The Forgotten Ranger March 24th Re-Release. Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban Plagiarized off The Forgotten Ranger. Rowan Pope (Scandal), returns, The Westchester Incident (Logan), Deadpool, Spider-man, Red Skull, Kingpin, the Sinister Six and more in the new extra endings for Corporate Red, The Forgotten Ranger.

TheForgottenRangermatureversion5   <—– download

Update March 25th: I’ve edited the grammer in some of the scene and some edits to the secret endings

March 24th: Today is the final re-release of The Forgotten Ranger. This new re-release includes new scenes, and new extra endings. In the new extra endings are The Westchester Incident from Logan, and villain appearances from Spider-man and the whereabouts of Red Skull as well. Also Rowan Pope, from Shonda Rhimes hit ABC show Scandal who I had in some of my original scripts makes a comeback in this re-release. In the link below is the download attachment. I will also have a child friendly version of The Forgotten Ranger out this weekend, which will include no cursing and some scenes altered. Also in the links below are my two wallposts and the evidence you all have witnessed worldwide of Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban plagiarizing off my successful online global hit short story. I do plan to take legal action as well. Haim Saban has a history of no integrity, and Lionsgate Films has a history of stealing people’s ideas. My successful short story for the past three years (four if you count 2014 for promotional work) has been an online successful hit, being read by over one hundred countries and a fan base in the millions. Millions across the globe are starting to see the plagiarism done by Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban, stealing ideas for my short story Corporate Red, The Forgotten Ranger. Also if you want to help in the protest against Lionsgate Films Power Rangers movie you may go see the following movies: Beauty and the Beast, Chips, Logan, Kong: Skull Island, The Belko Experiment and Life.

Update: Lionsgate Films and Haim Saban stole ideas from The Forgotten Ranger (major update/new information)

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