Secret Wars Prequel Part II Memorian Jason David Frank

Enjoy the new updated rerelease to the prequel to Avengers Secret Wars. Memorian to Jason David Frank.

The Forgotten Ranger 2021 (Update)

Here’s an updated on upcoming roster. Changes in schedule were due to my physical health recovery.

The Forgotten Ranger II – May 2020 – the sequel to the online global hit novel The Forgotten Ranger takes place during the events of Avengers Infinity War.

The Forgotten Ranger III – June 2020 – Corporate Red and the Avengers are at odds against each other. CR wants to fight Thanos within the Multiverse, while the Avengers want to battle Thanos using time travel. However could the actions of the Avengers lead to serious consequences?

The Forgotten Ranger (with prequel) – April 2021 – The prequel (with main story) will include Ace Combat & Top Gun crossover, along with more new storylines.

The Forgotten Ranger Updated 2020/2021 Lineup

The Forgotten Ranger will make one last run in 2020. After the successful April 2020 release, fans have been anticipating TFR II & III release dates, along with TFR prequel. Here’s the updates:

The Forgotten Ranger II – December 2020 – the sequel to the online global hit novel The Forgotten Ranger takes place during the events of Avengers Infinity War.

The Forgotten Ranger III – December 2020 – Corporate Red and the Avengers are at odds against each other. CR wants to fight Thanos within the Multiverse, while the Avengers want to battle Thanos using time travel. However could the actions of the Avengers lead to serious consequences?

The Forgotten Ranger (with prequel) – January 2021 – The prequel (with main story) will include Ace Combat & Top Gun crossover, along with more new storylines.

Spider-Man 3 (Homecoming) Setting Stages for CR?

With recent news that Doctor Strange has been confirmed for Spider-man 3 Homecoming, many are starting to wonder is the stages now being prepared for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red and possible Secret Wars? Here’s some clues..

The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit back in 2015 during Avengers Age of Ultron introduces fans to Spider-man

When The Forgotten Ranger was released back in 2015, fans read a secret ending featuring Corporate Red, Hank Pym and Tony Stark. In this same secret ending CR blueprints the Iron Spider-man to Tony Stark. Later fans see an adult Spider-man in the post credit ending swinging in Manhattan on a web-string.

CR forewarned MCU’s Spider-man is not real

During the the years leading to Avengers Infinity War, Secret Avenger, Corporate Red forewarned to both Doctor Strange, Tony Stark and the fans of the MCU that Tom Holland’s Spider-man is not the real Spider-man, and that Spider-man is victim of a time glitch in the MCU matrix caused by the Infinity Time Stone. This theory has now lead to the possibility of being true due to to the following:

  • A producer on James Gun production’s team confirmed that the Infinity Time Stone was originally red. This is interesting as TQR during Age of Ultron and leading to IW said the same thing, that the Power Stone was originally red and was going to be held by Corporate Red, and that the Reality Stone was going to be purple and held by Queen Edea. Most (only a few) outside production didn’t believe him. That all change recently.
  • Glitches are starting to appear post Infinity War. One with J.K. Simmon’s Jamison appearing in Spider-man Homecoming 2. Simmon’s portrayed Jamison in the Maguire movies, which is interesting as TQR has stated: The adult Spider-man is the real Spider-man and that the MCU (Holland) Spider-man is the glitched/fake Spider-man.
  • Sam Riami is now director of Doctor Strange 2. Riami directed the famed Spider-man films that starred Tobey Maguire.
  • TQR confirmed multiverse before release of Doctor Strange.
  • Captain America staying in the past officially confirms TQR’s theory.

So fans need to wonder is MCU preparing for Secret Avengers debut or a bad case of plagiarism by the MCU?

Sam Raimi helming Doctor Strange leading to Corporate Red?

Scott Derrickson who was the original director of Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness, recently stepped down due to creative differences. Yep this sure sounds familiar with other MCU projects. Edgar Wright and Ant-man ring a bell? TQR/Secret Avenger/Corporate Red being replaced for Brie Larson/Captain Marvel ring a bell? Although that move most people hated and has shown already to be the downfall of the MCU moving foward. But then came news Sam Raimi is the new director for Doctor Strange 2. How could this tie to Corporate Red?

