Spiderman removed from MCU due to Tom Holland and Disney’s Racism

Updated report on why Spiderman has been removed from Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’re breaking down old and new details

Tom Holland’s Constant Leaking

Tom Holland who was selected by Kevin Feige and Disney to become Spider-man had constantly been leaking MCU films such as Infinity War, End Game, and recently Far From Home. While everyone thought it was a laughing matter, one man did not take it lightly. TQR who many know as Corporate Red, Secret Avenger, has constantly been outspoken about Holland’s leaks. The online global hit author even stated Tom Holland’s white privilege is what was preventing him from getting fired. Holland and some MCU fans disagree with TQR, however insiders are stating Sony had kept their lips tightly sealed and were secretly supporting TQR behind the scenes. Like FOX and Netflix, the company was also not pleased with TQR being replaced by Larson (which we’ll get into the other reason why Sony divorced Disney in the MCU).

TQR being replaced by Brie Larson would lead to consequences

While social media and media have been stating that profit differences between Sony and Disney is the reason Spider-man is being removed from the MCU, apparently that’s not the real story. Insiders have all stated it goes back to a certain plan that was shut down by Disney. A plan shutdown that sparked worldwide outrage.

After being replaced by Brie Larson in Avengers Infinity War and End Game, TQR aka Corporate Red warned there would be consequences for Disney’s actions. Indeed his predictions were on point. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, few years before the release TQR said the Netflix shows would be coming to an end. This prediction he nailed.

The original plan was for the Netflix shows to merge with the MCU. Instead, Disney not sticking with the original plan the Netflix shows have been erased from the MCU after the Netflix fallout. Netlfix wasn’t the only one upset with Disney. FOX was also upset, and they were so upset they pushed Deadpool 2 closer to Infinity War’s release. Disney in a panic released IW earlier, but it wasn’t enough as the movie failed against Deadpool 2.

Sony was also upset, but had not made it known, until now. The original plan for End Game had Secret Avenger, Corporate Red defeating Thanos and destroying the Marvel Cinematic timeline to bring back to the original timeline which would’ve bought in X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and the real adult Spider-man. Sadly the fans didn’t get this and there had been anger since from multiple parties. Most are aware Secret Avenger, Corporate Red had been sub-message, reference and easter egg in several MCU films and Netflix shows. The hidden messages revealed a secret character in the MCU and that this secret character was going to be the hero to defeat Thanos in End Game.  This sadly was shattered when Disney replaced TQR with Brie Larson, and with Stark defeating Thanos instead of Corporate Red. When Larson replaced TQR she was going to defeat Thanos, and since Disney learned fans were highly upset, switched it to Stark, which only has made things worse.

According to some insiders End Game was going to lead into Iron Man 4 with Iron Man teaming with his secret proteje Corporate Red to hunt down the real Manderine. Fans learned about the altered plans for this in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, a film that was announced for phase 4. The same phase 4 which is not going over well with the fans.

From what insiders are saying Sony had enough of MCU’s version of Spider-man and Disney handling of what went down with Secret Avenger being replaced with Larson.

Its interesting how things have just gone downhill for the MCU for not sticking with the original plan. There’s also been talks the reason X-MEN and Fantastic Four are not in phase 4 is because they are still facing punishments for replacing TQR with Larson. Many viewed the move as a racist move. The move angered fans, celebrities and production staff working in the MCU, list goes on. Secret Avenger was going to bring in the Marvel Reunion. Tony wouldn’t had been dead. Captain America wouldn’t had been old. The entire Marvel family would’ve finally been back together. But Disney threw that all away with their racist ways.

Spider-man removed from MCU due to Secret Avenger

While social media and media have been stating that profit differences between Sony and Disney is the reason Spider-man is being removed from the MCU, apparently that’s not the real story. Insiders have all stated it goes back to a certain plan that was shut down by Disney.

After being replaced by Brie Larson in Avengers Infinity War and End Game, TQR aka Corporate Red warned there would be consequences for Disney’s actions. Indeed his predictions were on point. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, few years before the release TQR said the Netflix shows would be coming to an end. This prediction he nailed.

The original plan was for the Netflix show to merge with the MCU. Instead, Disney not sticking with the original plan the Netflix shows have been erased from the MCU after the Netflix fallout. Netlfix wasn’t the only one upset with Disney. FOX was also upset, and they were so upset they pushed Deadpool 2 closer to Infinity War’s release. Disney in a panic released IW earlier, but it wasn’t enough as the movie failed against Deadpool 2.

