Part II (Memorian Jason David Frank)

Its 4:30pm, today on Power Rangers. I mean, today on the Avengers: Secret Wars. Enjoy!

Deadpool 3 Announcement after Major Secret Avenger Announcement

Is Team MCU panicking against Team Multiverse? It may be so as it appears Marvel Studios is once again pulling the troll move. The day after TQR aka Secret Avenger made a huge announcement that there’s been two new additions to the MCU, well the MCU has made two new additions to their roster as well, and it appears two peope have defected from Team Multiverse to Team MCU, none other than Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool, and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine.

Who are the new additions to team MCU?

Many are speculating who the two new additions could be to Team Multiverse in TQR’s/Secret Avenger’s Secret War against the MCU? It must be two huge additions for them to scare Marvel Studios/Team MCU.

San Diego Comic Con/Secret Wars confirms Secret Avenger

Secret Wars confirms Secret Avenger

San Diego Comic Con came out with a shocking announcement that wasn’t so shocking, but left many wondering, not if, but when is Secret Avenger coming? After Secret Wars was officially confirmed by Kevin Feige this past weekend. The film had been prophesied the past few years by TQR aka MCU’s Secret Avenger. Feige delivered on the confirmation of the prophecy by announcing Secret Wars. In phase 6 photo Feige was showing there were two unannounced films scheduled for summer of 2025 with the two Avenger films (The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars). Several insiders are saying that the two films could be the two films setting up TQR’s Secret Avenger. One theory is that the two films will be The Forgotten Avenger, and Secret Avenger. One insider stated, Kang will have his own movie, like Thanos did in Infinity, with Kang having his own movie in The Kang Dynasty. Why not the same for TQR’s Secret Avenger? The same insider stated if things do go the way they plan that Secret Avenger will be a two-part film. Part I being titled The Forgotten Avenger, and Part II being titled Secret Avenger. From what was shown on the phase 6 chart, if this theory is true the line up may look like this:

May 2nd, 2025 – The Kang Dynasty

Summer 2025/film 1 -The Forgotten Avenger

Summer 2025/film 2 – Secret Avenger

November 7th, 2025 – Secret Wars (Secret Avenger’s war against the MCU?)

All four films possibly setting up Kang vs Secret Avenger or the two teaming up against the MCU. Now there’s been no word from Marvel Studios or TQR’s camp on this. Speaking of TQR. Other insiders have also stated these cards are subject to change. Remember when Infinity Wars was announced a few years ago. Then few years later the film was changed to a solo movie titled Infinity War. The sequel to Infinity War was End Game. While Feige announced the line up to phase and 6, nothing is official. New deals could go through and some of the projects announced at San Diego Comic Con may get cancelled. New characters being introduced into the MCU could also change the lineup of phase 5 and 6. Which one insider stated lets say they announce X-MEN, Silver Surfer, Galactus, and Secret Avenger, then you would expect changes to the lineup. Major changes.. Another insider believes Secret Avenger will headline phase 7, the Cosmic Saga, which will bring the sacred timeline back being Secret Avenger, adult Spider-man (Maguire or Garfield or a new actor), Fantastic Four, X-MEN, Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra, Blade and Ghost Rider. Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist wouldn’t be left out, said the anonymous insider.

TQR’s injury pushes MCU projects back

When news broke out that TQR was assaulted in Prospect Park back on July 6th, 2022, it pushed back some MCU projects. The projects pushed back were indeed Secret Invasion & the two Avenger films (The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars). The fans reaction to Secret Wars wasn’t as loud as MCU fanbase had been foreshadowed/prophesied about it through TQR’s hit novel and twitter tweets. While TQR is expected to make a full recovery, the recovery process is something to keep an eye on. TQR’s recovery is expected to be three or four weeks, and many doctors and neurologists are urging for his recovery to not be rushed. That means no extreme work out schedules at least until September or October. The fact Secret Wars is coming out in 2025 could mean Marvel wants to allow TQR healing time, and to slowly be introduced from out of nowhere. That would make sense since he is the Secret Avenger. This would also allow a slow buildup for Kang, who will either be a nemesis or ally to Secret Avenger, to get a slow buildup as well While many fans believe Doctor Doom is the big baddie in Secret Wars, someone will have to face Secret Avenger in Secret Wars, whether it been Kang, Avengers or Doom.

TQR’s/Secret Avenger Multiverse Prophecy confirmed

Another prophecy that might’ve got confirmed through Feige was that phase 6 ends the Multiverse Saga. Some insiders believe this will also end the MCU saga as we know it and bring back the sacred original timeline. Some of these prophesies have taking place already. Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield made appearances in the MCU recently, and its believe that the MCU vs Multiverse war TQR wants to prepare for the MCU is slowly coming to fruition.

