Deadpool 2 confirms The Forgotten Ranger scene

Be warned these are spoilers from Deadpool 2. If you have not seen the movie yet do not read.

During Deadpool 2 Cable tells Wade that everyone, including Wade goes into a coma and die from a telepathic attack. This was confirmed last year in The Forgotten Ranger I. During the The Westchester Incident in The Forgotten Ranger Xavier’s seizure attack affects many in the upstate region, including Avengers Facility. Meanwhile the sound from the attack can be heard from NYC, but the attack doesn’t have a several level like those within Xavier Institute. Instead a high pitch sound is heard in NYC, where Corporate Red is in his apartment annoyed by the sound. He is then contacted by Stark’s AI Veronica. Deadpool is also in this scene, but he isn’t killed. According to Cable, Deadpool does not survive.

There are some theories to this as in either Thanos caused problems in the multi-verse when he snapped his fingers or Wade rescued himself when he went back in time (post credit reference for Deadpool 2).

Other references include foreshadow, where Wade turns at the screen and talks to the viewers. The heroes talking the audience started in last re-release of The Forgotten Ranger I where characters interact with the viewers/readers by staring at them.


The Forgotten Ranger II: Infinity War (IW Spoilers)


Finally the release of the sequel to the online global hit The Forgotten Ranger, here is The Forgotten Ranger II: Part I Return of Corporate Red/Infinity War with some spoilers from the upcoming Avengers Infinity War. Well now.. A hero’s revenge.. Enjoy..


Disney & Marvel panic again over Corporate Red. Release Jessica Jones 2 to combat Edea Announcement. Deadpool 2 sub-messages Corporate Red.

Tuesday evening Terrell Quentin Rogers the creator of The Forgotten Ranger announced the upcoming sequel will feature the return of Edea, the powerful villain that was featured in the prequel of The Forgotten Ranger. So how did Disney and Marvel respond to this the next day/yesterday? My releasing the Jessica Jones 2 trailer revealing the telepathic purple man which will turn out to be Killgrave. Interestingly, the same Tuesday night TQR revealed the upcoming The Forgotten Ranger II sequel will have a matrix/time feel to it and will feature a major impact of the Infinity Time Stone. Readers first saw the Infinity Time Stone in the post ending scene where Corporate Red took down a black market auction meeting between the bidders of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra during a Times Square scene of the first The Forgotten Ranger. CR ends up taking the Infinity Time Stone. The scene had later disappeared, but made a comeback during the events of the movie Doctor Strange.

Keep in mind yesterday a new Deadpool trailer was also released introducing time traveling Cable. Interesting as mentioned Tuesday night TQR mentioned the Infinity Time Stone would play major factor in the upcoming sequel, and the next day Deadpool 2 introduced time travel Cable. There appears to be alot of trolling between all four parties since the Superbowl and Corporate Red and Deadpool are coming out on top again. Deadpool 2 trailer also sub-message Corporate Red and here’s some of the sub-messages:

Deadpool is playing with the Toy Story  toys. He’s referencing Disney and TQR. Toy Story is TQR’s favorite Disney movie (if you follow him on social media you would know this is a fact).

Cable carries a teddy bear – TQR’s first play he starred in was Paddington Bear.


Deadpool introduces Time Traveler Cable day after Corporate Red introduces Matrix Announcement

For those that saw last night Terrell Quentin Rogers confirmed that The Forgotten Ranger II: Secret War will have a matrix/time/dimensional feel to it along with multiple storyline in his Facebook video blog. He also mention the Infinity Time Stone plays a huge role as well. Speaking of “time”… To make things more interesting Deadpool Facebook and Twitter pages today released Time Traveler Cable introduction video which featured Deadpool referencing Disney’s Toy Story and what also appeared to be Corporate Red saying the words “activate”. We know Corporate Red in order to become CR says the words… Activate Corporate Red Initiative. It appears both Corporate Red and Deadpool have scored another major victory since the Superbowl weekend and the fanbase for both CR and Deadpool continue to skyrocket.

Deadpool comes out in theaters May 18th,  which is interesting it was set to that date the day of the Avengers 4 wrap, and after it was discovered that Corporate Red was replaced with Captain Marvel. It is believed like the fans FOX may have been angered over the move and push the date of Deadpool 2 close to Infinity War. The move of Corporate Red not being included in Infinity War and Avengers 4 and being replaced by Captain Marvel angered fans across the globe and many viewed the replacement of Corporate as a racist move. Many expect the fans to boycott Infinity War and see Deadpool 2 to express their anger. The Forgotten Ranger II: Secret War short story is expected to come out sometime between this month and May, but many are expecting a release either this weekend or Black Panther weekend. Many are unsure if the fans will boycott Black Panther, (many expect the fans to boycott Infinity War, Avengers 4 and Captain Marvel) but the the NBA All-Star Weekend next weekend (Black Panther weekend) could play a major factor.

