Dec 15th Release & New MCU Timeline/Roster?

Mark it down on your calendar The Forgotten Avenger will return December 15th, and “The Force” will be strong with this hero. The release will feel like the JFK Files, but in the form of Infinity War. Sound the alarm…. Is Spider-man real? What happen to the Fantastic Four? Where are the X-MEN? How does the 100th episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the rest of the season tie to Infinity War? Who died at the hands of Thanos? We know Vision dies, but who killed him? We saw two legs standing over him in the trailer. We know those weren’t the final cuts. Who wants some gosh dang spoilers? Wait did we say spoilers?

What will the new timeline look like? Here it comes #theory.. hashtag? Nope, not made famous by Deadpool.. someone beat you to the punch… #CR

Return of the original timeline/merged into the MCU – With the CR prophecy slowly coming to fulfillment (wow and what if) what will the new timeline look like? With talks between Disney/FOX heating up, that deal would fulfill the prophecy since half of the prophecy was completed when Disney pulled out of Netflix which will go down in 2019 (the same year the CR prophecy is expected to go complete/whoa). We’ll say hashtag theory for this new timeline roster below (grab a seat belt and buckle up because this list is a roller coaster) :

Aaron Taylor-Johnson – Quicksilver

Anson Mount – Black Bolt

Brianna Hiddlebrand – Negasonic

Brie Larson – Captain Marvel

Bruce Willis – Original Nick Fury

Charlie Cox – Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Chris Evans – Johnny Storm/Human Torch

Chris Hemsworth – Thor

Clark Greg – Agent Coulson

Cobie Smulders – Agent Maria Hill

Daniel Cudmore – Colossus

Donnie Yen – Namor

Doug Jones – Silver Surfer

Ellen Page – Kitty Pryde

Elizabeth Olsen – Scarlett Witch

Eme Ikwuakor – Gorgon

Emily Blunt – Agent Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

Emily VanCamp – Sharon Carter

Eric Bana – Bruce Banner/Hulk

Eric Dane – Cable

Evangeline Lilly – Hope/Wasp

Famke Janssen – Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix

Finn Jones – Danny Rand/Iron Fist

Haley Atwell – Agent Carter

Halle Berry – Storm

Hugh Jackman – Wolverine

Hugo Weaving – Johann Schmidt/Red Skull

Ian McKellen – Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto

Isabelle Cornish – Crystal

Iwan Rheon – Maximus

Ioan Gruffudd – Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic

Jake Gyllenhaal – Peter Parker/Spider-man

James Marsden – Scott Summers/Cyclops

Jennifer Garner – Elektra

Jeremy Rener – Agent Clint Barton/Hawkeye

Josh Brolin – Thanos

Kelsey Grammer – Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast

Ken Leung – Karnak

Krysten Ritter – Jessica Jones

Liu Yifei – Jubilee

Mads Mickkelsen – Doctor Doom

Melissa Joan Hart – Sue Storm/Invisible Woman

Michael Chiklis – Ben Grimm/The Thing

Michael Douglas – Hank Pym/original Ant-man

Michael Keaton – Vulture

Michelle Pfeiffer – Janet van Dyne/original Wasp

Mike Colter – Luke Cage

Patrick Stewart – Professor Xavier

Paul Rudd – Scott Lang/Ant-man

Ray Stevenson – Punisher

Rebecca Romijin – Mystique

Robert Downey jr – Tony Stark/Iron Man

Ryan Reynolds – Wade/Deadpool

Samuel L. Jackson – Nick Fury

Sebastian Stan – Winter Soldier

Serinda Swan – Medusa

Taylor Kitsch – Gambit

Terrance Howard – James Rhodes/War Machine

Terrell Quentin Rogers – Corporate Red

Tom Hiddleston – Loki

Vincent D’Onofrio – Kingpin

Wesley Snipes – Blade










Agents of Shield 100th episode references Corporate Red, MCU’s end, parallel universe

