Loki Series Corporate Red Connection

During Avengers End Game a parallel Loki escaped with the Tesseract. According to some insiders the upcoming Loki series could help introduce Corporate Red.

While the hero wouldn’t have to make a appearance in the series, it could help set up the stages for The Forgotten Ranger (The Forgotten Avenger/Secret Avenger).

Long before Doctor Strange, Infinity War, and End Game, TQR creator of Corporate Red clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline, long before the official confirmation. He also said few years ago the Netflix shows would end in 2019, which did.

In the 2015 – present hit The Forgotten Ranger, in the original 2015 release along with the re-releases Loki battles Corporate Red during a off-screen battle of the Chitauri InVasion, taking place during 2012’s Avengers.

Parallel Loki could help set up the stages of a confrontation with Corporate Red. This would then determine if The Forgotten Ranger is alternate timeline where Loki escaped.

There have long been theories if The Forgotten Ranger could actually be a parallel or alternate reality and the reason Corporate Red was in a haste to fix the space time continuum that has now been harmed by Captain America and the Avengers.

If the stages are done correct fans could see the introductions of Corporate Red and Khang, with the two battling the New Avengers to save the space time continuum of the Multiverse.

Robert Downey jr references Sailor Moon. Following Corporate Red?

Update: The Forgotten Ranger Part II will be uploaded tomorrow. – In other news Robert Downey jr reference Sailor Moon today on his wall. This is interesting since Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts were in The Forgotten Ranger secret ending regarding the events of the MCU and Thanos. This leads to more speculation that Robert Downey jr is again referencing Corporate Red. Imagine if Disney/Marvel had taking the original route of Corporate Red’s team fighting Thanos in Avengers 4 instead of the defeat at the hands of Captain Marvel.

The Forgotten Ranger II: Infinity War (IW Spoilers)


Finally the release of the sequel to the online global hit The Forgotten Ranger, here is The Forgotten Ranger II: Part I Return of Corporate Red/Infinity War with some spoilers from the upcoming Avengers Infinity War. Well now.. A hero’s revenge.. Enjoy..


Matt Hardy Ultimate Segment Proves TQR should’ve had creative control with Corporate Red in Infinity War & A4

After the recent success of WWE’s Matt Hardy Ultimate segment on the recent episode of Monday Night Raw, this leads many to wonder did the politics of Disney and Marvel fail for not letting Terrell Quentin Rogers have creative control when it came to Corporate Red / Infinity War / Avengers 4 crossover?

Fans across the globe were hyped for the potential crossover until Disney and Marvel shot down those dreams when TQR was replaced by Brie Larson who will be portraying Captain Marvel in the upcoming Infinity War and Avengers 4, along with her upcoming solo Captain Marvel. The move which many called a racist move, a white woman replacing a black man due to Disney’s racist track record. The move angered fans worldwide along with FOX.

TQR created released The Forgotten Ranger during the Age of Ultron week and the release was a worldwide success. Many wonder had the crossover happen and TQR been given some creative control who knows what potential could’ve happen for Avengers 4. Here’s what insider is saying:

TQR was told by an individual working for Marvel they were planning time travel for Avengers 4. This was back in 2015 when Terrell was being told about this, according to one anonymous insider. Terrell was never a supportive of the time traveling idea. He felt the Avengers or whoever was left should just fight Thanos in regular time. Why do time travel to fight Thanos?

Interestingly Avengers 4 is what it is dimensional time travel.

TQR is scheduled to release the Avengers Infinity War spoilers near the end of Spring Break, possibly by next Sunday which will be the release of The Forgotten Ranger II will be consisting of a two parter. Part I The Return of Corporate Red taking place during Infinity War and Part II A Secret War several anonymous insiders have said would’ve been Avengers 4 featuring the X-MEN, Fantastic Four and the real Spider-man.

The Forgotten Ranger / Marvel Cinematic Universe Unsolved Mysteries

Since May 2015 The Forgotten Ranger turned The Forgotten Avenger now turned back into The Forgotten Ranger has been an online dominant hit for readers across the globe. While many wonder what the future will hold for Corporate Red and a possible or in this case imminent MCU crossover there’s still some unanswered questions and we’re here to break them down:

Who really created The Corporate Initiative?

