Hostile Feminists Lead to MCU’s Downfall

It started with the false accusations made against TQR (Secret Avenger), and Jonathan Majors (Kang). Then the creative failures of the MCU the false accusations made against to TQR. Then public blacklash against She-Hulk. To the failure of The Marvels. We know why the Marvels failed. A woman who is bully, none other than Brie Larson. There’s rumors that Ms. Marvel’s Iman Vellani, was one of the people that made false allegations against TQR. There are sources within the film industry that are stating She-Hulk season two is being cancelled. Ms. Marvel series might get cancelled as well. Many will say this is severe karma what several fans, actors, producers, casting directors, list goes on did to TQR. Disney, your getting your karma for the wrongdoing you did to TQR. From the plagiarism, to replacing him with Brie Larson, to taking part in the false allegations made against him. Unless Disney waves that white flag, and bring in TQR, things will only get worse from here.

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger Theories/Reports

Ant-Man 3 Quantumania is now in theaters, and if you haven’t seen the movie, be advised there are spoilers incoming. These spoilers confirm an upcoming secret character in the MCU, that’s been foreshadowed several times in the MCU. Is Secret Avenger a friend or enemy to the MCU? Ant-Man 3 might’ve revealed some hints. In the meantime here are the spoilers/easter eggs/references for Secret Avenger in Ant-Man 3: Quantumanani


Before Ant-Man 3 was released in theaters, TQR released a off-screen secret ending from MCU’s Ant-Man 3. In the secret ending Janet and Catherine (or a variant of theirs) meet with Secret Avenger. Catherine says the Avengers have done something horrible. Before they can finish the two get time frozen by Kang. In Ant-Man 3 Kang freezes Janet.

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger’s Reports

TQR before Infinity War and present has been saying that the MU threatens the Multiverse. TQR also at times on Twitter constantly said that Kang is destroying timelines, and Ant-Man 3 confirms those reports. Kang tells Scott he killed him once, along with a Thor variant. Kang also confirms he killed the Avengers. This was confirmed by TQR several times on Twitter before Ant-Man 3 when he would say he and Kang destroyed another timeline. The recent one during the Superbowl between Chiefs and Eagles, where TQR/Secret Avenger stated:

This is not the first time Kang and Secret Avenger (or a variant) destroyed realities within the Multiverse. TQR’s Avengers Secret Secret Wars prequel, the House of Kang assassinated multiple Captain America’s, and members of the Avengers. TQR/Secret Avenger on Twitter at times also talked about how he & Kang assassinated members of the Avengers in different realities.

Post Credit Confirms The Tournament mentioned in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel

The Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR stated that a tournament would be put in place to take down the MCU. This tournament/battle realm arena appears in Ant-Man 3 during the post credit.

The Universe that is a Threat

Wasp tells Kang you want to destroy a universe that threatens you. The sacred timeline which has been mentioned by Thanos, The Other, Kang and Secret Avenger are mentioned in Ant-Man 3 as well.

Someone Exiled Kang

Janet: He was exiled

Hope: By who?

Janet: I don’t know..

I think you all know

Cat References Secret Avenger

Cat tells her dad Scott: Just because its not your fight doesn’t mean its not yours. The MCU needs Secret Avenger. Its not his fight. But they need him. Cat also says they need to look out for the little guy. There currently is no little guy in the MCU. But he is coming, and he’s none other than, the Secret Avenger.

Check out Ant-Man 3: Quantumania directed by Peyton Reed.

Spider-Man 3 (Homecoming) Setting Stages for CR?

With recent news that Doctor Strange has been confirmed for Spider-man 3 Homecoming, many are starting to wonder is the stages now being prepared for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red and possible Secret Wars? Here’s some clues..

The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit back in 2015 during Avengers Age of Ultron introduces fans to Spider-man

When The Forgotten Ranger was released back in 2015, fans read a secret ending featuring Corporate Red, Hank Pym and Tony Stark. In this same secret ending CR blueprints the Iron Spider-man to Tony Stark. Later fans see an adult Spider-man in the post credit ending swinging in Manhattan on a web-string.