Sony was also upset, but had not made it known, until now. The original plan for End Game had Secret Avenger, Corporate Red defeating Thanos and destroying the Marvel Cinematic timeline to bring back to the original timeline which would’ve bought in X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and the real adult Spider-man. Sadly the fans didn’t get this and there had been anger since from multiple parties. From what insiders are saying Sony had enough of MCU’s version of Spider-man and Disney handling of what went down with Secret Avenger being replaced Larson.

Its interesting how things have just gone downhill for the MCU for not sticking with the original plan. There’s also been talks the reason X-MEN anf Fantastic Four are not in phase 4 is because they are still facing punishments for replacing TQR with Larson. Many viewed the move as a racist move. The move angered fans, celebrities and production staff working in the MCU, list goes on. Secret Avenger was going to bring in the Marvel Reunion. Tony wouldn’t had been dead. Captain America wouldn’t had been old. The entire Marvel family would’ve finally been back together. But Disney threw that all away with their racist ways.

Marvel references Corporate Red

It appears there’s a Secret War between both Disney/Marvel and TQR aka Corporate Red after some references Marvel posted yesterday, along with the Russo Brothers. Yesterday Marvel and Marvel Studios posted a photo of a “Red” and “White” Infinity Gauntlet. Fans of the MCU know that a famous red and white hero secretly in the MCU is none other than Corporate Red. Other Marvel stars also posted the photo.

Later that day The Russo Brothers posted a photo of rapper Lil Nas X with the Infinity Gauntlet. Many have said this reference was not only a cheap shot at TQR (since both Nas and TQR are black) but also sub-messaging the original hero TQR of Avenger End Game. It was also TQR that confirmed that the MCU has a multi-verse and that the current MCU timeline is a alternate reality that is not suppose to exist. TQR confirmed both before Doctor Strange and Avengers End Game. In which years later fans would learn that Captain America erased a reality by staying back in the past.


To update the fans there is a continuing on-going investigation on Disney and Marvel for stealing creative ideas created by TQR and using them in the MCU films. Reddit and IMDB are also being investigated for a possible blackmail scheme with Disney and Marvel against TQR intentionally using false accusations to get him replaced by none other than Brie Larson.

Far From Home confirms Secret Avenger Theory

A brand new trailer of Spider-man Far From Home was released today and it also confirmed a major Marvel Cinematic Universe theory started back in 2014. In Spider-man Homecoming Nick Fury confirms that the snap tore a hole in their dimension. In the original End Game plans Secret Avenger, Corporate Red was going to use the Infinity Gauntlet to restore the MCU to the original timeline (Sony/FOX) and merge it with the MCU. This would result in the destruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How would the Snap cause a hole in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

When Doctor Strange handed the Time Stone to Thanos, the Time Stone was glowing/active. Thanos before putting the Time Stone into the Gauntlet paused and realized this. The theory is that Thanos and Doctor Strange were secretly working to gether to figure out a way to find the doorway to the original timeline to escape the altered MCU which isn’t suppose to exist. Since the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t be reliable Strange allowed Thanos to go forward to completely completing the Gauntlet. Once destroying half of the MCU timeline Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent interference of the Avengers of stopping whatever damage the Avengers woud’ve done. However the Avengers did more damage than good when they went quantum traveling in the multi-verse.

Back in 2014 and leading all the way to Infinity War creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that not only would the MCU coming to an end in 2019, but that its not a real timeline, and that its an alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. The biggest suspect was none other than Spider-man. Its interesting how Disney and Marvel is choosing the Spider-man Far From Home to reveal the hole in the MCU’s altered dimension. This could as many insiders are stating preparing for Secret Wars which could introduce both Corporate Red and Khang if all goes according to plan with the two hunting down the Avengers, in particular Captain America, to save all realities in the multi-verse from Captain America’s selfish actions living life with Peggy instead of going back. However one of them has an agenda, while the other must destroy one universe to save the other.

Several insiders have also stated this move if TQR is not introduced into the MCU could get Disney and Marvel in serious legal trouble as the idea was first created by TQR. This is a problem many fans have had with MCU not introducing the famed secret character of the MCU, but yet making money off his ideas. Several insiders are also stating Disney and Marvel did it without TQR’s permission, which is why the stages are being set now to possibly get him into the MCU.

Did Spider-man Far From Home confirm Corporate Red existence in the MCU?