In the original drafts of The Forgotten Ranger readers learn that Corporate Red was created by the World’s Security Council, but that Next Gen Quantum was created by S.H.I.E.L.D.. In later drafts which would feature the prequel saga’s we learn the devices which required secret legislative’s to be approves by the senate and through the president and black budge funds and then through scientists at a mysterious base in Nevada. This project overseer by a man by the name who readers would learn by the name of Professor Jonathan, a professor of Harvard and City College who is later recruited by the Council and is brief about Queen Edea. In the new updated drafts we learn that Back to the Future’s Dr. Emmet Brown has aligned with him. This now leads to bigger mystery.

Where were the Corporate Rangers in The Forgotten Ranger/ Chitauri InVasion?

This is the biggest debated question of The Forgotten Ranger. Where the heck were Corporate Red’s teammates during the Chitauri InVasion? Why didn’t Corporate Red reach out to them? For reasons which seem out of place Corporate Red refuses to reach out to his teammates during a global crisis. To make things even more mysterious neither the Council or S.H.I.E.L.D. reaches out to them. When the Chitauri InVasion begins we never hear from any of Corporate Rangers. So where were they? There’s multiple theories. Either they were hiding, or they were fighting, but its never covered in the story? Or they just weren’t in NY. One Corporate Ranger that was probably not in NY was Corporate Green. Alexis more likely was either in Washington D.C. or overseas. We’ll never know unless its explained in the The Forgotten Ranger sequel. Its like the mystery of where was Corporate Red during the Harlem Incident. That we learned in The Forgotten Ranger.

Agent Quantum: I was overseas fighting Hydra.

Does The Forgotten Ranger reveal the Kree’s Revenge in Agents of SHIELD 100?

In the current season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. the Kree have enslaved the humans. But why? While the season just started a few weeks ago, the answer may have been in The Forgotten Ranger. In the prequel saga during the Kecksburgh crash members of the US military, NASA and S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately went to the site and sealed off the area from not only citizens, but law enforcement and fire fighters as well. Members of the Council were the first on the scene and order law enforcement and fire fighters to stay away from the Kree which was identified as a UFO. The Kree was later cornered and killed. In The Forgotten Ranger the crash of one Skrull alone later to a large fleet of Skrulls heading to Earth. Could a similar situation have lead to the Kree’s revenge in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Who glitch the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

This question remains a mystery? Was it Corporate Red when he found the Time Stone back in 2015 in the secret ending of The Forgotten Ranger? Was it Doctor Strange the year after? Was it the Skrull Empire? Or did the Agents of SHIELD recent time travel cause the major glitch? One thing is certain the discovery was made during Spider-man Homecoming. Uh 8 years later anyone? Along with the fact that the Avengers had already moved out of Avengers Tower into Avengers Facility during Captain America Civil War.

Where was Corporate Red during Age of Ultron?

Its revealed during the Age of Ultron secret ending Corporate Red was retirement.

Where was Corporate Red during Captain America Civil War?

Many fans were expecting Corporate Red to fly in during the final fight scene between Iron Man vs Captain America vs Bucky Barnes. CR flying in through the opening vents would’ve been a classic talk about moment for years. But it didn’t happen? Some argue its part of Stark’s and CR’s deal to keep their alliance they promised during the Secret Age of Ultron ending a secret. Either way it would’ve had the crowd flipping had CR flown in rescuing Stark against Cap and Bucky. The same guy who refer Stark to Spider-man and gave him the idea for Iron Spidey.

Why hasn’t Stark revealed Corporate Red yet?

Again this goes back to Age of Ultron secret ending. Both Stark and CR made a deal to keep their alliance a secret from the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., Council, and whoever. Both are aware that something and that there be no win for the Avengers and that CR will be the key of MCU’s last hope if Thanos kills everyone off. It may also have to do with Spider-man. The Spider-man CR was referring to was an adult not a teenager. Both CR and possibly Doctor Strange are aware of the glitch.

