Far From Home confirms Secret Avenger Theory

A brand new trailer of Spider-man Far From Home was released today and it also confirmed a major Marvel Cinematic Universe theory started back in 2014. In Spider-man Homecoming Nick Fury confirms that the snap tore a hole in their dimension. In the original End Game plans Secret Avenger, Corporate Red was going to use the Infinity Gauntlet to restore the MCU to the original timeline (Sony/FOX) and merge it with the MCU. This would result in the destruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How would the Snap cause a hole in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

When Doctor Strange handed the Time Stone to Thanos, the Time Stone was glowing/active. Thanos before putting the Time Stone into the Gauntlet paused and realized this. The theory is that Thanos and Doctor Strange were secretly working to gether to figure out a way to find the doorway to the original timeline to escape the altered MCU which isn’t suppose to exist. Since the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t be reliable Strange allowed Thanos to go forward to completely completing the Gauntlet. Once destroying half of the MCU timeline Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent interference of the Avengers of stopping whatever damage the Avengers woud’ve done. However the Avengers did more damage than good when they went quantum traveling in the multi-verse.

Back in 2014 and leading all the way to Infinity War creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that not only would the MCU coming to an end in 2019, but that its not a real timeline, and that its an alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. The biggest suspect was none other than Spider-man. Its interesting how Disney and Marvel is choosing the Spider-man Far From Home to reveal the hole in the MCU’s altered dimension. This could as many insiders are stating preparing for Secret Wars which could introduce both Corporate Red and Khang if all goes according to plan with the two hunting down the Avengers, in particular Captain America, to save all realities in the multi-verse from Captain America’s selfish actions living life with Peggy instead of going back. However one of them has an agenda, while the other must destroy one universe to save the other.

Several insiders have also stated this move if TQR is not introduced into the MCU could get Disney and Marvel in serious legal trouble as the idea was first created by TQR. This is a problem many fans have had with MCU not introducing the famed secret character of the MCU, but yet making money off his ideas. Several insiders are also stating Disney and Marvel did it without TQR’s permission, which is why the stages are being set now to possibly get him into the MCU.

Did Spider-man Far From Home confirm Corporate Red existence in the MCU?

Avengers End Game Spoilers

Fans will be treated to The Forgotten Ranger III later today. In the meantime here are the real Avengers End Game spoilers. Keep in mind we’re breaking down spoilers for both Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III (which would’ve been Avengers End Game). Spoilers and changes will be broken down.

Captain Marvel dies

In both Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III Captain Marvel will bite the dust early at the hands of Thanos. This biting of the dust also results in the destruction of the Infinity Stones. Thor then kills Thanos.. Honorary mention a Skrull also bites the dust at the beginning in a ship with Captain Marvel.

Quantum Time Heist

The plan was originally for the Skrull Invasion to take place early with the Skrulls impersonating Captain America, Black Widow,m Ant-man and Captain Marvel. A Skrull hijacks the Pym’s van with Ant-man still trapped. This Skrull would’ve been part of the Hydra Skrull Alliance that was first talked about in The Forgotten Ranger I. During the first Ant-man movie Mitchel Carson (S.H.I.E.L.D./Hydra agent) steals the Pym particle). Fans of The Forgotten Ranger series will learn that Carson hands the Pym particle over to Hydra and Skrull scientists in which they create a Ant-man suit duplicate of Hank’s Ant-man suit he gave to Scott. The real Ant-man would’ve been rescued out of the Quantum realm by Corporate Red.

The Soul Stone

In Avengers End Game Black Widow sacrifices herself allowing Hawkeye (Ronin) access to the Soul Stone. However in The Forgotten Ranger III (original plan for Avengers End Game) was going to have a Captain America recruited from another universe (Winter Soldier Captain America) to sacrifice himself for his other best friend, Tony Stark.

Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock The Greater Threats

Immediately after the snap Corporate Red in End Game was suppose to head to Wakanda after his first response assistance in New York. The hero and the Avengers find Fury’s beeper and realize that Fury’s beep to Corporate Red was intercepted with a unknown symbol on the pager. Corporate Red heads to the Strange Sanctorium home while the Avengers head backto Avengers Facility. Captain Marvel (who would’ve been a Skrull) shows up to Avengers Facility. It is at the Sanctorium fans see that Wong survived the snap. Wong also tells Corporate Red about Adam Warlock, the original keeper of the Soul Stone. Both Wong and Thor also tell him that Adam Warlock was once a peaceful hero who turned hostile which forced the removal of the Soul Stone from him. Once back home Corporate Red few days later meets with Nicholas Fury, the original Director of S.H.I.E.L.S.. Fury introduces Corporate Red to Cameron Klein who fans saw in Age of Ultron and Civil War. Klein tells Corporate Red about the energy readings used by Thanos from the Infinity Stones. He also tells the hero about an energy reading that is equivalent to the Infinity Stones that just showed up at Avengers Facility. Unknown to the them this is Captain Marvel (this Captain Marvel would’ve turned out to be a Skrull) who shows up to Avengers Facility asking for Fury. What the fans would’ve been treated to would’ve been a Secret InVasion during post snap with the Hydra and the Skrulls trying to take advantage of a post snap earth.

