She-Hulk & Doctor Strange 2 Confirming Secret Avenger (Its Getting Real Now)

The newly released She-Hulk trailer has been released, and a confirmation of the characters background also confirms another secret character. We’re breaking down easter eggs and references, and more references and easter eggs from Doctor Strange 2. Spoiler warning if you have not seen Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness.

She Hulk is an Attorney

This is big for one huge reason. She-Hulk being a lawyer was confirmed in The Forgotten Ranger, few years before the announcement of the She-Hulk series. In one of the secret endings of The Forgotten Ranger She-Hulks meets with the Secret Avengers. She introduces herself as, a lawyer.

Wanda does the Secret Avenger stare

When Wanda stares at the audience in Multiverse of Madness this isn’t the first time a character has stared at audience, and readers of the MCU. Long before WandaVision, in The Forgotten Ranger prequel, and sequel, several characters stared at the readers including, Corporate Red, Professor Xavier, Wolverine/Logan, The World’s Security Council, The Kennedy’s, and several other characters.

The Incursion confirms Secret Avenger’s time altering theory

Long before the releases of Doctor Strange, End Game, No Way Home and Doctor Stange 2, Secret Avenger secretly met with Doctor Strange and Tony Stark leading up to Infinity War that not only has the timeline of the MCU been altered, but its not suppose to exist. Now a major reference in Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness confirms this theory. The Incursion is mentioned in Doctor Strange 2, the collision of timelines, and the destruction of those realities. Secret Avenger multiple times leading up to Infinity War stated that the MCU threatens the existence of the entire multiverse. In The Forgotten Ranger II Secret Avenger mentions the collisions of universes resulting in the changes of the MCU’s matrix.

The Shattered Glass

Going back to The Forgotten Ranger II. Long before Infinity War, End Game and Doctor Strange 2, the MCU is referred to as shatter glass, by Secret Avenger’s (Corporate Red’s) nemesis, Queen Edea. During a conversation with Victor Von Doom, Edea makes a request to read Victor’s mind to get a catch up on what’s been happening with the world during her times in the asylum. Edea then sees the MCU cracking, and then shattering into the glass. This Secret Avenger easter egg is referenced in the Doctor Strange 2 In the Multiverse of Madness posters.

Corporate Red and Sailor Moon easter eggs spotted in Doctor Strange 2

A red streak beam and a red crescent moon are spotted in Doctor Strange 2. Why is this big? In TQR’s hit story Secret Wars, which may prelude into the upcoming MCU’s Avengers Secret Wars, Secret Avenger teams up with Sailor Moon against the MCU. Is this a foreshadow?

Secret Avenger World Rerelease Successful leading into Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness

Last night re-release of MCU’s Secret Avenger by TQR was a successful global online hit once again. The novel has been an online hit since 2015. Please download the online global hit novel in the link below:

Last night’s re-release featured new scenes and new secret endings leading into what could possibly be the MCU’s version of Secret Wars.

Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness will be released May 5th in some theaters, and worldwide on May 6th. Please enjoy the re-release of MCU’s Secret Avenger by TQR. The origin story will be out later this month.

Doctor Strange Secret Endings in Secret Avenger Release

Secret endings to Spider-man No Way Home and Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness? Enjoy

The Forgotten Ranger also known as The Forgotten Avenger/Secret Avenger takes place during the events of 2012 film, The Avengers. An untold story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe of a secret/forgotten hero of the MCU defending Brooklyn during the Chitauri Invasion. The events of Doctor Strange, Avengers End Game, Spider-man No Way Home and Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness have major consequences in the secret endings.

Doctor Strange Illuminati Confirms Secret Avenger?

In the recent Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness trailers that was released earlier this week, one of them confirms, The Iluminati. Now this is big because the faction appeared in The Forgotten Ranger and The Forgotten Ranger II. This was long before Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange II. Here’s the bigger clue that Doctor Strange 2 is setting up Secret Wars and Secret Avenger.

The Illuminati helps set up Secret Avenger

In the secret ending of The Forgotten Ranger, during the Westchester Incident, Secret Avenger (Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum) learns about a secret project titled Red Illuminati Initiative. This project is headed by Professor Xavier, Dr. Reed Richard, Dr. Pym, Dr. Hank McCoy, and Tony Stark. One of those members Professor Xavier appears in the recent Doctor Strange 2 trailer, in his levitated chair. Xavier also uses a levitated chair in Secret Avenger (Corporate Red) created by TQR. Keep in mind this was released long before Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange 2.