MCU, Khang, Secret Avenger News

Why Captain America has threatened the multi-verse? Is Khang about to rise off his throne? Did Captain America’s actions open the doorway for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red? We’re breaking down the multi-verse news and how it could be leading to as what one person warned MCU fans since 2014, a glitch in the MCU matrix.

Back in 2014 creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that the MCU is not only an alternate timeline, but that it would need to be destroyed in order to save it. Original plans for Avengers End Game had Corporate Red being the hero, but also the destroyer of the MCU. CR would’ve defeated Thanos and then used the Infinity Gauntlet to fix the MCU’s timeline, restoring it to the original timeline (Sony/FOX timeline) and merging it with the MCU.

In Avengers End Game, Disney and Marvel proved TQR right. Not only is the MCU broken, but there just too many plot-holes in the movie. While many say this was because of bad editing due to Brie Larson/Captain Marvel replacing TQR/Corporate Red which resulted in tons of bad changes to the script, which hurt the movie overall, the move might’ve helped introduce Secret Avenger, Corporate Red into the MCU and a new villain he will be taking on, none other than Khang.

In the comics Khang blames Captain America for hurting his timeline. In Disney’s Avengers Earth’s Mightiest animated series Captain America is to blame for the destruction of a timeline. In the MCU TQR stated on several occasions the Time Stone glitched the MCU. Now it appears Captain America not only added to a bigger glitch (altering) The Captain has done something the Skrulls, Doctor Strange, and Corporate Red didn’t do, which is threaten the existence of other realities. While Corporate Red stating the MCU had to be destroyed was reasonable, Captain America getting a dance with Peggy Carter and endangering other realities wasn’t. Isn’t this the same Captain America who said some say move on, but not? Yet The Captain couldn’t move on?

TQR is expected to release The Forgotten Ranger trilogy on either the weekend of May 25th or during Spider-man Far From Home. Back in 2017 the author had a huge global online re-release of the famed global hit during Spider-man Homecoming debut week. The Forgotten Ranger 1 will be re-released, but this time in a 1,000 pages release edition. The Forgotten Ranger II will take place during the events of Infinity War, and The Forgotten Ranger III, what would’ve been End Game will be re-released with a new title. Corporate Red (The Forgotten Ranger IV untitled) is expected release in 2020. Right now only characters confirmed are Corporate Red, Avengers, Doctor Strange, Edea, Captain Marvel, Skrull Empire, The Kree and Khang.

This one, TQR states will prove the Avengers were the real villains in End Game. Yes, what Thanos did was wrong. What the Avengers did was even worse. In particular the selfish actions of Captain America..

There are some reports The Forgotten Ranger IV may not be released to the public, but possibly the script may be used for Avengers 5. TQR has stated End Game doesn’t help the X-MEN and Fantastic Four getting into the MCU unless they go into Secret Wars. Everything in End Game was clearly wrong and out of place. It goes back to what Baron Mordo warned about time paradoxes, opening the doorways for dimensional threats. Dimensional threats such as the Skrull Empire, Galactus, Khang, and maybe even Secret Avenger, Corporate Red as the baddie himself.

Did you enjoy Avengers End Game or as most said major disappointment?

Avengers End Game Spoilers

Fans will be treated to The Forgotten Ranger III later today. In the meantime here are the real Avengers End Game spoilers. Keep in mind we’re breaking down spoilers for both Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III (which would’ve been Avengers End Game). Spoilers and changes will be broken down.

Captain Marvel dies

In both Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III Captain Marvel will bite the dust early at the hands of Thanos. This biting of the dust also results in the destruction of the Infinity Stones. Thor then kills Thanos.. Honorary mention a Skrull also bites the dust at the beginning in a ship with Captain Marvel.

Quantum Time Heist

The plan was originally for the Skrull Invasion to take place early with the Skrulls impersonating Captain America, Black Widow,m Ant-man and Captain Marvel. A Skrull hijacks the Pym’s van with Ant-man still trapped. This Skrull would’ve been part of the Hydra Skrull Alliance that was first talked about in The Forgotten Ranger I. During the first Ant-man movie Mitchel Carson (S.H.I.E.L.D./Hydra agent) steals the Pym particle). Fans of The Forgotten Ranger series will learn that Carson hands the Pym particle over to Hydra and Skrull scientists in which they create a Ant-man suit duplicate of Hank’s Ant-man suit he gave to Scott. The real Ant-man would’ve been rescued out of the Quantum realm by Corporate Red.