Black Panther is a tricky one says one anonymous source. One it being African-American history month, its a African movie and its going to be tough for the fans who love Terrell and African-American History month. It’s Terrell’s call and more likely Terrell will probably not be a hypocrite and will ask the fans to boycott and there are movies out there. Only problem is there’s not many strong movies out in February to take down Black Panther, and Terrell knows this. May is a different story, Deadpool 2 will get the job done. February is tough, unless Jumanji stays in theaters. Juamnji would be the only movie to do it. Terrell is expected to make a video announcement before the end of the week on Facebook.

Big reveal tomorrow.. Sony/FOX Marvel & Disney/MCU Timelines to merge in famous novel

The Forgotten Avenger will be returning online tomorrow and it will merge the Sony/FOX Marvel timelines and the Disney/MCU timelines into one. How will this happen won’t be revealed for it will reveal spoilers. The novel will be 900 plus pages with several new scenes and new extra endings.

The Forgotten Avenger Secret Wars Releasing Nov 30th, Back to the Future tie-in? Infinity Soul Stone and Time Stone appearances. Mutants, JFK and RFK major roles.

The Forgotten Avenger Secret Wars will be delayed to Nov 30th due to TQR’s health (concussion). The upcoming release will feature major roles involving JFK’s secret war against the World’s Security Council and the Skrull’s Empire. The upcoming release will also feature RFK’s battle in civil right’s for both African American’s and mutants. Mutants will be heavily tackled and their battles when it came to segregation.

Dr. Emmitt Brown from Back to the Future will make an appearance. While reports stated his role would be a cameo, insider reports are stating his role could be bigger and it could involve both the creation of Corporate Red and the circumstances surrounding the Infinity Time Stone.

The Infinity Soul Stone will make a major appearance. How many is not being announced.

The Forgotten Avenger: Skrull InVasion (X-MEN/Agent Carter/Ultron crossover)

TheForgottenAvengerRedOctober20 (short story)

TheForgottenAvengerHomeComing2 (child friendly)

This was a struggle to work on, and I took alot of days off my computer when it came to doing edits so I can focus to do edits. I was deeply worried I wasn’t going to be able to re-release my online hit this month due to my physical health, but I did it. Enjoy the re-release of my online global hit short story The Forgotten Avenger (originally known as The Forgotten Ranger) with the debut of the Skrulls. This re-release with new scenes includes Agent Carter, Pym’s final days as Ant-man, original Ultron, and crossovers with events from the X-MEN (Days of Futures Past and X2). Secret endings include Dr. Doom, Galactus, Silver Surfer and some big surprises. Child friendly version does not include the new updated scenes. Excessive language in main short story. I will have 120 page version up tomorrow.

Jessica Jones to crossover in re-release of The Forgotten Avenger this October. New villain to debut in secret ending.

Big breaking news, you can now add Jessica Jones to the blockbuster line up for the upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Avenger. A line up heavily focusing on the Skrulls. The re-release which will also include Agent Carter, Dr. Pym’s final days as Ant-man and the original Ultron’s peaceful fighting days. Which time period Jessica Jones will appear in is not being spoiled. It’s safe to say it won’t be pre-Corporate Red timeline. Also reports that a well known worldwide villain will debut in the re-release during one of the secret endings. Who could he or she be?

Defenders 9/11 reference confirms Corporate Red in MCU? Is Edea also Alexander?

This is basically a duplicate of the last page but with the addition of episode 7.

Episode 7 September 11th Reference. Colleen (9.11 on wall)

When Colleen sneaks into the NYPD closet you’ll notice a 9.11 tribute in US flag colors. Now here’s the thing no one in the MCU (Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Defenders) acknowledges 9/11. However one non-MCU character has a history with 9/11 and mentions it. That is non other than Corporate Red. Is Marvel Studios letting the audience know of The Forgotten Avenger through this sub-message? If readers recall September 11th was Corporate Red’s first ever loss as a crime fighter.

Is Alexander Corporate Red’s Nemesis Edea?

Alexander was confirmed by Marvel/Disney as a non-Marvel character. In episodes 2 and 4 there are similarities between Alexander and Edea. Are they the same people? Let’s read the dialogue from episode 4 of the Defenders and then let’s compare it to Corporate Red, The Forgotten Avenger. But before we do that remember what happen at the end of episode 2 when Alexander caused the entire New York City to go into a minor earthquake. Remember when the World Security Council told Corporate Red that Edea is a threat to world security? Interesting.. Alexander is a threat to New York City’s safety.