Corporate Red sub-messages in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So far out of all the CR sub-messages only one has been acknowledge, the 317 in Peter Parker’s cellphone in Spider-man homecoming, which was confirmed back in October via Twitter by Guardians Director/ Infinity War Producer James Gunn. The Forgotten Ranger also predicted the destruction of Asgard before the production of Thor 3. Before the release of Spider-man Homecoming Corporate Red says its been seven years since he’s been retired. In Spider-man Homecoming in the movie the words 8 years laters? What? In Age of Ultron Ultron reveals he had past body. He asks Jarvis where’s my.. then stops himself and asks where’s your body? Readers learned that Ultron fought Corporate Red in his original body. A chip giving to Corporate Red by Dr. Hank Pym was used to remove Ultron from his body. Ultron originally a peacekeeping program that went rouge. After being defeated by Corporate Red the chip was handed secretly over to Baron von Strucker by Alexander Pierce.

Is Corporate Red the Secret Avenger?

From what the fans saw in the Infinity War trailer it doesn’t look good for everyone (everyone). Plus everyone, except Corporate Red has been confirmed for Infinity War, and the CR rumor said that everyone would be thrown into the war to lose to Thanos and the new guy would come. Then there’s filming for Avengers 4 which appears to be either flashbacks or time travel. Either way one thing is certain there’s a new hero coming to Avengers 4 and he’s ready to make his mark. Will be Corporate Red, Next Gen Quantum or an upgrade? Back in March during a new secret ending part of Logan, during the West Chester incident Next Gen Quantum finds a file from the dead Dr. Hank McCoy that reads Red Illuminati Initiative / Upgrade to Corporate Red/Next Gen Quantum. Could this be the Secret Avenger to Corporate Red?  Another sign that points at Corporate Red being the Secret Avenger, few months ago there was going to be a major Corporate Red announcement. Few days before the announcement Stan Lee at a Marvel event said there is a Secret Avenger and then was quickly stopped by Marvel reps before leaking further details. Few days later the Corporate Red announcement was cancelled. Coincidence? Here’s another major piece of evidence it could be Corporate Red. This past summer there was going to be a major Corporate Red announcement. Then last minute Disney and the cast of the Avengers announce there will be an Avengers Infinity War trailer at D23. Coincidence? Hey, don’t get mad at the messenger, get mad at the Infinity War poster that shows Thanos completing the Gauntlet.

X-MEN 2 United/Skrulls crossover in upcoming The Forgotten Avenger Thor Ragnarok Release

While the current release of The Forgotten Avenger is having a hot summer, fans a few days ago on Facebook were giving a preview glimpse of what’s in store for the post endings in the upcoming late autumn re-release of The Forgotten Avenger schedule for Thor Ragnarok weekend which will feature Doctor Doom, Galatcus, Silver Surfer, the Skrulls and Super Skrull. Now Marvel, especially along with James Gunn have explained that Disney/Marvel do not have the rights for Super Skrull. So how will TQR pull off this secret ending? We’ll find out in this November. Fans also learned last that night the upcoming re-release will also tie the Skrulls to the events of 20th Century FOX’s X-MEN 2 X-MEN United. How will this exactly work since X2 takes place in 2003 and Captain Marvel takes place during the 1990’s? Again fans stay tuned..

Corporate Red will return..

Lupita Nyong’o as Pink Ranger gave Terrell/Corporate Red a shout out? San Diego Comic Con

For those of you not aware Lupita Nyong’o secretly dressed as the Pink Power Ranger at San Diego Comic Con. Some are beginning to wonder was this a shout to Terrell Quentin Rogers aka Corporate Red? Terrell Quentin Rogers created the character Corporate Red during his teen years out of of inspiration for his once (now former ) love for Power Rangers. Lupita Nyong’o will star as Nakia in the upcoming Disney/Marvel movie Black Panther.

James Gunn confirms Skrulls in MCU. Skrulls had appeared in Corporate Red/Infinity Wars Crossover – Sub-message

James Gunn this evening on Twitter confirmed the Skrulls are now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As fans of both Corporate Red and Marvel are aware the Skrulls in later versions of the Corporate Red/Infinity Wars crossover did appear in the short story crossover. If you haven’t had the chance to check them out you can read them in the links below. Is this anther major Corporate Red sub-message/reference for the non-Marvel character in a possible entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Signs as of late are getting higher. Especially after both Spider-man Homecoming and the Disney23 Expo event (on and off-screen).  In the first two link is the tweet from fan rajarama and producer/director James Gunn reply.


Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit

Updated Avengers Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit/Crossover

Infinity Wars/The Forgotten Ranger Crossover Part I (Updated)

The Forgotten Ranger Civil War Weekend Re-Release

Characters in The Forgotten Ranger Avengers Infinity Wars Crossover Script. More than 68 characters… 92 in Total

Infinity Wars The Forgotten Ranger Parts I and II (Finally Part II)

The Forgotten Ranger Final Re-Release, Infinity War, 2017 Live Action Release

My Three Spider-man’s idea for Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel Homecoming Idea.


Here’s my three Spider-man idea for the Marvel Cinematic Universe which would include Tom Holland (child Peter Parker/Spider-man) , Andrew Garfield (teenage/Peter Parker/Spider-man) and Tobey Maguire (adult Peter Parker/Spider-man). This idea would also include bringing all Marvel characters, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, etc into the MCU aka Marvel Homecoming after the Marvel Untitled Sequel. This is a very small eight page script. I will be updating. Also a set up for Marvel’s Illuminati.

Tom Holland Benedict Cumberbatch Disney 23 interview sub-message and possibly confirmed Corporate Red.

During Disney 23 Expo Event back on July 15th Disney and Marvel revealed Avengers Infinity War trailer. Later the stars of the film were paired up to do interviews. Ironically Benedict Cumberbatch aka Doctor Strange was paired up with Spider-man. Now this is interesting for several reasons:

Back in June Terrell Quentin Rogers aka Corporate Red came out on Facebook with his video announcement on the Spider-man glitch theory. Since then his already millions fanbase skyrocketed even more. The hero on the day of the Disney 23 Expo even said he talked to the good doctor. Ironically Disney/Marvel had Benedict Cumberbatch chaperon Tom Holland. If you don’t want to take this word here’s the evidence blow

Now the video above from Good Morning America gets even more interesting because Anthony Mackie makes an appearance and he gives Tom Holland a green cup. The color green has huge meaning in both the MCU and TQR’s life. TQR was born on ST. Patrick’s day, so the color green is his birth color. The Infinity Time Stone is green. Mackie gives Holland a lime green cup. Cumberbatch is angry that he has to chaperon Holland. Mackie says  that Feige says its the last interview you have to do with him. But notice what Holland said about the lime green cup. He says its empty. Mackie replies he knows. Now there could be several messages or theories or sub-messages:

The cup is empty because Holland’s version of Spider-man is fading or dead. In other words Terrell/Corporate Red is right its an illusion caused by both him and Doctor Strange and that Disney/Marvel are secretly teaming with Terrell and use the D23 event to pair Holland Cumberbatch to set up the chain of events as aka sub-limials. Remember there were reports and speculations awhile back that Holland’s Spider-man would not appear after Infinity War. Also Holland before Feige’s announcement leaked that there would be more Spider-man sequels. After Holland leaked the footage Kevin Feige later announced there would be more Spider-man sequels, and then it was announced Holland would not be access to the Infinity War script. When a major studio says there big star is being denied access to a major script that is big. The green cup also sub-messages that Corporate Red is coming and that Spider-man has been warned. That green cup was a warning. Both Spider-man and the MCU fans were being warned.

Apparently things weren’t better before this interview. Here’s a video from People’s where Holland with Cumberbatch says he once wore a thong. Cumberbatch who doesn’t appear pleased with that comment handle himself well.

Here’s a calmer version of the interview from Access Hollywood

In  the next video listen to what Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie says about Tom Holland’s version of Spider-man. If you really think about Holland’s version of Spider-man does throw the Avengers off, and this what TQR was talking about back in June with the Spider-man glitch theory which has everyone across the globe siding with Corporate Red.

Stan: Tom is what is throwing it off balance everywhere

Anthony: because he’s the littlest guy

So what can we gather from the new Disney23 Expo sub-messages. Well there Corporate Red sub-messages in the trailers and the interviews with the stars. Apparently both Holland and the MCU fans have been warned big time. Why are the MCU fans being warned? Well half of the MCU fans were cyber bullying TQR aka Corporate Red so this is a warning. This is not say Tom Holland is being cut from the MCU. This is to say something may happening involving Spider-man. But we do know Corporate Red was sub-message at the Disney 23 Expo on-screen and off-screen.