The Soul Stone

In Avengers End Game Black Widow sacrifices herself allowing Hawkeye (Ronin) access to the Soul Stone. However in The Forgotten Ranger III (original plan for Avengers End Game) was going to have a Captain America recruited from another universe (Winter Soldier Captain America) to sacrifice himself for his other best friend, Tony Stark.

Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock The Greater Threats

Immediately after the snap Corporate Red in End Game was suppose to head to Wakanda after his first response assistance in New York. The hero and the Avengers find Fury’s beeper and realize that Fury’s beep to Corporate Red was intercepted with a unknown symbol on the pager. Corporate Red heads to the Strange Sanctorium home while the Avengers head backto Avengers Facility. Captain Marvel (who would’ve been a Skrull) shows up to Avengers Facility. It is at the Sanctorium fans see that Wong survived the snap. Wong also tells Corporate Red about Adam Warlock, the original keeper of the Soul Stone. Both Wong and Thor also tell him that Adam Warlock was once a peaceful hero who turned hostile which forced the removal of the Soul Stone from him. Once back home Corporate Red few days later meets with Nicholas Fury, the original Director of S.H.I.E.L.S.. Fury introduces Corporate Red to Cameron Klein who fans saw in Age of Ultron and Civil War. Klein tells Corporate Red about the energy readings used by Thanos from the Infinity Stones. He also tells the hero about an energy reading that is equivalent to the Infinity Stones that just showed up at Avengers Facility. Unknown to the them this is Captain Marvel (this Captain Marvel would’ve turned out to be a Skrull) who shows up to Avengers Facility asking for Fury. What the fans would’ve been treated to would’ve been a Secret InVasion during post snap with the Hydra and the Skrulls trying to take advantage of a post snap earth.

Quantum Suits

The Avengers in the original plan would’ve received duplicates of Corporate Red’s Next Gen Quantum suit. This has puzzled fans why the suits have the colors of Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum. Now you know.. But it gets bigger..

X-MEN arrive and real Spider-man

The original End Game (The Forgotten Ranger III) also would’ve saw the introduction of the X-MEN and the real Spider-man. X-MEN time traveler Cable is secretly working with Colonel Fury in a dimensional Secret War against Thanos. The following heroes are recruited: Corporate Red, Deadpool, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Logan, Defenders (fans would learn Karen died at the snap), Punisher, and Magneto.

Two Main Events, Dimensional War

The first main event pits Thanos against Corporate Red teams. Fans would’ve saw cameos of Onslaught, a merger of Xavier and Magneto and Marvel Zombies, in which Thanos would’ve used the Infinity Stones to bring the dead heroes back as Marvel Zombies. Silver Surfer shows up in this battle with the heroes taking a beating against Thanos along with a dimensional assistance from Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The battle goes down to Corporate Red and Thanos ending in a flash. It then shifts to Tony Stark and Ant-man who have time travel to the Chitauri InVasion of 2012 to recruit Corporate Red, Captain America, Thor and Hulk. However there’s a difference in this battle as Wolverine and the real Spider-man (adult Spider-man) are also fighting in the battle. Stark realizes Corporate Red must’ve won in the MCU timeline and the real original timeline is being restored. This is where things get more interesting. Once completed the Infinity Gauntlet Thanos arrives with his army of ships. Doctor Strange opens multiple portals bringing in heroes from different realities and the original timeline such as the Avengers, X-MEN, S.H.I.E.L.D., Defenders, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Nova, Nova Corps, Guardians of the Galaxy, Corporate Rangers, and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts. The real Captain Marvel (now with a haircut) shows up in the battle as well.

Thanos final Defeat

The original plan was for Corporate Red to use the Infinity Gauntlet and defeat Thanos with the snap of his fingers. This also would’ve resulted in all the realities being restored and a sad fading away (non-dusting) of Corporate Red who is returned to his reality where there is no Avengers and the original thirteen Corporate Rangers timeline where ten of the Corporate Rangers died at the hands of Queen Edea. Instead in Avengers End Game Tony Stark uses the Infinity Gauntlet and snaps his fingers, killing Thanos and the use of the Infinity Stones kills Tony Stark.

Tony Stark recruits Corporate Red for Iron Heart

In a parallel ending of Avengers End Game Stark is speaking at Captain America’s funeral. Captain America had recently went time traveling to return the Infinity Stones to their respective realities and goes on to have his promise dance with Peggy Carter. In a post credit Stark would’ve showed up to Corporate Red’s residency introducing himself as the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D and tells Corporate Red he’s looking for a heart of iron, setting up CR as Stark’s apprentice aka Iron Heart. Meanwhile Captain Marvel and the Skrulls are preparing for a Secret InVasion of Earth.