She-Hulk references Secret Avenger stare

MCU did it again referencing Secret Avenger with the stare to the screen by She-Hulk and her cousin Bruce Banner aka the Hulk.

Scarlet Witch references Queen Edea

Before we go, here’s another easter egg/reference reveal from Doctor Stange 2. During the Multiverse of Madness Scarlett Witch had the ability to enter other bodies of her parallel self. This was a reference of Queen Edea from The Forgotten Ranger series. Long before Infinity War and Multiverse of Madness, during the release of The Forgotten Ranger II, Secret Avenger meets with members of the World’s Security Council. During that meeting Queen Edea uses her telepathic powers to enter a body of a councilwoman and control her sub-conscience.

Secret Avenger World Rerelease Successful leading into Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness

Last night re-release of MCU’s Secret Avenger by TQR was a successful global online hit once again. The novel has been an online hit since 2015. Please download the online global hit novel in the link below:

Last night’s re-release featured new scenes and new secret endings leading into what could possibly be the MCU’s version of Secret Wars.

Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness will be released May 5th in some theaters, and worldwide on May 6th. Please enjoy the re-release of MCU’s Secret Avenger by TQR. The origin story will be out later this month.

Secrets Wars preview reveals Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, XMEN, Fantastic Four and more

The MCU crossover with TQR’s Secret Wars will be released to the world tomorrow August 31st in the re-release that features new scenes, new characters and what could be a major time shift. Here’s what fans need to be aware of:

Captain America’s actions of staying in the past in Avengers End Game has threatened the entire multiverse.

Events of TQR’s Secret Wars will affect upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Ranger and possibly tying into Loki series.

There will be new secret endings in TQR’s re-release of Secret Wars.

Universes of the MCU, The Forgotten Ranger, Power Rangers, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and Sailor Moon collide.


Disney D23 confirms Corporate Red prediction She-Hulk

Spiderman removed from MCU due to Tom Holland and Disney’s Racism

For those of you that aren’t aware check out the link above on top two main reasons that led to Spider-man’s remove from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Another TQR/Corporate Red prediction confirmed – She-Hulk

During one of the extra endings of the online global hit novel The Forgotten Ranger, Corporate Red meets with several characters, including She-Hulk. The team is gathering as they are getting read to battle Thanos. She-Hulk makes her presence felt taking down Deadpool. This was years before yesterday’s Disney’s D23 announcement of She-Hulk.

Once again a character confirmed by TQR/Corporate Red confirmed years before the official announcement. Disney and Marvel Studios are not in a good light right now.

TQR’s global hit Secret Wars coming this Saturday

TQR’s recent global hit, his version of Secret Wars will be re-released this Saturday August 31st. The re-release will feature some new scenes, new characters, and new extra endings. The elite character roster will feature the MCU’s Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Professor Hulk, Ronin, and rest of the MCU roster taking on the Multi-verse roster featuring an elite cast of Corporate Red, Khang, Cable, Bishop, Deadpool, X-MEN, Fantastic Four and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts with Tuxedo Mask. There will be new characters introduced, which fans will have to wait and see on the Aug 31st re-release.  The story as followed, after the events of End Game, Captain America’s actions of staying in the past has threatened the existence of several realities within the multi-verse. Khang takes immediate action while word spreads to other time and dimensional travelers. A Secret War is being prepared to Secretly InVade the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its the battle for survival as the entire Multi-verse takes on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Time is running as the Multi-Verse must fight to remain in existence taking on the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Loki Series Corporate Red Connection

During Avengers End Game a parallel Loki escaped with the Tesseract. According to some insiders the upcoming Loki series could help introduce Corporate Red.

While the hero wouldn’t have to make a appearance in the series, it could help set up the stages for The Forgotten Ranger (The Forgotten Avenger/Secret Avenger).

Long before Doctor Strange, Infinity War, and End Game, TQR creator of Corporate Red clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline, long before the official confirmation. He also said few years ago the Netflix shows would end in 2019, which did.

In the 2015 – present hit The Forgotten Ranger, in the original 2015 release along with the re-releases Loki battles Corporate Red during a off-screen battle of the Chitauri InVasion, taking place during 2012’s Avengers.

Parallel Loki could help set up the stages of a confrontation with Corporate Red. This would then determine if The Forgotten Ranger is alternate timeline where Loki escaped.

There have long been theories if The Forgotten Ranger could actually be a parallel or alternate reality and the reason Corporate Red was in a haste to fix the space time continuum that has now been harmed by Captain America and the Avengers.

If the stages are done correct fans could see the introductions of Corporate Red and Khang, with the two battling the New Avengers to save the space time continuum of the Multiverse.