CR forewarned MCU’s Spider-man is not real

During the the years leading to Avengers Infinity War, Secret Avenger, Corporate Red forewarned to both Doctor Strange, Tony Stark and the fans of the MCU that Tom Holland’s Spider-man is not the real Spider-man, and that Spider-man is victim of a time glitch in the MCU matrix caused by the Infinity Time Stone. This theory has now lead to the possibility of being true due to to the following:

  • A producer on James Gun production’s team confirmed that the Infinity Time Stone was originally red. This is interesting as TQR during Age of Ultron and leading to IW said the same thing, that the Power Stone was originally red and was going to be held by Corporate Red, and that the Reality Stone was going to be purple and held by Queen Edea. Most (only a few) outside production didn’t believe him. That all change recently.
  • Glitches are starting to appear post Infinity War. One with J.K. Simmon’s Jamison appearing in Spider-man Homecoming 2. Simmon’s portrayed Jamison in the Maguire movies, which is interesting as TQR has stated: The adult Spider-man is the real Spider-man and that the MCU (Holland) Spider-man is the glitched/fake Spider-man.
  • Sam Riami is now director of Doctor Strange 2. Riami directed the famed Spider-man films that starred Tobey Maguire.
  • TQR confirmed multiverse before release of Doctor Strange.
  • Captain America staying in the past officially confirms TQR’s theory.

So fans need to wonder is MCU preparing for Secret Avengers debut or a bad case of plagiarism by the MCU?

Racism in the MCU?

With the world now taking a more serious war against racism many have to wonder about recent accusations made against Disney. We’re going to take a look at two creative moves, or were they creative moves?

Damien Poitier, a black actor, portrayed Thanos in Avengers 1, back in 2012. He was later replaced by Josh Brolin over creative differences. While many brushed it aside, it was a second creative difference many could not brush off.

TQR, creator of the online global hit novel, The Forgotten Ranger, was sub-messaged and reference in many MCU films, along with the former Netflix shows. The plan was for these sub-messages and references to reveal a secret character in the MCU. This would be a character not of the MCU, to save the MCU from Thanos in Avengers End Game. This would’ve been historically big, a character outside Disney and Marvel to save the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Then something strange happen. TQR was later (without warning) replaced by Brie Larson. To make things worse Robert Downey jr ends up defeating Thanos, due to backlash from the fans learning that Larson replaced TQR and was going to be the hero to defeat Thanos in End Game. The move not only ignited anger in fans, but anger within FOX and Netflix. FOX was so upset at the move that Deadpool 2 was pushed closer to Infinity War. In a panic move Disney pushed Infinity War to an earlier date. This however did not stop Deadpool 2 from defeating Infinity War in the box office. A collapse many said wouldn’t happen.

Many said the collapse wouldn’t happen, others knew it would. Fans remember Lionsgate Films was discovered to had stole creative ideas from TQR’s The Forgotten Ranger and put them in the Power Rangers film, the movie failed in the box office, and was quickly removed from theaters.

There’s been rumors Robert Iger’s departure is due to the company being investigated as well of plagiarizing off TQR’s creative ideas. It was TQR from day one, who said the MCU is alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. Fans learned of this truth at the end of Avengers End Game and realize TQR was indeed telling the truth. This has led to many wondering why was he replaced in the first place?

False accusations created by cyber bullies, racists, and troll accounts were constantly spreading false accusations about TQR. Some believe this was why he was replaced. But there are some investigators who believe Disney was working with the false accusers as an excuse to replace TQR, with him being, black.

Disney didn’t want a black man (Secret Avenger) defeating Thanos. They sure didn’t want a black man portraying a threat (Thanos) to the MCU. Also keep in mind The Forgotten Ranger had a powerful female lead. A female lead who’s more powerful than TQR/Corporate Red. Now some will say Disney didn’t turn down TQR/CR because he’s black and a powerful female character. Disney didn’t turn down a powerful female character? Tell that to film director Shane Black and actress Rebecca Hall. Shane Black states Hall’s role was reduced due to Disney worrying about toy sales. Really? Black has gone on record that Marvel Studio’s President, Kevin Feige, had nothing to do with the decision. Could this be why Feige has been unease when questioned about why TQR was replaced by Larson? Many insiders have said the MCU wanted TQR over Larson, and that removing TQR, hurt the MCU big time. For one TQR’s role in the MCU was to restore the original MCU. This would’ve resulted in adult Spider-man (not teenage Spidey-boy), original X-MEN and Fantastic Four cast merging into the MCU. Many feel maybe its not too late to bring back TQR. Bring in TQR as Secret Avenger for Avengers 5 would be good timing. For the real villain is Chris Evan’s Captain America, who not only hurt the branches of the multi-verse, but also intentionally erased a timeline.