MCU glitches continue setting up Secret Avenger and Secret Wars

We know that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been referencing Secret Avenger (Corporate Red) in the MCU films for the past few years, and that the hero secretly met with Doctor Strange and Tony Stark leading up to Infinity War, informing both that the MCU timeline is not suppose to exist. The hero also confirmed the glitches within the MCU matrix. These glitches have so far been set up through Doctor Strange, Avengers End Game, and Spiderman No Way Home, and soon Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness. Kang, has already been set up in the Loki series, and even that villain was confirmed by TQR long before the set up of the villain, on Twitter.

Will Secret Avenger get a cameo in Doctor Strange 2?

According to TQR’s camp, Secret Avenger will not appear in Doctor Strange 2, physically. But the party does not comment if we’ll get easter eggs, sub-messages, or references. We know the only easter egg as of right now is through Professor Xavier, confirmed in the recent Doctor Strange 2 trailer. Fans will have to wait in anticipation. What we do know is that Secret Wars is coming, and Kang and Secret Avenger have the MCU on target #1. But the question remains, who’s side will Secret Avenger be on, or is he on his own solo private/secret mission for or against the MCU?

Loki Series Corporate Red Connection

During Avengers End Game a parallel Loki escaped with the Tesseract. According to some insiders the upcoming Loki series could help introduce Corporate Red.

While the hero wouldn’t have to make a appearance in the series, it could help set up the stages for The Forgotten Ranger (The Forgotten Avenger/Secret Avenger).

Long before Doctor Strange, Infinity War, and End Game, TQR creator of Corporate Red clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline, long before the official confirmation. He also said few years ago the Netflix shows would end in 2019, which did.

In the 2015 – present hit The Forgotten Ranger, in the original 2015 release along with the re-releases Loki battles Corporate Red during a off-screen battle of the Chitauri InVasion, taking place during 2012’s Avengers.

Parallel Loki could help set up the stages of a confrontation with Corporate Red. This would then determine if The Forgotten Ranger is alternate timeline where Loki escaped.

There have long been theories if The Forgotten Ranger could actually be a parallel or alternate reality and the reason Corporate Red was in a haste to fix the space time continuum that has now been harmed by Captain America and the Avengers.

If the stages are done correct fans could see the introductions of Corporate Red and Khang, with the two battling the New Avengers to save the space time continuum of the Multiverse.

MCU’s Phase 4 Failure and Major Corporate Red Announcements


The Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 4 announcements at Hall H at San Diego Comic Con is not going well with the fans. We’re also going to break those those announcement and some major Corporate Red announcements that have fans excited about The Forgotten Ranger series and disappointed in the MCU which is starting a major fall.

Mahershala Ali cast as Blade? 

This one confuses many fans for one main reason. Alfe Woodard Maria appeared in both Captain America Civil War and Netflix’s Luke Cage. Woodard played the character Maria in both Civil War and Luke Cage. MCU didn’t think about this did they?

Multiverse in Doctor Strange proves Disney and Marvel plagiarism 

The one that probably has fans angered the most besides the Blade announcement is Doctor Strange teaming up with Scarlett Witch in the MCU. The fans are aware before Doctor Strange and End Game were even announced for the MCU TQR had clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline. This was confirmed years later in Avengers End Game after Captain Ameria stays in the past. Now some reporters and insiders are even receiving more disturbing reports how the MCU is trying to cover this up. One insider stated:

I spoke with Terrell, he said basically Scarlett Witch is trying to alter reality to bring back her brother and the missing mutants in an already alternate reality and that Disney and Marvel are trying to cover up the plagiarism of them stealing his creative idea’s is only hurting them.

No X-MEN and Fantastic Four in Phase 4 proves Disney is still in trouble

The fact X-MEN and Fantastic Four were not confirmed for phase 4 appears to be more evident that Disney and Marvel is still being punished for not following the original plan which resulted in fallout of FOX and Netflix with Disney. Many believe Disney is trying to get revenge by erasing the Netflix universe. This many are saying will backfire.