For those of you that saw the first premier of the 100th episode from earlier this week back on Sunday then you saw the early glimpse of the Agents of SHIELD season five premier of the 100th episode. Today was the two hour premier of the 100th episode and there were tons of Corporate Red references, along with Infinity War and even Time Stone references and what could be the MCU end message. First let’s break down the Corporate Red references from previous post from earlier this week into tonight

From November 25th post: At the truck scene, we see hologram technology being put onto the truck. Where did the shadow agency get the freeze tech from? We see the team staring at a red and white prehistoric rock (#CR reference). Coulston recognizes it as it melts and all of a sudden the scene is staring at the universe almost similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy style almost hinting of a foreshadow to the possible new hero (and possibly the Avengers/Guardians have already lost to Thanos future wise). The same scene is frozen in time, almost given reference to time control in the last The Forgotten Ranger/Avengers release involving the Skrull control over time with the Eye of Agamotto. Simmons examining the people on the floor aka Marvel Zombies (in Space). The big major CR reference is from Yo-Yo. Yo talks about S.H.I.E.L.D. not having a base called Sphere or a base on the moon. Both were referenced under CR back in October. Sphere referenced as a ruling term under the World’s Security Council. However CR as Next Gen Quantum was able to fly into outer space. Coincidence or sign of things to come? People hiding on the moon the Council secretly destroyed a Skrulls base on the moon in the last CR release back in Oct/Nov.

Episode premier tonight: When Simmons is meeting with the Kree leader his walls are painted white and his sofa chairs are quantum red.

Parallel Universe/MCU end?

Reports are stating that Infinity War will be the end of the MCU. Not the Untitled Sequel, but Infinity War. Some reports are stating this is coming from Kevin Feige. It’s been heavily rumor since 2014 that either Thanos or Corporate Red will bring an end to the MCU. The rumors link to Corporate Red have stated that CR will reset the MCU, and bring back the original timeline (FOX/Sony timeline which would merge with the MCU). Tonight’s 100th episode of Agents of SHIELD was a mind blown and leaves MCU fans with a bigger puzzle after the Infinity War trailer and the recent Oct/Nov release of The Forgotten Avenger and with the upcoming release approaching for next week fans are wondering what to expect? But why is earth destroyed? According to one of the new characters one character stated that Daisy aka Quake was the reason of earth’s destruction in the Agents of SHIELD 100th episode. Could this be a parallel earth where Daisy accidently or intentionally destroyed earth? A hostile InHuman? We know S.H.I.E.L.D. briefed Corporate Red on Skrulls and reports he was also secretly studying InHumans (an arc yet to be covered in the novel but joked about constantly online by TQR). Could the multiple timelines in the MCU be the reason why Spider-man is a teenager in the MCU? Let’s think about this? Doesn’t Spider-man in the MCU feel out of place? We have earth destroyed in SHIELD 100TH and MCU coming to an end in Infinity War. Put the two together and something is happening here. Collision of timelines which damaged/altered one? Time travel by the Agents of SHIELD and add that with the constant use of the Time Stone by CR, Skrulls, and Doctor Strange (apple/bargains). If you really think about it that’s a ton of glitches in the MCU matrix right there to mess everything up.

Two words mind blown.. Two words.. Parallel Universe.. Two words.. End Game..

So what is the end game for Agents of SHIELD and Infinity War? We know the end game for Infinity War is, Thanos wins. Could it be Agents of SHIELD win only to return home to face defeat running into Infinity War? One thing we do know, thanks to tonight’s episode and the events of Infinity War, the MCU is coming to an end, and a new timeline is coming. With the recent rumors of the Disney/FOX deal and Marvel pulling out of Netflix in 2019 this is the perfect opportunity for CR to save the MCU and reunite the Marvel family. What about CR? if this goes down, does he right off into the sunset to never be heard from again? If this does happen, is this a one hit wonder or a new home for him as well? The argument about CR not being a Marvel character has already been shut down. Spyke in X-MEN evolution wasn’t a Marvel character and Daryl from Walking Dead wasn’t a Walking Dead character. Recently Alexandra in Defenders wasn’t a Marvel character. Many are saying she was inspired by TQR’s nemesis or she may have secretly been TQR’s nemesis to help secretly introduce him into the MCU (domino effect).