Having Secret Avenger and Khang headline Avengers 5 would be big. Perhaps maybe even have Damien Poitier star as Khang and TQR as Secret Avenger. Two secret characters on their own individual secret wars against the MCU. Baron Mordo portrayed by Chiwetel Ejiofor  said it best, “the bill comes due always”. Tony Stark portrayed by Robert Downey jr said in Avengers End Game, “mess with time, times messes back”.

Is it time?

Sam Raimi helming Doctor Strange leading to Corporate Red?

Scott Derrickson who was the original director of Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness, recently stepped down due to creative differences. Yep this sure sounds familiar with other MCU projects. Edgar Wright and Ant-man ring a bell? TQR/Secret Avenger/Corporate Red being replaced for Brie Larson/Captain Marvel ring a bell? Although that move most people hated and has shown already to be the downfall of the MCU moving foward. But then came news Sam Raimi is the new director for Doctor Strange 2. How could this tie to Corporate Red?

Well leading up to Infinity War, TQR constantly stated that the MCU is a reality that is not suppose to exist. Doctor Strange, Spider-man Homecoming and recently End Game have proven this TQR/Secret Avenger theory true after Captain America stayed in the past and altering an already alternate reality. An alternate within an alternate? That’s not good.. Remember what Stark said in End Game, mess with time, time messes back. Sam Raimi also directed the original Spider-man franchise, with star Tobey Magiure as the web-head.

The MCU alternate timeline theory by TQR has been that Holland’s Spider-man is not the real Spider-man, and that the MCU is a timeline that is not suppose to exist. Or at least that version of the MCU is not suppose to exist. Constant use of the Time Stone resulted in the glitches in the MCU’s matrix.

Could Raimi being bought in to helm Doctor Strange 2 set up the stages for Secret Wars where Secret Avenger/Corporate Red leads the Multiverse in a war against the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Things are getting.. interesting..

Spiderman removed from MCU due to Tom Holland and Disney’s Racism

Updated report on why Spiderman has been removed from Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’re breaking down old and new details

Tom Holland’s Constant Leaking

Tom Holland who was selected by Kevin Feige and Disney to become Spider-man had constantly been leaking MCU films such as Infinity War, End Game, and recently Far From Home. While everyone thought it was a laughing matter, one man did not take it lightly. TQR who many know as Corporate Red, Secret Avenger, has constantly been outspoken about Holland’s leaks. The online global hit author even stated Tom Holland’s white privilege is what was preventing him from getting fired. Holland and some MCU fans disagree with TQR, however insiders are stating Sony had kept their lips tightly sealed and were secretly supporting TQR behind the scenes. Like FOX and Netflix, the company was also not pleased with TQR being replaced by Larson (which we’ll get into the other reason why Sony divorced Disney in the MCU).

TQR being replaced by Brie Larson would lead to consequences

While social media and media have been stating that profit differences between Sony and Disney is the reason Spider-man is being removed from the MCU, apparently that’s not the real story. Insiders have all stated it goes back to a certain plan that was shut down by Disney. A plan shutdown that sparked worldwide outrage.

After being replaced by Brie Larson in Avengers Infinity War and End Game, TQR aka Corporate Red warned there would be consequences for Disney’s actions. Indeed his predictions were on point. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, few years before the release TQR said the Netflix shows would be coming to an end. This prediction he nailed.

The original plan was for the Netflix shows to merge with the MCU. Instead, Disney not sticking with the original plan the Netflix shows have been erased from the MCU after the Netflix fallout. Netlfix wasn’t the only one upset with Disney. FOX was also upset, and they were so upset they pushed Deadpool 2 closer to Infinity War’s release. Disney in a panic released IW earlier, but it wasn’t enough as the movie failed against Deadpool 2.