Quantum Suits

The Avengers in the original plan would’ve received duplicates of Corporate Red’s Next Gen Quantum suit. This has puzzled fans why the suits have the colors of Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum. Now you know.. But it gets bigger..

X-MEN arrive and real Spider-man

The original End Game (The Forgotten Ranger III) also would’ve saw the introduction of the X-MEN and the real Spider-man. X-MEN time traveler Cable is secretly working with Colonel Fury in a dimensional Secret War against Thanos. The following heroes are recruited: Corporate Red, Deadpool, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Logan, Defenders (fans would learn Karen died at the snap), Punisher, and Magneto.

Two Main Events, Dimensional War

The first main event pits Thanos against Corporate Red teams. Fans would’ve saw cameos of Onslaught, a merger of Xavier and Magneto and Marvel Zombies, in which Thanos would’ve used the Infinity Stones to bring the dead heroes back as Marvel Zombies. Silver Surfer shows up in this battle with the heroes taking a beating against Thanos along with a dimensional assistance from Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The battle goes down to Corporate Red and Thanos ending in a flash. It then shifts to Tony Stark and Ant-man who have time travel to the Chitauri InVasion of 2012 to recruit Corporate Red, Captain America, Thor and Hulk. However there’s a difference in this battle as Wolverine and the real Spider-man (adult Spider-man) are also fighting in the battle. Stark realizes Corporate Red must’ve won in the MCU timeline and the real original timeline is being restored. This is where things get more interesting. Once completed the Infinity Gauntlet Thanos arrives with his army of ships. Doctor Strange opens multiple portals bringing in heroes from different realities and the original timeline such as the Avengers, X-MEN, S.H.I.E.L.D., Defenders, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Nova, Nova Corps, Guardians of the Galaxy, Corporate Rangers, and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The real Captain Marvel (now with a haircut) shows up in the battle as well.

Thanos final Defeat

The original plan was for Corporate Red to use the Infinity Gauntlet and defeat Thanos with the snap of his fingers. This also would’ve resulted in all the realities being restored and a sad fading away (non-dusting) of Corporate Red who is returned to his reality where there is no Avengers and the original thirteen Corporate Rangers timeline where ten of the Corporate Rangers died at the hands of Queen Edea. Instead in Avengers End Game Tony Stark uses the Infinity Gauntlet and snaps his fingers, killing Thanos and the use of the Infinity Stones kills Tony Stark.

Tony Stark recruits Corporate Red for Iron Heart

In a parallel ending of Avengers End Game Stark is speaking at Captain America’s funeral. Captain America had recently went time traveling to return the Infinity Stones to their respective realities and goes on to have his promise dance with Peggy Carter. In a post credit Stark would’ve showed up to Corporate Red’s residency introducing himself as the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D and tells Corporate Red he’s looking for a heart of iron, setting up CR as Stark’s apprentice aka Iron Heart. Meanwhile Captain Marvel and the Skrulls are preparing for a Secret InVasion of Earth.

Stay tuned as The Forgotten Ranger III will be released sometime before the end of this weekend. Perhaps later today..


Avengers Cast Support Corporate Red

You’ve all probably seen all the videos of the Avengers cast supporting Corporate Red against Captain Marvel through body language and sub-messages. Chris Hemsworth even went on to say she stole a spot. Here are video breakddowns of Avengers cast supporting Corporate Red and shading Brie Larson. After the video break down we’ll discuss a major rumor going down in regards to Avengers 5 that may see a early departure for Captain Marvel.

Avengers cast on Jimmy Kimmel

During the Avengers End Game promotions on Jimmy Kimmel Larson appears on the show by herself. In another episode the entire cast is on the show without Larson. Insiders say the cast did not want to be around someone who stole someone’s roster spot.

Talks shows boycotting Larson

FOX and Netflix weren’t the only two companies angry over Larson replacing TQR. Other big name talk shows have refused to interview Larson for Avengers End Game.