Well leading up to Infinity War, TQR constantly stated that the MCU is a reality that is not suppose to exist. Doctor Strange, Spider-man Homecoming and recently End Game have proven this TQR/Secret Avenger theory true after Captain America stayed in the past and altering an already alternate reality. An alternate within an alternate? That’s not good.. Remember what Stark said in End Game, mess with time, time messes back. Sam Raimi also directed the original Spider-man franchise, with star Tobey Magiure as the web-head.

The MCU alternate timeline theory by TQR has been that Holland’s Spider-man is not the real Spider-man, and that the MCU is a timeline that is not suppose to exist. Or at least that version of the MCU is not suppose to exist. Constant use of the Time Stone resulted in the glitches in the MCU’s matrix.

Could Raimi being bought in to helm Doctor Strange 2 set up the stages for Secret Wars where Secret Avenger/Corporate Red leads the Multiverse in a war against the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Things are getting.. interesting..

The Forgotten Ranger 2020 Schedule

Here’s The Forgotten Ranger 2020 Schedule, and details what fans can expect.

The Forgotten Ranger 2020 – Releasing in April 2020

The Forgotten Ranger will be re-released in April 2020, possibly on the anniversary of the original The Forgotten Ranger, created by TQR. The 2020 release have two different releases, the main story, and the main story with the prequel. The main story with prequel will have a major Top Gun and Ace Combat crossover, along with several new scenes. One of those news scenes will include the ancient era saga, that will take place during the prequel saga. Fans will also be treated to the fate of Black Widow after Captain America returned the Soul Stone.

The Forgotten Ranger II – Releasing May 2020

Taking place during Infinity War fans will see the return of Corporate Red coming out his second retirement to defend New York City against new threats such as the Kingpin, and dealing with an old nemesis, the former Queen Edea.

The Forgotten Ranger III – Releasing June 2020

Taking place during Avengers End Game, Colonel Fury teams up with Corporate Red to assemble a group of heroes to take on Thanos in the Multiverse, while the Avengers time travel. Both The Forgotten Ranger III and Avengers End Game will lead to a collision course of…

Secret Wars – Releasing 2020 (Possible dates, January, March, April, May or July)

TQR’s global hit version of Secret Wars is coming back and with a vengeance. Fans of both the MCU and The Forgotten Ranger series will enjoy this crossover as it will also feature Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians, along with Tuxedo Mask. Character roster will also include the X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Cable, Bishop, Madam Webb, Silver Surfer, Galactus, the Skrull Empire, and more. The consequences of the MCU’s Captain America of staying in the past threatens the entire multi-verse and heroes of the multi-verse must take on the entire MCU, and must destroy it to save all reality. But can there be a second option?

Secret Avenger could debut in Secret Wars & Loki Series Tie In & More

Secret Avenger to debut in Avengers 5?

Several insiders believe that Secret Avenger, Corporate Red may make his debut in the upcoming Avengers 5th film. Many of the insiders expect it to be the collision of The Marvel Cinematic Universe vs The Multi-Verse, in which the Multi-Verse being led by The Forgotten Ranger timeline. So far all of TQR’s predictions involving the MCU have come true. He was also the guy who said that Thanos would be defeated through the multiverse long before End Game was released. TQR also stated that the MCU is a alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist and this was confirmed at the end of End Game with Captain America staying back in the past. A report goes as followed:

The entire multi-verse is in danger because of the actions of both the Avengers and Captain America. Several timelines altered, and one timeline (the MCU) that’s not even suppose to exist threatens all realities. Captain America did what he said he was going to do. He snapped the branches resulting in timelines being wiped out from existence, or some being altered. News reaches dimensional watcher Khang and several dimensional and time travelers, and its a race against time. A secret hero (Secret Avenger, Corporate Red) in the MCU who forewarned Tony Stark about the MCU’s fate must now take action. Who’s side will you be on? Team MCU or Team Multiverse? 

There had been tons of rumors during Infinity War production that Secret Avenger is being saved for Avengers 5. Some say it was due to TQR’s health (concussion), while others say it was bad politics (many saying Disney’s racism).