Sony was also upset, but had not made it known, until now. The original plan for End Game had Secret Avenger, Corporate Red defeating Thanos and destroying the Marvel Cinematic timeline to bring back to the original timeline which would’ve bought in X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and the real adult Spider-man. Sadly the fans didn’t get this and there had been anger since from multiple parties. Most are aware Secret Avenger, Corporate Red had been sub-message, reference and easter egg in several MCU films and Netflix shows. The hidden messages revealed a secret character in the MCU and that this secret character was going to be the hero to defeat Thanos in End Game.  This sadly was shattered when Disney replaced TQR with Brie Larson, and with Stark defeating Thanos instead of Corporate Red. When Larson replaced TQR she was going to defeat Thanos, and since Disney learned fans were highly upset, switched it to Stark, which only has made things worse.

According to some insiders End Game was going to lead into Iron Man 4 with Iron Man teaming with his secret proteje Corporate Red to hunt down the real Manderine. Fans learned about the altered plans for this in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, a film that was announced for phase 4. The same phase 4 which is not going over well with the fans.

From what insiders are saying Sony had enough of MCU’s version of Spider-man and Disney handling of what went down with Secret Avenger being replaced with Larson.

Its interesting how things have just gone downhill for the MCU for not sticking with the original plan. There’s also been talks the reason X-MEN and Fantastic Four are not in phase 4 is because they are still facing punishments for replacing TQR with Larson. Many viewed the move as a racist move. The move angered fans, celebrities and production staff working in the MCU, list goes on. Secret Avenger was going to bring in the Marvel Reunion. Tony wouldn’t had been dead. Captain America wouldn’t had been old. The entire Marvel family would’ve finally been back together. But Disney threw that all away with their racist ways.

MCU’s Phase 4 Failure and Major Corporate Red Announcements


The Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 4 announcements at Hall H at San Diego Comic Con is not going well with the fans. We’re also going to break those those announcement and some major Corporate Red announcements that have fans excited about The Forgotten Ranger series and disappointed in the MCU which is starting a major fall.

Mahershala Ali cast as Blade? 

This one confuses many fans for one main reason. Alfe Woodard Maria appeared in both Captain America Civil War and Netflix’s Luke Cage. Woodard played the character Maria in both Civil War and Luke Cage. MCU didn’t think about this did they?

Multiverse in Doctor Strange proves Disney and Marvel plagiarism 

The one that probably has fans angered the most besides the Blade announcement is Doctor Strange teaming up with Scarlett Witch in the MCU. The fans are aware before Doctor Strange and End Game were even announced for the MCU TQR had clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline. This was confirmed years later in Avengers End Game after Captain Ameria stays in the past. Now some reporters and insiders are even receiving more disturbing reports how the MCU is trying to cover this up. One insider stated:

I spoke with Terrell, he said basically Scarlett Witch is trying to alter reality to bring back her brother and the missing mutants in an already alternate reality and that Disney and Marvel are trying to cover up the plagiarism of them stealing his creative idea’s is only hurting them.

No X-MEN and Fantastic Four in Phase 4 proves Disney is still in trouble

The fact X-MEN and Fantastic Four were not confirmed for phase 4 appears to be more evident that Disney and Marvel is still being punished for not following the original plan which resulted in fallout of FOX and Netflix with Disney. Many believe Disney is trying to get revenge by erasing the Netflix universe. This many are saying will backfire.

Hostile Feminism movement is hurting MCU

What fans are also worried about is the surviving heroes being replaced by women, which many fear could be because of a hostile feminism movement. Thor 4 is already spoiled by Disney and Marvel that Thor’s former love interest Jane will become Thor. Why spoil this before the movie even comes out? The upcoming Hawkeye also spoiled that Hawkeye is setting up his daughter to take over the mantle.

This has been bothering the fans since TQR was replaced by a hostile white supremacist/hostile feminist in Brie Larson. A move that was not liked by the fans, FOX, Netflix and even majority of the MCU cast. The move viewed by many viewed as a racist move. Even worse many have said the move was done due to false accusations made against TQR which many have said led to his replacement. Not only did investigators (some federal) find out accusations made against TQR were false, but that Disney, Marvel, Reddit and assistance from IMDB may have been on it. This is a serious investigation, said one insider. Alot of people don’t realize the individuals and parties involved in making the false accusations could face serious criminal charges and jail time.

Avengers End Game passing Avater proves racism is running wild in today’s world

The fact many are aware racism is still running wild in Disney and that fans allowed the movie to surpass Avatar as the #1 movie of all time shows the lack of protest against racism and plagiarism.