Hostile Feminism movement is hurting MCU

What fans are also worried about is the surviving heroes being replaced by women, which many fear could be because of a hostile feminism movement. Thor 4 is already spoiled by Disney and Marvel that Thor’s former love interest Jane will become Thor. Why spoil this before the movie even comes out? The upcoming Hawkeye also spoiled that Hawkeye is setting up his daughter to take over the mantle.

This has been bothering the fans since TQR was replaced by a hostile white supremacist/hostile feminist in Brie Larson. A move that was not liked by the fans, FOX, Netflix and even majority of the MCU cast. The move viewed by many viewed as a racist move. Even worse many have said the move was done due to false accusations made against TQR which many have said led to his replacement. Not only did investigators (some federal) find out accusations made against TQR were false, but that Disney, Marvel, Reddit and assistance from IMDB may have been on it. This is a serious investigation, said one insider. Alot of people don’t realize the individuals and parties involved in making the false accusations could face serious criminal charges and jail time.

Avengers End Game passing Avater proves racism is running wild in today’s world

The fact many are aware racism is still running wild in Disney and that fans allowed the movie to surpass Avatar as the #1 movie of all time shows the lack of protest against racism and plagiarism.

The Forgotten Ranger Major Announcement

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page will be released in 2020. The Forgotten Ranger page 120 format is expected to be released on the anniversary of The Forgotten Ranger in April of 2020.

Secret InVasion Parts I and II the sequel to TQR’s successful online global hit Secret Wars will be releasing this Fall sometime around October. Part I will feature a Secret InVasion from the Skrull Empire and along with the return of The Fantastic Four.  Part II will introduce Galactus and Silver Surfer’s return to Earth. The series will tie MCU and the original FOX/Fantastic Four events from Rise of the Silver Surfer and combining it with the recent events from TQR’s Secret Wars.

Avengers MCU vs The Multi-verse – Secret Wars


New Edit TheForgottenRangerSecretWars5

I’m re-releasing my online global hit sequel from yesterday. Alot of grammar corrections and new scenes in this epic storyline in Secret Wars. Everyone, please have a safe day and enjoy the read.

Secret Wars Synopsis – Taking place after Avengers End Game, Captain America staying in the past creates an alternate reality that threatens the existence of the entire multi-verse. Different realities are disappearing one by one and its up to heroes from different realities in a race against time to save the multi-verse. In order to do so, heroes from different realities must join forces in a war against the Avengers and Thanos of Earth 616.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Khang, Thanos, Cable, Iron Man, Captain America, Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), Tuxedo Mask, XMEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders, Silver Surfer, Galactus, and more.

Corporate Red IV & V introduces Khang, Galactus, and Marvel writers lie.

Breaking news this morning, fans will now know when to expect The Forgotten Ranger IV & V. The Forgotten Ranger IV (title will be revealed upon release date) will take place after Avengers End Game. The Forgotten Ranger IV and V will be released this summer, along with the original trilogy. Here are the previews for both The Forgotten Ranger IV and V. Also it appears the writers of Captain America trilogy, Infinity War and End Game have been caught in a lie. According to several news outlets the writers said the husband Peggy Carter is talking about in Winter Soldier is Captain America. However this is a lie. Peggy states that her battalion was trapped in a blizzard behind German lines. This was before the war ended. Captain America in End Game went back to when WWII had already ended to meet Peggy.

The Forgotten Ranger IV Synopsis – Captain America’s actions of staying with Peggy Carter has resulted in the destruction of several realities. This catches the eye of multi-verse watcher and time traveler Khang. Khang goes on a hunting pursuit of Captain America’s from different universes. Meanwhile Corporate Red and Doctor Strange both realize the timeline is not fixed, and that Captain America’s actions have made things worse.

The Forgotten Ranger IV: Secret Wars (taking place immediately after End Game)

1945, that was a difficult winter. We were in Russia. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve, the Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a Hydra blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over thousand, including the man who would become my husband as it turned out.

The video then fades as the scene moves away as it reveals Khang staring at the screen.

The scene then goes to the alternate timeline of the MCU just as Corporate Red predicted.

Corporate Red: The timeline is still changing. Look.. Peggy’s family has been erased.

Doctor Strange: Reversing the snap has made everything worse.

Corporate Red: It also killed more people and its erasing different realities. Captain America did something he wasn’t suppose to do.