Jeremy Renner roasts Larson on replacing Corporate Red on NDTV

Brie Larson: It doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes

Jeremy Renner: I’m pretty accountable and responsible on my own life at any rates. Celebrities is not something I use as any sort of platform to be more responsible or accountable I suppose.

ET Interview (Larson stole TQR/Corporate Red’s Spot confirmed by Cheadle and Hemsworth)

Don Cheadle: I told you not to touch me

See when women disrespect men Me Too nowhere to be found. Ain’t that something..

Don Cheadle: She kinda fit right in..

Don Cheadle: There’s been a “sort of” passing of the torch.

Chris Hemsworth: You’ve quite successfully “stolen” the torch

Another reference that Larson was not the original hero for End Game which fans were aware it was originally schedule for Corporate Red.  Everyone is aware Larson was originally not casted for End Game and its a role she stole which Hemsworth confirms referencing how Brie Larson replaced TQR aka Corporate Red.

Larson confirms she didn’t understand why she was in End Game (insiders say she knew she replaced Corporate Red and didn’t want backlash for it)

0:52 – 1:05

Don Cheadle confirms Secret Avenger’s absence in End Game?

So far this week two bombshell’s in regards to Secret Avenger, Corporate Red and how was he originally in End Game. First the recent television spot of Avengers End Game where Captain America is telling the teammates in the Quantum suits (originally Corporate Red’s Next Gen Quantum suit being split into multiple suits the reason for the red and white) they know their mission. Long before the trailers of Avengers End Game in multiple The Forgotten Ranger three synopsis it was confirmed that there were going to be two teams, Corporate Red and the Secret Avengers taking Thanos head on and the Avengers going back in time. TQR aka Corporate Red before Infinity War had spoken about how he was told by a Marvel producer about time travel and that TQR was against the idea of time travel in defeating Thanos. In End Game CR would’ve told the Avengers that time travel will just cause the creation of more alternate realities.  Now for the Don Cheadle bombshell..

Don Cheadle on last night’s Jimmy Kimmel confirmed there have been situations where actors and celebrities filmed scene’s in movies and were never told they didn’t make the final cut. They would show up to premiers and did not know they didn’t make the final cut. This sounds eerie similar to what happen with TQR not being told he was replaced by Brie Larson (according to some insiders and some from TQR’s camp) until discovering this when End Game wrapped up. This move was not only viewed as racist move by many fans, but angered FOX and Netflix which resulted in some serious punishments towards Disney. FOX pushing Deadpool 2 close to Infinity War and Disney having to push IW to an earlier release date. The move still ended in a failure with Deadpool 2 defeating IW in the box office and IW suffering an even more humiliating collapse to #4 after losing to Oceans. Netflix punished Disney with the recent cancellation of the Netflix films. Some wonder why both companies are upset at Corporate Red not being in End Game. Well if you remember TQR confirmed before IW that the MCU will be reset after Avengers 4, and this was confirmed recently by Marvel that the MCU will be reset in End Game. But TQR confirmed this back in 2014. The plan was for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red, to defeat Thanos and destroy the MCU and bringing back the original Sony/FOX timeline, the real timeline and merging that with the MCU.

Most insiders are saying the fact Avengers End Game sold out in pre-sales is another example how backwards we have gone as a nation when it comes to racism. Look at the fans when they supported TQR against the Power Rangers movie for stealing his idea’s. But here comes two Disney films that did the same thing and they sell out in pre-sales? It says alot about the hypocrisy of some or in this case most MCU fans or just fans of Hollywood as a whole. When Black Panther dominated the box office for two months hardly anyone came to the defense against the racist the individuals that attacked the film. Here comes a hostile feminist/white supremacist who attacks both race and gender and people quickly defend her. What in the world?


The Forgotten Ranger Sequel Infinity War Spoiler, More Roster Reveal

Back on February 23rd (and even prior to that) it was confirmed that The Forgotten Ranger sequel will spoil the upcoming Avengers Infinity War, which according to insiders led to Disney and Marvel into full panic of pushing up the release date to April 27th and the fear that either way they will be losing to Deadpool 2 in the box office. This and the fact fans are still highly upset TQR aka Corporate Red was replaced by Brie Larson who is portraying Captain Marvel in Infinity War and Avengers 4. Many called the move racist, and according to insiders FOX was so angry it was the reason Deadpool 2 was pushed up to May 18th to allow fans to vent their anger. Disney and Marvel aware of this knows there’s no hope for Infinity War regardless if they had kept the May 4th release date. It’s also been confirmed by insiders there will be no Avengers merger with X-MEN and Fantastic Four because of the no CR crossover. As fans have been aware of since 2014, CR was suppose to defeat Thanos and then restore the MCU to the original timeline which would’ve bought back the Fantastic Four, X-MEN and adult Spider-man, merging it with the MCU. Sadly the dirty politics of Marvel and racist actions of both factions prevented this.