Quick mention did any of you notice the Kree woman with the Magneto style metal sphere weapons? Look familiar from X2? When Mystique put iron in the man’s body and Magneto used the iron as weapons.  Remember when Magneto breaks out his prison and turns them into spheres? Now re-watch the scene. Perhaps paying homage or foreshadow?

How do you think the MCU will end? Through Thanos or Corporate Red? The Forgotten Avenger will return next week in brand new 800 plus page release and it will include the location of the Infinity Soul Stone, continuing more deeper history of the Council and Skrulls, new chapter of JFK’s war against the Council and Skrulls, RFK’s war against segregation (defending blacks and mutants), the fate of the Fantastic Four, new secret endings and more.

Russo Brothers Number Two is a female Skrull? Captain Marvel Skrull?

We know sub-messages play a huge part in Hollywood and the Russo Brothers may have a dropped a major sub-message in today’s photo. In the photo below the number 2 is a woman in green. This appears to be a number two as a Skrull woman. Major reference is the color tone of the number 2. The green color is the green Skrull color. But who is this Skrull? Could it be Captain Marvel? Black Widow? Or agent in S.H.I.E.L.D? Yesterday’s number 3 points to be all signs of the Secret Avenger. If you look at the arms of number two she’s wearing rubber, probably indicating a Skrull suit. She also has on women shoes looking classical like probably from the 50’s 60’s or perhaps even 90’s. Who is the 2 sub-messaging? Top guess.. Captain Marvel as a Skrull.. #theory.. The Russos are reported the Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War/X-MEN Dark Phoenix tie-in to upcoming The Forgotten Avenger release? New updates

As reported last night due to TQR’s health (concussion/migraines) the next release for The Forgotten Avenger has been pushed back to Nov 30th. However the release could be pushed back to even December now. The upcoming release will feature major role involving JFK’s secret war against both the World’s Security Council and the Skrull’s Empire. The upcoming release will also feature RFK’s battle in civil right’s for both African American’s and mutants. Mutants will be heavily tackled and their battles when it came to segregation.

Back in October it was reporter that the Skrulls was spotted on set of X-MEN Dark Phoenix. This was reported after the release of The Forgotten Avenger Skrulls InVasion. The Skrulls back in the summer were confirmed by Gunn and Marvel Studios that the Skrulls will be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will be first appearing in Captain Marvel. Ironically weeks before the announcement (back in June) TQR said he would be bringing an army (from FOX) to invade the MCU. That next month in July Gunn and Marvel announced the Skrulls.. (say what?) Tie-in?

Shonda Rhime’s character Rowan Pope from ABC’s Scandal will have a bigger storyline than previous releases in the upcoming new release.

Adult Spider-man who was first referenced in The Forgotten Ranger (before it became The Forgotten Avenger) made his appearance in The Forgotten Avenger along with Logan aka Wolverine. Long time readers remember adult Spider-man was first referenced during a briefing between Director Fury and the World’s Security Council, leading up to the events of the Chitauri InVasion. Expect more appearances from adult Spider-man adding more to the mystery is the MCU Spider-man real?

The Fantastic Four also made two appearance in the last release. One appearance during a secret ending involving the Skrulls. It’s revealed that. S.H.I.E.L.D. under Hydra betrayed the Fantastic Four which the lead the heroes into the hands of the Skrulls. While the last release didn’t show a scene explaining how the capture happened the upcoming release could shed more light on that.