The Forgotten Ranger Major Announcement

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page will be released in 2020. The Forgotten Ranger page 120 format is expected to be released on the anniversary of The Forgotten Ranger in April of 2020.

Secret InVasion Parts I and II the sequel to TQR’s successful online global hit Secret Wars will be releasing this Fall sometime around October. Part I will feature a Secret InVasion from the Skrull Empire and along with the return of The Fantastic Four.  Part II will introduce Galactus and Silver Surfer’s return to Earth. The series will tie MCU and the original FOX/Fantastic Four events from Rise of the Silver Surfer and combining it with the recent events from TQR’s Secret Wars.

Update: Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban stole ideas from The Forgotten Ranger (major update/new information)

Major updates and new evidence that Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban did steal ideas from Terrell Quentin Rogers online global hit short story Corporate Red, The Forgotten Ranger. Corporate Red, The Forgotten Ranger first took notice back in 2014 and went worldwide big in 2015. People are waking up.. If you hate corruption and people’s ideas being stolen then join the boycott against the upcoming Power Rangers re-boot.

Ever since Terrell Quentin Rogers met with a producer from Lionsgate back in 2014 strange things were happening with the Lionsgate Films Power Rangers film. Now the world is starting to notice the plagiarism in the PR-reboot movie taking from TQR’s online global hit short story. Phase one of Corporate Red will be released worldwide on screen Oct 2017 and a big feature on May 3rd, 2019. Here’s some of the plagiarism done by Lionsgate in the upcoming Power Rangers film.

Where’s the Trailer? Normally a big movie comes out with a trailer the year before or months before the movie. Power Rangers re-boot on the other hand didn’t release their first trailer until Jan 2017, which was two months before the release? Why was that? Many are saying this was a cover up to prevent Terrell from knowing that his ideas were secretly being taking? But glimpses started appearing with a green Rita with the green morpher in her staff. A female green ranger which has never been done in Power Rangers is the equivalent to Corporate Green from The Forgotten Ranger. Remember the name situation back in 2015 where Lionsgate Films planned on using different names for the film instead of the original names? Then Lionsgate Films panicked and went with the original names. Early signs of plagiarism committed by Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban.

Red Ranger height similar to Corporate Red.
– In Power Rangers re-boot both black and blue are taller than red. In The Forgotten Ranger Green, White, Lavender and Gold are taller than red.

Cultural team
– The Corporate Rangers a cultural group of individuals picked up off the streets. The team featured races of black, white, latino and asian. Lionsgate Films PR-reboot plagiarized off off this as well.

Name Change?
Back in Oct 2015 there were reports that Lionsgate Films weren’t going to use the original names for the upcoming re-boot which had many to believe that the company is stealing the names of The Forgotten Ranger. What is more alarming is the cast as well. Zack is an American name, yet an Asian is cast as Zack?? Trini is an Asian name and a hispanic cast as Trini?? This doesn’t make sense at all. What were the other names Lionsgate planned on using that they didn’t want to reveal?

Yellow Ranger being lesbian
– The Yellow Ranger is a lesbian in Power Rangers re-boot. In a non-released script for the upcoming live action Corporate Red Terrell shared a script he wrote with multiple producers including a producer from Lionsgate Films featuring both Green and Lavender becoming lesbians after Red rejects both of them for a hangout. In the short story readers are split on if Green and Lavender are gay. While the two are extremely close it was unsure in The Forgotten Ranger short story. The upcoming live action however there is a script where they are are gay and a script where there just best friends and nothing more.

Rita being Green Ranger equivalent to Corporate Green
– This was the smoking gun when it was revealed in photos that Rita’s green costume was no coincidence and that her staff has the green morpher which will turn Rita into the Green Ranger. Long before the script was written for PR re-boot and long before it went into production The Forgotten Ranger featured a female version of a green ranger, Corporate Green. Corporate Green will also be in the upcoming CR live action debut this Oct 2017.

Update: Movie goers have confirmed Rita is the Green Ranger at the beginning of the movie. First evidence of plagiarism. In the original Mighty Morphin Tommy is the Green Ranger. There has never been a female green ranger in the Power Ranger universe. Fans from both Marvel, Power Rangers, DC Comics and superhero fans as a whole have read about Corporate Green (a female green ranger) in The Forgotten Ranger for the past three years. Keep in mind Lionsgate Films knew about The Forgotten Ranger especially the information that was giving to them by a producer that met with Terrell Quentin Rogers before the scripts and production started for Power Rangers re-boot. This game them time to plagiarize and this explains why the movie was constantly pushed back and the long delay for the trailer which didn’t debut until Jan 2017, two months before the movie debut.