Defenders Episode 4:

Murakami is speaking in Japanese throughout the scene.

Murakami: (speaking in Japanese) It’s a bad idea to sneak up on a man holding a knife.

Alexander: Who says I’m sneaking?

Murakami: Ursus thiebtanus. The moon bear. Endangered now, but I found this one in Shikoku.

Alexander: I heard you were in Japan.

Murakami: Were you having me followed?

Alexander: You have your sport, I have mine.

Murakami: Ten days I tracked him. We sparred in the forrest. He nearly killed me.

Alexander: They always nearly kill you.

Murakami: There’s no fun in it otherwise.

Alexander: You know where the organization stands. Our resources are depleted.

Murakami: Is that why you came here? To scold me like a child?

A child? Corporate Red reference? Continuing..

Alexander: No but you should worry about the possibility of death.

Murakami: From what I hear. we all should be worried.

Alexander: We’re close now. And the Iron Fist has returned to New York.

Murakami: I head you were unable to secure him.

Alexander: We will.

Murakami: Then we’re not close enough. The problem with your leadership has always been your inability to get your hands dirty.

Alexander: In all our times together, I have never asked for your advice.

Murakami: And why would you? Now that you have the Black Sky by your side.

Alexander: Yeah. The Iron Fist was not alone.

Murakami: Was the Chaste not extinguished?

Alexander: He seems to have found some allies. Three of them.

Murakami: Only three?

Sub-message? Murakami sounded sarcastic there. Remember The Forgotten Avenger fight 9 on 1?

Alexander: They were rather exceptional.

Murakami: And so, you come to me.

Alexander: I come to you because it’s  important that we take care of this together.

Murakami: Have you told the others?

Alexander: Madame Gao and Sowande are ready and willing.

Murakami: And the other one..

Alexander: On his way.

Murakami: I always knew we’d reunite someday. I never thought the circumstance would be this dire.

Reunite? Are these the same two from Corporate Red, The Forgotten Avenger? Just under different names? What do I mean by different names? Stick may have the answer for that. But back to scene.

Alexander: That’s what families do, isn’t it

Murakami: What of your Black Sky?

Black Sky ring a bell? That sure doesn’t sound like Elektra.

Murakami: The thing you spend our final resources on.

Alexander: More powerful than you could ever imagine.

Murakami: Does this mean our faithful leader herself will also join the fighter?

Alexander: As always, I do what’s necessary.

This sounds familiar doesn’t it. ::cough Corporate Red vs Queen Edea::

Murakami: Then, as we used to say… “Together, we serve life itself.”

Alexander: (in Japanese) “Together, we serve life itself.”

Cover up Conspiracies mentioned in Corporate Red talked about in Defenders

Stick: Those tremors that shook up the place, they’re nothing compared to what comes next. The Hand’s done it before. Pompeii, Chernobyl. Events the history books like to call catastrophes, just cover-ups.

Stick confirms Alexander is Queen Edea?

Iron Fist: I came face-to-face with a woman at Midland Circle. She said she was The Hand.

Stick: She’s had a lot of names throughout the years. In my lifetime, Alexandra.


Is Alexandra Queen Edea? Would this explain why her Asian ally Murakami is very similar to the The Queen Edea and Matsui Korish/Dark Sensi? Could the two actually be the same people and be foreshadowing Corporate Red future entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe? This would make sense with perfect timing into Thor Ragnarok and Infinity War and the Untitled Sequel still being kept a secret.

Stick: She set up alot of murders

Corporate Red?

Danny Rand: Don’t talk to me like I’m some kid.

Matt Murdock: Don’t act like some kid

Corporate Red references aka “some kid”?

Other sub-messages and references noted (this page will be updated)

Episode 5 – Edea Skilled Fighter, Kingdom/Village Destruction Reference?

Alexander: Huh.. You’re skilled my child. It’s cleared watching you fight you know much more than anyone in a single life. It’s a compliment. They said the same thing about me.

Corporate Red reference? Alexander was once a fighter? Edea?

Murakami wants to join Alexander during her private meal. Here’s what Alexander says that sounds something very similar from Corporate Red, The Forgotten Avenger.

Alexander: I thought that entire vintage had been destroyed in the fires at Marseille.

Murakami: You’d be surprised what you can find at the bottom of the Balearic Sea.

In The Forgotten Avenger Queen Edea’s kingdom and the village she ruled over was destroyed by both the US government and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Episode 7 MCU/K’un-Lun fears Corporate Red?

K’un-Lun is very upset at Elektra for killing Alexandra. They bring up the fact they won’t know how to explain her death to corprorate entities. Wait a minute? Time out.. This is The Hand.. Why would they be so concerned or afraid of explaining Alexander death to “corporate entities? This doesn’t make sense or this there a threat in the corporate entity? Remember in the last re-release of The Forgotten Avenger the secret ending between Corporate Red and Doctor Strange. Now check the scene below and compare the two.