Marvel Studios Logo and The Forgotten Ranger logo are seen on a collision course.

Corporate Red is now seen in his Next Gen Quantum suit.

Doctor Strange: You know what must be done?

Next Gen Quantum: I’m going quantum jump, and find him.

Doctor Strange: What if he resists?

Next Gen Quantum: I’ll take him down.. By any means necessary.

Scene cuts to Khang with his hands behind his back confronting a Captain America. Cap throws his famed shield that goes through Khang’s body. It bounces off a wall and stops in midair behind Khang. Khang then fires a laser at Captain America and kills him. Scene then shows lasers being fired by Khang from different angles and killing different Captain America’s from different realities. Next Gen Quantum arrives and uses a Time Stone to revive a Captain America.

Captain America: Thank you

Inside the helmet of Next Gen Quantum is shown a serious stare.

The scene then goes to the battle of Avengers End Game.

Khang is seen flying through the battle field. The scene also cuts to Next Gen Quantum flying through the battle field in opposite direction of Khang. The two now have Captain America cornered. Captain America is joined by Iron Man and Thor. Suddenly a time portal opens and Cable and Bishop arrive with adult Spider-man and Old Man Logan. Doctor Strange arrives and does the number one finger.

Doctor Strange: The one universe, isn’t you Tony..

Thanos: There’s a disturbance in the force..

Khang: Time has been disrespected.

Captain America: Corporate Red..

Next Gen Quantum: ::pulls out plasma gun and sword:: I’m sorry Steve..

Fade to Black

The logos of the Avengers and The Forgotten Ranger are on a collision course as the words A Secret War form and then the words Secrets Wars form.

Deadpool: Breaking the timeline just for a dance?

Nick Fury: Mother..

Coming soon..

The Forgotten Ranger V: Secret InVasion: Thy Cosmic Hand

Synopsis – With realities restore and the Marvel family reunited things seem to be all calm. However there is a disturbance in the force as planets one by one are mysteriously disappearing. Meanwhile the Skrulls are preparing for their next Secret InVasion of Earth.

Preview – The scene is in a room where Tony Stark, Mr. Fantastic, Professor Xavier, Dr. Hank McCoy, Logan, adult Spider-man, and Corporate Red are in a room watching a universal radar.

Corporate Red: There it is again..

Logan: What just happen?

Corporate Red: Each time the energy reading goes near a planet, the planet disappears.

Tony Stark: You don’t think?

Mr. Fantastic: But Silver Surfer destroyed Galactus

Professor Xavier: That was another life..

Everyone stares at Xavier as the scene fades into a new scene.

The scene shows the planet of the Skrull Empire. Several ships are seen fleeing the planet. The Skrull Queen is seen in one of the ships, looking scared. One of her assistants holds her shoulder. The scene moves away from the window revealing a cosmic entity sucking the life out of the planet. A giant cosmic hand is seen followed by revealing the individual. The individual is none other than Galactus.

Assistant: What course?

Skrull Queen: Contact Captain Marvel.. It’s time we start the second invasion of Earth.

The scene fades to black as the words The Forgotten Ranger Ranger V: Secret InVasion and a image of Galactus hands sucking the words and the title Thy Cosmic Hand.

A quick image of Silver Surfer with a serious stare is seen for brief.

Coming soon..

Far From Home confirms Secret Avenger Theory

A brand new trailer of Spider-man Far From Home was released today and it also confirmed a major Marvel Cinematic Universe theory started back in 2014. In Spider-man Homecoming Nick Fury confirms that the snap tore a hole in their dimension. In the original End Game plans Secret Avenger, Corporate Red was going to use the Infinity Gauntlet to restore the MCU to the original timeline (Sony/FOX) and merge it with the MCU. This would result in the destruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How would the Snap cause a hole in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

When Doctor Strange handed the Time Stone to Thanos, the Time Stone was glowing/active. Thanos before putting the Time Stone into the Gauntlet paused and realized this. The theory is that Thanos and Doctor Strange were secretly working to gether to figure out a way to find the doorway to the original timeline to escape the altered MCU which isn’t suppose to exist. Since the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t be reliable Strange allowed Thanos to go forward to completely completing the Gauntlet. Once destroying half of the MCU timeline Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent interference of the Avengers of stopping whatever damage the Avengers woud’ve done. However the Avengers did more damage than good when they went quantum traveling in the multi-verse.