– The Corporate Rangers besides their heroics were also famous for their dirty foul mouths. All the Corporate Rangers except Red, Yellow and Lavender were very foul mouth. Awhile back there was a R rated fan Power Rangers film that was successful but the sequel was later shut down by Saban. However the upcoming PR re-boot has cursing. Saban/Power Rangers rule has been to never have cursing. Strange?

Iron Man and Spider-man Reference (Now they’re in trouble)
In the first ever online release of The Forgotten Ranger Corporate Red meets Tony Stark in a secret ending leading off to the ending of Age of Ultron when Tony Stark leaves Avengers Facility in his car. In the secret Corporate Red ending CR meets with Stark. Stark tells CR about the vision shown to him by Scarlett Witch of the dark future (Infinity War). CR informs Tony Stark that Bucky Barnes killed his father and also gives him details about Spider-man. This was written way before the Civil War script was written and went into production. In Civil War we do learn Bucky Barnes did killed Stark father, but Stark finds out in a different way. However Stark never reveals how he knows about the identity of Spider-man. Corporate Red secret? In the same secret ending both Stark and CR agree to keep their alliance secret. Why is PR-reboot making references to Spider-man and Iron Man? Why do the suits look like Iron Man? Why are the Power Rangers in the ads landing like Iron Man? Is this a dirty cheap shot at Corporate Red/The Forgotten Ranger?

Bryan Cranston – it looked familiar
Bryan Crantson in a recent interview said that the PR re-boot script looked familiar. In video link below 7:50 – 9:00 marks of video of confession.

During today’s screening of Power Rangers film Haim Saban stated that Lionsgate Films presented with him a incredible story and that the story ended up not being apart of the movie and that it was a “separate story”. You can hear the evidence starting at 3:40 of the video. Now Saban stated two things:

In other words he read The Forgotten Ranger (this separate story).

This also confirms why ideas from The Forgotten Ranger are in Power Rangers re-boot film. Naomi Scott also confirmed more plagiarism with the mean re-boot Pink Ranger being similar to the mean Wesleyanna/Corporate Pink. Readers of The Forgotten Ranger the past three years have read in the short story that Corporate Pink is selfish and mean.

In a interview with Joseph Deckelmier of That HashTagShow Naomi Scott confirms bullying was not in the original script. This confirms that Liongate Films also stole this idea from The Forgotten Ranger. In the online global hit short story Corporate Red was bullied during his teen years (similar to Terrell Quentin Rogers being bullied in real life during his teen years and currently at the hands of cyber bullies). In the video below Naomi slips the evidence at 4:34 – 5:00

The Forgotten Ranger March 24th Re-Release. Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban Plagiarized off The Forgotten Ranger. Rowan Pope (Scandal), returns, The Westchester Incident (Logan), Deadpool, Spider-man, Red Skull, Kingpin, the Sinister Six and more in the new extra endings for Corporate Red, The Forgotten Ranger.

TheForgottenRangermatureversion5   <—– download

Update March 25th: I’ve edited the grammer in some of the scene and some edits to the secret endings

March 24th: Today is the final re-release of The Forgotten Ranger. This new re-release includes new scenes, and new extra endings. In the new extra endings are The Westchester Incident from Logan, and villain appearances from Spider-man and the whereabouts of Red Skull as well. Also Rowan Pope, from Shonda Rhimes hit ABC show Scandal who I had in some of my original scripts makes a comeback in this re-release. In the link below is the download attachment. I will also have a child friendly version of The Forgotten Ranger out this weekend, which will include no cursing and some scenes altered. Also in the links below are my two wallposts and the evidence you all have witnessed worldwide of Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban plagiarizing off my successful online global hit short story. I do plan to take legal action as well. Haim Saban has a history of no integrity, and Lionsgate Films has a history of stealing people’s ideas. My successful short story for the past three years (four if you count 2014 for promotional work) has been an online successful hit, being read by over one hundred countries and a fan base in the millions. Millions across the globe are starting to see the plagiarism done by Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban, stealing ideas for my short story Corporate Red, The Forgotten Ranger. Also if you want to help in the protest against Lionsgate Films Power Rangers movie you may go see the following movies: Beauty and the Beast, Chips, Logan, Kong: Skull Island, The Belko Experiment and Life.