Stay tuned as The Forgotten Ranger III will be released sometime before the end of this weekend. Perhaps later today..


Avengers Cast Support Corporate Red

You’ve all probably seen all the videos of the Avengers cast supporting Corporate Red against Captain Marvel through body language and sub-messages. Chris Hemsworth even went on to say she stole a spot. Here are video breakddowns of Avengers cast supporting Corporate Red and shading Brie Larson. After the video break down we’ll discuss a major rumor going down in regards to Avengers 5 that may see a early departure for Captain Marvel.

Avengers cast on Jimmy Kimmel

During the Avengers End Game promotions on Jimmy Kimmel Larson appears on the show by herself. In another episode the entire cast is on the show without Larson. Insiders say the cast did not want to be around someone who stole someone’s roster spot.

Talks shows boycotting Larson

FOX and Netflix weren’t the only two companies angry over Larson replacing TQR. Other big name talk shows have refused to interview Larson for Avengers End Game.

Jeremy Renner roasts Larson on replacing Corporate Red on NDTV

Brie Larson: It doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes

Jeremy Renner: I’m pretty accountable and responsible on my own life at any rates. Celebrities is not something I use as any sort of platform to be more responsible or accountable I suppose.

ET Interview (Larson stole TQR/Corporate Red’s Spot confirmed by Cheadle and Hemsworth)

Don Cheadle: I told you not to touch me

See when women disrespect men Me Too nowhere to be found. Ain’t that something..

Don Cheadle: She kinda fit right in..

Don Cheadle: There’s been a “sort of” passing of the torch.

Chris Hemsworth: You’ve quite successfully “stolen” the torch

Another reference that Larson was not the original hero for End Game which fans were aware it was originally schedule for Corporate Red.  Everyone is aware Larson was originally not casted for End Game and its a role she stole which Hemsworth confirms referencing how Brie Larson replaced TQR aka Corporate Red.

Larson confirms she didn’t understand why she was in End Game (insiders say she knew she replaced Corporate Red and didn’t want backlash for it)

0:52 – 1:05

Don Cheadle confirms Secret Avenger’s absence in End Game?

So far this week two bombshell’s in regards to Secret Avenger, Corporate Red and how was he originally in End Game. First the recent television spot of Avengers End Game where Captain America is telling the teammates in the Quantum suits (originally Corporate Red’s Next Gen Quantum suit being split into multiple suits the reason for the red and white) they know their mission. Long before the trailers of Avengers End Game in multiple The Forgotten Ranger three synopsis it was confirmed that there were going to be two teams, Corporate Red and the Secret Avengers taking Thanos head on and the Avengers going back in time. TQR aka Corporate Red before Infinity War had spoken about how he was told by a Marvel producer about time travel and that TQR was against the idea of time travel in defeating Thanos. In End Game CR would’ve told the Avengers that time travel will just cause the creation of more alternate realities.  Now for the Don Cheadle bombshell..

Don Cheadle on last night’s Jimmy Kimmel confirmed there have been situations where actors and celebrities filmed scene’s in movies and were never told they didn’t make the final cut. They would show up to premiers and did not know they didn’t make the final cut. This sounds eerie similar to what happen with TQR not being told he was replaced by Brie Larson (according to some insiders and some from TQR’s camp) until discovering this when End Game wrapped up. This move was not only viewed as racist move by many fans, but angered FOX and Netflix which resulted in some serious punishments towards Disney. FOX pushing Deadpool 2 close to Infinity War and Disney having to push IW to an earlier release date. The move still ended in a failure with Deadpool 2 defeating IW in the box office and IW suffering an even more humiliating collapse to #4 after losing to Oceans. Netflix punished Disney with the recent cancellation of the Netflix films. Some wonder why both companies are upset at Corporate Red not being in End Game. Well if you remember TQR confirmed before IW that the MCU will be reset after Avengers 4, and this was confirmed recently by Marvel that the MCU will be reset in End Game. But TQR confirmed this back in 2014. The plan was for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red, to defeat Thanos and destroy the MCU and bringing back the original Sony/FOX timeline, the real timeline and merging that with the MCU.

Most insiders are saying the fact Avengers End Game sold out in pre-sales is another example how backwards we have gone as a nation when it comes to racism. Look at the fans when they supported TQR against the Power Rangers movie for stealing his idea’s. But here comes two Disney films that did the same thing and they sell out in pre-sales? It says alot about the hypocrisy of some or in this case most MCU fans or just fans of Hollywood as a whole. When Black Panther dominated the box office for two months hardly anyone came to the defense against the racist the individuals that attacked the film. Here comes a hostile feminist/white supremacist who attacks both race and gender and people quickly defend her. What in the world?