The Forgotten Ranger trilogy to debut/crossover Top Gun, Ace Combats and Transformers

TQR’s version of Secret Wars will be re-released sometime before the end of this year or 2020. The Forgotten Ranger trilogy will be re-released in 2020. The re-release will also see the debut of iconic movie crossover of Tom Cruise’s Top Gun, along with Namco/Bandai’s Ace Comabts. The Top Gun/Ace Combat storyline will take place during the prequel saga of The Forgotten Ranger, taking place within the 1980’s – 2000’s. The storyline is expected to have some collisions with the Secret War storyline involving The World’s Security Council & S.H.I.E.L.D. vs The Skrull Empire.

The Transformers franchise is expected to also have a bigger role. The Transformers series originally made cameo roles in the online global hit. In the upcoming re-release they are expected to have major roles with the Autobots having an alliance with The World’s Security Council.

Loki Series leading into Secret Avenger 

There have been tons of theories long before Infinity War and End Game that The Forgotten Ranger is a alternate timeline and that it would explain Secret Avenger’s absence from the MCU events leading to Infinity War and End Game. If this turns out to be true, Secret Avenger and Khang will both lead the multi-verse in the Secret War against the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If the reports are true Avengers 6 would debut Galactus and the Skrull Empire’s Secret InVasion.

Disney D23 confirms Corporate Red prediction She-Hulk

Spiderman removed from MCU due to Tom Holland and Disney’s Racism

For those of you that aren’t aware check out the link above on top two main reasons that led to Spider-man’s remove from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Another TQR/Corporate Red prediction confirmed – She-Hulk

During one of the extra endings of the online global hit novel The Forgotten Ranger, Corporate Red meets with several characters, including She-Hulk. The team is gathering as they are getting read to battle Thanos. She-Hulk makes her presence felt taking down Deadpool. This was years before yesterday’s Disney’s D23 announcement of She-Hulk.

Once again a character confirmed by TQR/Corporate Red confirmed years before the official announcement. Disney and Marvel Studios are not in a good light right now.

TQR’s global hit Secret Wars coming this Saturday

TQR’s recent global hit, his version of Secret Wars will be re-released this Saturday August 31st. The re-release will feature some new scenes, new characters, and new extra endings. The elite character roster will feature the MCU’s Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Professor Hulk, Ronin, and rest of the MCU roster taking on the Multi-verse roster featuring an elite cast of Corporate Red, Khang, Cable, Bishop, Deadpool, X-MEN, Fantastic Four and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts with Tuxedo Mask. There will be new characters introduced, which fans will have to wait and see on the Aug 31st re-release.  The story as followed, after the events of End Game, Captain America’s actions of staying in the past has threatened the existence of several realities within the multi-verse. Khang takes immediate action while word spreads to other time and dimensional travelers. A Secret War is being prepared to Secretly InVade the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Its the battle for survival as the entire Multi-verse takes on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Time is running as the Multi-Verse must fight to remain in existence taking on the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Spiderman removed from MCU due to Tom Holland and Disney’s Racism

Updated report on why Spiderman has been removed from Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’re breaking down old and new details

Tom Holland’s Constant Leaking

Tom Holland who was selected by Kevin Feige and Disney to become Spider-man had constantly been leaking MCU films such as Infinity War, End Game, and recently Far From Home. While everyone thought it was a laughing matter, one man did not take it lightly. TQR who many know as Corporate Red, Secret Avenger, has constantly been outspoken about Holland’s leaks. The online global hit author even stated Tom Holland’s white privilege is what was preventing him from getting fired. Holland and some MCU fans disagree with TQR, however insiders are stating Sony had kept their lips tightly sealed and were secretly supporting TQR behind the scenes. Like FOX and Netflix, the company was also not pleased with TQR being replaced by Larson (which we’ll get into the other reason why Sony divorced Disney in the MCU).

TQR being replaced by Brie Larson would lead to consequences

While social media and media have been stating that profit differences between Sony and Disney is the reason Spider-man is being removed from the MCU, apparently that’s not the real story. Insiders have all stated it goes back to a certain plan that was shut down by Disney. A plan shutdown that sparked worldwide outrage.