The Forgotten Ranger Sequel is coming early Spring and now more of the roster is being revealed. Although some of these new announcements should not be a surprise:

Corporate Red, Edea, Dr. Doom, Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Skrull Empire, Professor Xavier, Logan, Deadpool, Cable, Kitty Pryde, Magneto, Defenders, Black Order, and Thanos.

Some characters are still being kept secret and won’t be released before release date. Fans shouldn’t be surprised by the Black Order and Thanos. However the mentioning of the some of the X-MEN is interesting since they won’t be crossing over into the MCU at all due to the punishment handed to Disney and Marvel for what they did to TQR (details not being disclosed to the public). However the X-MEN appearing have a history with futuristic disasters. Could this be tying in to Thanos? Did Thanos destroy the multi-verse forcing the heroes into one timeline?

According to TQR the sequel will be a two parter. Part I The Return of Corporate Red and Part II A Secret War. Part I which will feature the Infinity War spoilers.. Part II what would’ve been the new team aka the real Avengers 4, not that stuff they’re forcing onto the fans. To quote Thanos readers will have smiles on their faces.

As for if we’ll see we over 300 or 900 pages. No not this time. Just know Infinity War will be spoiled before its release. This is how you get revenge.

The Forgotten Ranger sequel coming early Spring.

The Forgotten Ranger sequel will be coming this Spring and the sequel will be debuting before Avengers Infinity War. So far the character roster is expected to be Corporate Red, Edea, Dr. Doom, Iron Man, Captain America, Doctor Strange, Wong, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the Skrull Empire. There are still several secret characters not yet revealed and probably won’t be revealed before release date. The storyline is expected to involve the return of Corporate Red after a seven year absence from society, the impact of the Infinity Time Stone on society, along with other side stories. The sequel is expected to give major spoiler to Infinity War.

The Forgotten Ranger sequel to reveal major MCU and FOX villain?

Insider Reports coming in today the sequel of The Forgotten Ranger will indeed debut next year. Some reports are indicating an early January 1st debut, while other reports are expecting it to debut around Disney/Marvel’s Black Panther weekend.

Taking place years after the events of The Forgotten Ranger a retired Corporate Red is forced out of retirement after the disappearance of the Avengers and rise of crime in New York City. Along the way he must face the return of his old nemesis. One source stating, two villains are being added to the script. Corporate Red is outnumbered, and it’s not just Edea he has to face. He’s outnumbered. You thought when Spider-man facing the Sinister Six was bad. You thought when X-MEN facing Apocalypse was bad. You think the Avengers and Guardians facing Thanos is bad. This may be the lead to possibly of all of what we just mentioned. Readers are about to witness something unexpected and mind blowing that will take their breathe away and talked about for weeks. Who could two other villains be?


Sebastian Stan Stan confirms no complete scripts and mystery film? Corporate Red?

Surprisingly none of you the fans bought this up since the trailer release day. This past summer Elizabeth Olsen said the cast was no longer receiving scripts. This was after Tom Holland was no longer receiving scripts. During the premier of the Avengers Infinity War trailer on Good Morning America Michael Strahan asked Mr. Stan was it true that the cast didn’t receive full scripts during Infinity War filming? To everyone’s surprise Stan replied with a yes. To add more to everyone’s surprise Stan said there’s another film he’s doing with no full script. Stan didn’t acknowledge if that film with the no full script if it’s Marvel or non-Marvel. Key words Marvel or non-Marvel.. This could be CR either way.. Let the rumors begin.. You can check out the video in the link below:

Agents of Shield 100th episode references Corporate Red, MCU’s end, parallel universe

For those of you that saw the first premier of the 100th episode from earlier this week back on Sunday then you saw the early glimpse of the Agents of SHIELD season five premier of the 100th episode. Today was the two hour premier of the 100th episode and there were tons of Corporate Red references, along with Infinity War and even Time Stone references and what could be the MCU end message. First let’s break down the Corporate Red references from previous post from earlier this week into tonight