Bakuto: This is not how we do business?

Elektra: It is now

Murakami: (in Japanese) Black Sky or not, there are three of us and one of you.

Elektra: Is that a challenge?

Bakuto: We will do what is needed to preserve our organization. This is not our first coup.

Elektra: It is your first without the substance. Is that a gamble you’re willing to take?

Gao: The Hand is a global organization. For years, Alexander fostered relationships with everything from crime lords to corporate partners.

Elektra: Corporate partners?

Gao: How do you explain her death to them?

Elektra: There’s no need for explanations.

Murakami: (in Japanese) What?

Gao: These relationships grant us invisibility in our operations. Our back-room accords. Our political affiliations. This gives us power.

This is big because in the sequel script (not released to the public) Corporate Red’s nemesis Edea teams with crimelords and corrupted corporate’s. That’s interesting.. Remember Alexander is not a Disney/Marvel character.

Episode 2

African-American boy tells Luke there are no heroes left. Has humanity lost faith in Iron Man and the Avengers or have the Avengers already left New York already to fight Thanos? Is Corporate Red still retired or is he dead as some have rumored? Is this what Murakami meant when he said the Chaste extinguished?

Green Empire State Building is shown for a brief. Green is color of the Infinity Time Stone. It is also the birth color of Terrell Quentin Rogers, born on St. Patrick’s Day.

Disney pulling out Netflix in 2019 foreshadowing Corporate Red? Think about it.. Same week of Cable reveal?

On a serious note the Disney/Netflix situation is not a laughing matter. So please be respectful to both companies. Thank you..

2019 is expected to be year of Corporate Red and this has been talked about since 2014. Now yesterday an unexpected announcement was made. Disney is pulling out of Netflix officially in 2019 and will be starting its own streaming service. All Marvel shows such as the Defenders, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist will remain on Netflix till 2019. 2019 has also been the heavily rumor year of the Corporate Red Marvel Cinematic Universe Crossover.

Now for awhile its been rumor and speculated that there’s been issues between the producers and staff of the MCU/movies and MCU/television producers. However with it being the internet we don’t know how much of it is true or false. Some say because of politics crossover between Defenders and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the MCU can’t happen, while others argue because of the R rated content a crossover with the Disney MCU can’t happen.

Also keep in mind its been heavily rumor before all this madness that Corporate Red if the crossover happens will reset the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and with the recent events of Doctor Strange and Spider-man Homecoming this theory is becoming more brighter and brighter and especially after yesterday events. Let’s explain:

Here’s hashtag #theory: From a political standpoint with Disney pulling out of Netflix this would allow the Defenders to go from R rated to PG and allow them to enter the MCU. This would open the doorway of the Defenders into the Avengers Initiative. But how can you enter a dark tone Defenders into a PG tone Avengers? Well Winter Soldier was very violent while the movies after were somewhat toned down. If you get the write writer and creative person (TQR) it could work out. Let’s also look at 2019, that’s a big year expected for Corporate Red. That will be perfect timing for the Corporate Red crossover if the Avengers lose to an unexpected crisis which is expected to happen in Infinity War. So what do you do? Bring in Corporate Red and have him restore the timeline after the disaster. The timeline would be restored in 2019 and the start of the MCU Homecoming in 2020. This would then make Kevin Feige and Stan Lee happy in bringing in all Marvel characters together and TQR’s blueprint of what he calls the Marvel Homecoming which he says if he’s bought in he can have laid out by 2019/2020, in which the Marvel Homecoming would officially start in 2020 after the Untitled Sequel. TQR also states the Guardians of the Galaxy would not be affected by the restoring of the original timeline, only a few Avengers (one in particular).

In a way the dominoes for Corporate Red’s MCU could be falling into place after all after yesterday’s recent news. Like stated said anything can happen between 2015 – 2019 and it sure is people. Changes can happen like James Gunn once told his fans on Facebook and a change took place yesterday. Disney announced they are pulling out of Netflix and this will change the MCU a whole for both the Avengers and the Defenders. This opens the doorways for major crossovers within and outside of Disney/Marvel.

Also keep in mind this is happening the same week of Cable reveal photos. Josh Brolin who is playing Cable in Deadpool 2, is playing Thanos in Infinity War. Ironically Cable is seen doing Corporate Red’s shh taunt from CR’s secret ending from The Forgotten Avenger (at the time The Forgotten Ranger) from May 2015. Sub-message/reference? Did something happen to Thanos as well? Unexpected plot twist where Brolin is now continuing his career being Cable in Deadpool 2?