Back in 2014 and leading all the way to Infinity War creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that not only would the MCU coming to an end in 2019, but that its not a real timeline, and that its an alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. The biggest suspect was none other than Spider-man. Its interesting how Disney and Marvel is choosing the Spider-man Far From Home to reveal the hole in the MCU’s altered dimension. This could as many insiders are stating preparing for Secret Wars which could introduce both Corporate Red and Khang if all goes according to plan with the two hunting down the Avengers, in particular Captain America, to save all realities in the multi-verse from Captain America’s selfish actions living life with Peggy instead of going back. However one of them has an agenda, while the other must destroy one universe to save the other.

Several insiders have also stated this move if TQR is not introduced into the MCU could get Disney and Marvel in serious legal trouble as the idea was first created by TQR. This is a problem many fans have had with MCU not introducing the famed secret character of the MCU, but yet making money off his ideas. Several insiders are also stating Disney and Marvel did it without TQR’s permission, which is why the stages are being set now to possibly get him into the MCU.

Did Spider-man Far From Home confirm Corporate Red existence in the MCU?

MCU, Khang, Secret Avenger News

Why Captain America has threatened the multi-verse? Is Khang about to rise off his throne? Did Captain America’s actions open the doorway for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red? We’re breaking down the multi-verse news and how it could be leading to as what one person warned MCU fans since 2014, a glitch in the MCU matrix.

Back in 2014 creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that the MCU is not only an alternate timeline, but that it would need to be destroyed in order to save it. Original plans for Avengers End Game had Corporate Red being the hero, but also the destroyer of the MCU. CR would’ve defeated Thanos and then used the Infinity Gauntlet to fix the MCU’s timeline, restoring it to the original timeline (Sony/FOX timeline) and merging it with the MCU.

In Avengers End Game, Disney and Marvel proved TQR right. Not only is the MCU broken, but there just too many plot-holes in the movie. While many say this was because of bad editing due to Brie Larson/Captain Marvel replacing TQR/Corporate Red which resulted in tons of bad changes to the script, which hurt the movie overall, the move might’ve helped introduce Secret Avenger, Corporate Red into the MCU and a new villain he will be taking on, none other than Khang.

In the comics Khang blames Captain America for hurting his timeline. In Disney’s Avengers Earth’s Mightiest animated series Captain America is to blame for the destruction of a timeline. In the MCU TQR stated on several occasions the Time Stone glitched the MCU. Now it appears Captain America not only added to a bigger glitch (altering) The Captain has done something the Skrulls, Doctor Strange, and Corporate Red didn’t do, which is threaten the existence of other realities. While Corporate Red stating the MCU had to be destroyed was reasonable, Captain America getting a dance with Peggy Carter and endangering other realities wasn’t. Isn’t this the same Captain America who said some say move on, but not? Yet The Captain couldn’t move on?

TQR is expected to release The Forgotten Ranger trilogy on either the weekend of May 25th or during Spider-man Far From Home. Back in 2017 the author had a huge global online re-release of the famed global hit during Spider-man Homecoming debut week. The Forgotten Ranger 1 will be re-released, but this time in a 1,000 pages release edition. The Forgotten Ranger II will take place during the events of Infinity War, and The Forgotten Ranger III, what would’ve been End Game will be re-released with a new title. Corporate Red (The Forgotten Ranger IV untitled) is expected release in 2020. Right now only characters confirmed are Corporate Red, Avengers, Doctor Strange, Edea, Captain Marvel, Skrull Empire, The Kree and Khang.

This one, TQR states will prove the Avengers were the real villains in End Game. Yes, what Thanos did was wrong. What the Avengers did was even worse. In particular the selfish actions of Captain America..

There are some reports The Forgotten Ranger IV may not be released to the public, but possibly the script may be used for Avengers 5. TQR has stated End Game doesn’t help the X-MEN and Fantastic Four getting into the MCU unless they go into Secret Wars. Everything in End Game was clearly wrong and out of place. It goes back to what Baron Mordo warned about time paradoxes, opening the doorways for dimensional threats. Dimensional threats such as the Skrull Empire, Galactus, Khang, and maybe even Secret Avenger, Corporate Red as the baddie himself.

Did you enjoy Avengers End Game or as most said major disappointment?