She-Hulk was introduced in the The Forgotten Avenger Skrull InVasion in serious and comical fashion. A major addition to CR’s army. It appears Ms. Walters is also a rival to attorney Matt Murdock aka Daredevil. Things get comical when Deadpool as well is Deadpool and She-Hulk puts him in his place. No reports if we’ll get an origin story for Ms. Walters She-Hulk with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the prologue leading up to the Chitauri InVasion in The Forgotten Avenger.

There will be the introduction of side characters/side stories. Some of these characters could trigger major events or just end up being side characters as in nothing major.  But they will add depth and emotional impact to the story.

This past weekend a shocking and unexpected announcement that Dr. Emmitt Brown from Back to the Future will make an appearance in the upcoming release. While reports stated his role would be a cameo, insider reports are stating his role could be bigger and it could involve both the creation of Corporate Red and the circumstances surrounding the Infinity Time Stone. Speaking of the Infinity Time Stone expect it to make it a bigger comeback like in the previous releases thanks to the Skrulls who use the Eye of Agamotto take over humanity. Readers now learning that Corporate Red and Doctor Strange weren’t the only two that used the Infinity Time Stone. But could this have caused serious consequences to the MCU’s timeline? We’ve already seen in past releases Corporate Red briefing Doctor Strange about the MCU’s timeline and we know something big has happened and you the fans actually don’t know.

The Infinity Soul Stone will make a major appearance. How many is not being announced.

Skrull Avengers? So there was a secret ending revealing the Avengers, some of them as Skrulls. Tony Stark, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Spider-man. Interesting with TQR saying the Skrulls are on the Infinity War poster. Cap with the beard, and Widow with the blonde wig. Captain Marvel would make sense for her to pop out of nowhere, and in the last The Forgotten Avenger release Pierce and Fury stated her as pretty much dead, paving the way for the 21st century crimefighter, Corporate Red. Hawkeye is spotted in a dark trenchcoat and putting on shades (that new attire makes sense now). Now some Avengers are missing. Doctor Strange makes sense since in last releases Ant-man complains to CR and Wasp how Strange attacked him recently. CR asks Strange did you get my message? Strange replies he did. The two go into defense against Ant-man and Wasp. It turns out Ant-man and Wasp aren’t Skrulls. Black Panther is also missing in this ending. Scarlett Witch and Vision are both missing as well. Now Vision let’s be serious, he’s dead. More likely he was killed at the hands of either Thanos or the Black Order in Infinity War. We all know the Gauntlet gets completed confirmed by the Infinity War poster released by Disney/Marvel Studios. Questions is will we see this secret ending again or will it be like the CR/Time Stone ending and will it disappear and re-appear another time? Fans will have to wait and see till next release. Another Avenger Rhodey aka War Machine is also missing. So the fans have a mystery on their hands with this ending along with Infinity War itself. Who wins, who loses? Who’s the new guy? Or perhaps you the fans already been reading him all this time?


Corporate Red easter egg confirmed in Spider-man Homecoming. 3:17

Just a few minutes ago on James Gunn twitter Terrell Quentin Rogers left a comment about the 3:17 easter egg on Pete’s cell phone and to many surprise James Gunn left this reply:

We now have the official confirmation the 3:17 was indeed a reference to Terrell Quentin Rogers birthday and also the same day.. moving on. Here’s link to the references and sub-messages of Corporate Red in Spider-man Homecoming:

Corporate Red in Spider-man Homecoming? Where to Find Him.

Could this mean TQR did indeed refer RDJ’s Iron Man to Spider-man after all? Things just got interesting… Before the release of Captain America Civil War and Spider-man Homecoming during a secret ending of The Forgotten Ranger (before it became Avenger) Corporate Red tells Stark about a guy in Queens web-slinging, etc. He gives Stark a disk and Stark asks who is the name of this individual? CR replies his name is Spider-man. In this same scene CR also tells Stark to fund Spider-man and create the Iron Spidey. Ironically this did happen in Spider-man Homecoming.