Update: Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban stole ideas from The Forgotten Ranger (major update/new information)

Lionsgate Films Power Rangers re-boot stole ideas from The Forgotten Ranger.

Plagiarism in Lionsgate Films Power Rangers re-boot taking ideas from The Forgotten Ranger. People are waking up.. If you hate corruption and people’s ideas being stolen then join the boycott against the upcoming Power Rangers re-boot.

Ever since Terrell Quentin Rogers met with a producer from Lionsgate back in 2014 strange things were happening with the Lionsgate Films Power Rangers film. Now the world is starting to notice the plagiarism in the PR-reboot movie taking from TQR’s online global hit short story. Phase one of Corporate Red will be released worldwide on screen Oct 2017 and a big feature on May 3rd, 2019. Here’s some of the plagiarism done by Lionsgate in the upcoming Power Rangers film.

Red Ranger height similar to Corporate Red.
– In Power Rangers re-boot both black and blue are taller than red. In The Forgotten Ranger Green, White, Lavender and Gold are taller than red.

Cultural team
– The Corporate Rangers a cultural group of individuals picked up off the streets. The team featured races of black, white, latino and asian.

Name Change?
Back in Oct 2015 there were reports that Lionsgate Films weren’t going to use the original names for the upcoming re-boot which had many to believe that the company is stealing the names of The Forgotten Ranger. What is more alarming is the cast as well. Zack is an American name, yet an Asian is cast as Zack?? Trini is an Asian name and a hispanic cast as Trini?? This doesn’t make sense at all. What were the other names Lionsgate planned on using that they didn’t want to reveal?

Yellow Ranger being lesbian
– The Yellow Ranger is a lesbian in Power Rangers re-boot. In a non-released script for the upcoming live action Corporate Red Terrell shared a script he wrote with multiple producers including a producer from Lionsgate Films featuring both Green and Lavender becoming lesbians after Red rejects both of them for a hangout. In the short story readers are split on if Green and Lavender are gay. While the two are extremely close it was unsure in The Forgotten Ranger short story. The upcoming live action however there is a script where they are are gay and a script where there just best friends and nothing more.

Rita being Green Ranger equivalent to Corporate Green
– This was the smoking gun when it was revealed in photos that Rita’s green costume was no coincidence and that her staff has the green morpher which will turn Rita into the Green Ranger. Long before the script was written for PR re-boot and long before it went into production The Forgotten Ranger featured a female version of a green ranger, Corporate Green. Corporate Green will also be in the upcoming CR live action debut this Oct 2017.

– The Corporate Rangers besides their heroics were also famous for their dirty foul mouths. All the Corporate Rangers except Red, Yellow and Lavender were very foul mouth. Awhile back there was a R rated fan Power Rangers film that was successful but the sequel was later shut down by Saban. However the upcoming PR re-boot has cursing. Saban/Power Rangers rule has been to never have cursing. Strange?

Iron Man and Spider-man Reference (Now they’re in trouble)
In the first ever online release of The Forgotten Ranger Corporate Red meets Tony Stark in a secret ending leading off to the ending of Age of Ultron when Tony Stark leaves Avengers Facility in his car. In the secret Corporate Red ending CR meets with Stark. Stark tells CR about the vision shown to him by Scarlett Witch of the dark future (Infinity War). CR informs Tony Stark that Bucky Barnes killed his father and also gives him details about Spider-man. This was written way before the Civil War script was written and went into production. In Civil War we do learn Bucky Barnes did killed Stark father, but Stark finds out in a different way. However Stark never reveals how he knows about the identity of Spider-man. Corporate Red secret? In the same secret ending both Stark and CR agree to keep their alliance secret. Why is PR-reboot making references to Spider-man and Iron Man? Why do the suits look like Iron Man? Why are the Power Rangers in the ads landing like Iron Man? Is this a dirty cheap shot at Corporate Red/The Forgotten Ranger?

Bryan Cranston – it looked familiar
Bryan Crantson in a recent interview said that the PR re-boot script looked familiar. In video link below 7:50 – 9:00 marks of video of confession.