From November 25th post: At the truck scene, we see hologram technology being put onto the truck. Where did the shadow agency get the freeze tech from? We see the team staring at a red and white prehistoric rock (#CR reference). Coulston recognizes it as it melts and all of a sudden the scene is staring at the universe almost similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy style almost hinting of a foreshadow to the possible new hero (and possibly the Avengers/Guardians have already lost to Thanos future wise). The same scene is frozen in time, almost given reference to time control in the last The Forgotten Ranger/Avengers release involving the Skrull control over time with the Eye of Agamotto. Simmons examining the people on the floor aka Marvel Zombies (in Space). The big major CR reference is from Yo-Yo. Yo talks about S.H.I.E.L.D. not having a base called Sphere or a base on the moon. Both were referenced under CR back in October. Sphere referenced as a ruling term under the World’s Security Council. However CR as Next Gen Quantum was able to fly into outer space. Coincidence or sign of things to come? People hiding on the moon the Council secretly destroyed a Skrulls base on the moon in the last CR release back in Oct/Nov.

Episode premier tonight: When Simmons is meeting with the Kree leader his walls are painted white and his sofa chairs are quantum red.

Parallel Universe/MCU end?

Reports are stating that Infinity War will be the end of the MCU. Not the Untitled Sequel, but Infinity War. Some reports are stating this is coming from Kevin Feige. It’s been heavily rumor since 2014 that either Thanos or Corporate Red will bring an end to the MCU. The rumors link to Corporate Red have stated that CR will reset the MCU, and bring back the original timeline (FOX/Sony timeline which would merge with the MCU). Tonight’s 100th episode of Agents of SHIELD was a mind blown and leaves MCU fans with a bigger puzzle after the Infinity War trailer and the recent Oct/Nov release of The Forgotten Avenger and with the upcoming release approaching for next week fans are wondering what to expect? But why is earth destroyed? According to one of the new characters one character stated that Daisy aka Quake was the reason of earth’s destruction in the Agents of SHIELD 100th episode. Could this be a parallel earth where Daisy accidently or intentionally destroyed earth? A hostile InHuman? We know S.H.I.E.L.D. briefed Corporate Red on Skrulls and reports he was also secretly studying InHumans (an arc yet to be covered in the novel but joked about constantly online by TQR). Could the multiple timelines in the MCU be the reason why Spider-man is a teenager in the MCU? Let’s think about this? Doesn’t Spider-man in the MCU feel out of place? We have earth destroyed in SHIELD 100TH and MCU coming to an end in Infinity War. Put the two together and something is happening here. Collision of timelines which damaged/altered one? Time travel by the Agents of SHIELD and add that with the constant use of the Time Stone by CR, Skrulls, and Doctor Strange (apple/bargains). If you really think about it that’s a ton of glitches in the MCU matrix right there to mess everything up.

Two words mind blown.. Two words.. Parallel Universe.. Two words.. End Game..

So what is the end game for Agents of SHIELD and Infinity War? We know the end game for Infinity War is, Thanos wins. Could it be Agents of SHIELD win only to return home to face defeat running into Infinity War? One thing we do know, thanks to tonight’s episode and the events of Infinity War, the MCU is coming to an end, and a new timeline is coming. With the recent rumors of the Disney/FOX deal and Marvel pulling out of Netflix in 2019 this is the perfect opportunity for CR to save the MCU and reunite the Marvel family. What about CR? if this goes down, does he right off into the sunset to never be heard from again? If this does happen, is this a one hit wonder or a new home for him as well? The argument about CR not being a Marvel character has already been shut down. Spyke in X-MEN evolution wasn’t a Marvel character and Daryl from Walking Dead wasn’t a Walking Dead character. Recently Alexandra in Defenders wasn’t a Marvel character. Many are saying she was inspired by TQR’s nemesis or she may have secretly been TQR’s nemesis to help secretly introduce him into the MCU (domino effect).

Quick mention did any of you notice the Kree woman with the Magneto style metal sphere weapons? Look familiar from X2? When Mystique put iron in the man’s body and Magneto used the iron as weapons.  Remember when Magneto breaks out his prison and turns them into spheres? Now re-watch the scene. Perhaps paying homage or foreshadow?

How do you think the MCU will end? Through Thanos or Corporate Red? The Forgotten Avenger will return next week in brand new 800 plus page release and it will include the location of the Infinity Soul Stone, continuing more deeper history of the Council and Skrulls, new chapter of JFK’s war against the Council and Skrulls, RFK’s war against segregation (defending blacks and mutants), the fate of the Fantastic Four, new secret endings and more.

The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20 (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.