CR/Secret Avenger confirmed?

Thor Ragnarok Premier revealed the fate/new Marvel Cinematic Universe coming? Sub-messages

Note: Link to updated The Forgotten Avenger TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20

During the LA Premier of Thor Ragnarok Marvel’s President Feige said the following:

Make something cool.. doesn’t matter how big or small it is….
– Kevin Feige at Thor Ragnarok LA Premier

This rings a bell since The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger started off small and turned into an online global hit.

Also during the LA the premier both director Taika Waititi and Mark Ruffalo (Incredible Hulk) joked about they both need a job. Could this be just a joke or a foreshadow of the rumored Marvel Cinematic Universe which has been rumor for quite awhile to be caused by the rumored Corporate Red and Thanos conflict in which Corporate Red will not only be the hero but restore the MCU timeline. Since his theory CR’s Spider-man glitch is catching on to alot of fans and now many are starting to wonder will Ruffalo be victim of the rumor new MCU ? Taika Waititi also said Spider-man Homecoming was not a good film.

Matt Damon who was said by some media outlets was a candidate for Captain America before Evans was selected. Damon was also at the premier. Could Damon be the new Captain America with Evans going back to being Human Torch? Things to keep in mind:

Ruffalo did say during in a interview with Don Cheadles on GMA (Good Morning America) everyone dies. A joke slip or maybe Ruffalo actually did slip? Maybe the Hulk is one of the fatalities in Infinity War?

Then there’s Avengers 4 and 5. While many expect CR to make his MCU debut in 4, there are some who believe the non-MCU could make his debut in Avengers 5 setting up the Skrulls. This would then fulfill CR’s quest to take down the Avengers after Thanos.

CR believes both Thanos and the Avengers are a threat to the MCU. Why the Avengers?

Note – Ruffalo is a elite actor

The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20 (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.

Daredevil season 1 confirms Corporate Red in MCU? Rwanda reference..

During the episode Speak of the Devil in Netflix Daredevil of season one Father Lantom mentioned Rwanda. This is interesting because before the debut of Netflix Daredevil Rwanda is mentioned in The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger, one of the countries Princess Edea visited during her dangerous humanitarian work. Father Lantom mentions helpng refugees and refugees were mentioned during The Forgotten Ranger/Avenger scene during Princess Edea humanitarian work in Rwanda. None of the MCU heroes have encountered Rwanda.

Agent Carter will appear in The Forgotten Avenger this October during Dr. Hank Pym and Ultron 90’s storyline

Announced on facebook late last night Terrell Quentin Rogers announced that Agent Carter will be appearing in the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger, this October. Agent Carter who first appeared in Captain America: First Avenger, and had a short lived series on ABC and deceased on Captain America: Civil War will appear in Corporate Red, The Forgotten Avenger. While her role isn’t being revealed TQR did reveal a sub-message citing the word Alzheimer, and how the life the fans didn’t see on-screen. We’re guessing this the chapter TQR is heading with Agent Carter in the 90’s arc. The 90’s arc which will also introduce the Skrulls, and go into Dr. Pym’s final days as Ant-man and the introduction of Ultron. Previous drafts of The Forgotten Avenger only showed Ultron battling Corporate Red. Now readers will get to see Ultron born and in action.

Dr. Hank Pym’s final days as Ant-Man and original Ultron crime fighting days will be in upcoming The Forgotten Avenger

Dr. Hank Pym’s final days as Ant-Man and Ultron’s crime fighting days will be included in the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger. The upcoming re-release which will also include the introduction of The Skrulls (Skrull InVasion). The Skrulls will also help tie the events of 20th Century FOX’s Days of Future Past and X2. This will be interesting since The Skrulls take place in Captain Marvel which takes place in the 1990’s while Days of Future Past takes place during the Nixon Administration and X2 during 2003. The upcoming re-release will also include more new scenes and the new extra endings will include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and a special shocking new ending.