Avengers End Game crossover Preview

Fans awaiting Avengers End Game could be receiving some major spoilers this week. In the meantime fans can enjoy the Avengers End Game / The Forgotten Rangers III crossover (which would’ve been Avengers End Game) in the upcoming The Forgotten Ranger Trilogy titled a A Secret War. In this upcoming feature Colonel Fury and the Secret Avengers (Corporate Red, Deadpool, Cable, Defenders, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Professor Xavier, Magneto) take Thanos head on while the Avengers enter time travel through a quantum time jump to stop Thanos in the past.

EXT. Battle of New York (alternate 2012)

Iron Man is flying in the city as he spots Loki and Corporate Red fighting in Brooklyn.

Cut to

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark along with Ant-man arrives to the Battle of New York in his S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform. Eventually the two find Captain America and Hulk. Black Widow just recently took off hopping onto a Chitauri carrier. Corporate Red lands on the scene.

2012 Captain America: Something not right.. You’ve aged..

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark: I’m from an alternate reality. These Chitauri’s were sent by a being named Thanos, who Loki is working for. In multiple realities he destroys half or all of reality with a universal weapon called the Infinity Gauntlet which he uses to control all six Infinity Stone. One of those Infinity Stones is in Loki’s staff which has the Mind Stone.

2012 Captain America: So you’re saying this is just the beginning?

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark: Years from now half of the universe will be wiped out by Thanos. I need you to trust me.. Do you trust me?

2012 Captain America: I do..

Corporate Red: I don’t think I feel so good..

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark: You’re okay.. Listen I know we never met but you do remember me helping you against a cyber attack that control of your prehistoric beasts. The EMP..

Corporate Red: Right..

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark: I know this is all to take in, but I need you to come with us as well.

Corporate Red: To where?

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark: Up there..

Corporate Red: Outer space.. I’ll have to become Next Gen Quantum to go up there..

S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark: We’re going to stop the End Game.

Cut To

Captain America, Tony Stark, and Thor are seen walking towards Thanos. A thunder sound is heard as Corporate Red arrives.

Thanos: Who are you?

Corporate Red: someone you forgot..

Tony Stark: This is your End Game.

Logan: You mind if we tag along..

Logan is with Deadpool and Cable..

Thanos: Just bring it..

The words Avengers End Game and The Forgotten Ranger III merge together to form the words “A Secret War”


Avengers New Trailer confirms Secret Avenger again

While IGN, Gamespot, Cosmic Wonder, New Rockstars, and mainstream try to cover up Disney replacing Secret Avenger with Brie Larson, the world continues to learn the truth that Avengers End Game was going to introduce Secret Avenger, Corporate Red, and the third released Avengers End Game trailer gave away more easter eggs, sub-messages and references that Corporate Red was going to be “the hero” in the trailer and we’re breaking it down from beginning to end.


When Bruce Banner says they’ll be going in short handed, this scene was originally for Corporate Red, Defenders, Deadpool, Cable, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Logan, Magneto and Professor Xavier. This was the team that was originally going to take on Thanos and the Black Order.

How much we have left?

The scene where Iron Man is back in his Mark 85 armor. It’s also in throwback colors to Avengers 2012. Why is this? This is Tony Stark back in the past searching for Corporate Red? Why is he stopping in the trailer? Long time readers of The Forgotten Ranger remember the famed scene where Loki fights Corporate Red and according to insiders this is the scene where Iron Man sees Corporate Red fighting Loki and to alter history to stop Thanos.

So you trust me?

In this scene is S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony Stark and Winter Soldier Captain America.

Benator leaves Morag

In this scene the Avengers retrieve the Power Stone. Two teams were split. CR’s team went after Thanos head on which readers read in the original The Forgotten Ranger III where CR’s team takes Thanos head on. Readers will learn more about this in the coming week. In Avengers End Game instead of CR’s team, the heroes take on Thanos head on.

Avengers Fail

You could not live with your on failure. What did that bring you? Back to me…

This iconic shot with Iron Man, Captain America and Thor was also going to introduce a fourth man, Secret Avenger, Corporate Red. Thanos would’ve said who are you? CR would’ve replied someone you “forgot”.

Corporate Red

At the end of the trailer the choir is saying the words Corporate Red.