After being replaced by Brie Larson in Avengers Infinity War and End Game, TQR aka Corporate Red warned there would be consequences for Disney’s actions. Indeed his predictions were on point. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, few years before the release TQR said the Netflix shows would be coming to an end. This prediction he nailed.

The original plan was for the Netflix shows to merge with the MCU. Instead, Disney not sticking with the original plan the Netflix shows have been erased from the MCU after the Netflix fallout. Netlfix wasn’t the only one upset with Disney. FOX was also upset, and they were so upset they pushed Deadpool 2 closer to Infinity War’s release. Disney in a panic released IW earlier, but it wasn’t enough as the movie failed against Deadpool 2.

Sony was also upset, but had not made it known, until now. The original plan for End Game had Secret Avenger, Corporate Red defeating Thanos and destroying the Marvel Cinematic timeline to bring back to the original timeline which would’ve bought in X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and the real adult Spider-man. Sadly the fans didn’t get this and there had been anger since from multiple parties. Most are aware Secret Avenger, Corporate Red had been sub-message, reference and easter egg in several MCU films and Netflix shows. The hidden messages revealed a secret character in the MCU and that this secret character was going to be the hero to defeat Thanos in End Game.  This sadly was shattered when Disney replaced TQR with Brie Larson, and with Stark defeating Thanos instead of Corporate Red. When Larson replaced TQR she was going to defeat Thanos, and since Disney learned fans were highly upset, switched it to Stark, which only has made things worse.

According to some insiders End Game was going to lead into Iron Man 4 with Iron Man teaming with his secret proteje Corporate Red to hunt down the real Manderine. Fans learned about the altered plans for this in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, a film that was announced for phase 4. The same phase 4 which is not going over well with the fans.

From what insiders are saying Sony had enough of MCU’s version of Spider-man and Disney handling of what went down with Secret Avenger being replaced with Larson.

Its interesting how things have just gone downhill for the MCU for not sticking with the original plan. There’s also been talks the reason X-MEN and Fantastic Four are not in phase 4 is because they are still facing punishments for replacing TQR with Larson. Many viewed the move as a racist move. The move angered fans, celebrities and production staff working in the MCU, list goes on. Secret Avenger was going to bring in the Marvel Reunion. Tony wouldn’t had been dead. Captain America wouldn’t had been old. The entire Marvel family would’ve finally been back together. But Disney threw that all away with their racist ways.

Spider-man removed from MCU due to Secret Avenger

While social media and media have been stating that profit differences between Sony and Disney is the reason Spider-man is being removed from the MCU, apparently that’s not the real story. Insiders have all stated it goes back to a certain plan that was shut down by Disney.

After being replaced by Brie Larson in Avengers Infinity War and End Game, TQR aka Corporate Red warned there would be consequences for Disney’s actions. Indeed his predictions were on point. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, few years before the release TQR said the Netflix shows would be coming to an end. This prediction he nailed.

The original plan was for the Netflix show to merge with the MCU. Instead, Disney not sticking with the original plan the Netflix shows have been erased from the MCU after the Netflix fallout. Netlfix wasn’t the only one upset with Disney. FOX was also upset, and they were so upset they pushed Deadpool 2 closer to Infinity War’s release. Disney in a panic released IW earlier, but it wasn’t enough as the movie failed against Deadpool 2.

Sony was also upset, but had not made it known, until now. The original plan for End Game had Secret Avenger, Corporate Red defeating Thanos and destroying the Marvel Cinematic timeline to bring back to the original timeline which would’ve bought in X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and the real adult Spider-man. Sadly the fans didn’t get this and there had been anger since from multiple parties. From what insiders are saying Sony had enough of MCU’s version of Spider-man and Disney handling of what went down with Secret Avenger being replaced Larson.

Its interesting how things have just gone downhill for the MCU for not sticking with the original plan. There’s also been talks the reason X-MEN anf Fantastic Four are not in phase 4 is because they are still facing punishments for replacing TQR with Larson. Many viewed the move as a racist move. The move angered fans, celebrities and production staff working in the MCU, list goes on. Secret Avenger was going to bring in the Marvel Reunion. Tony wouldn’t had been dead. Captain America wouldn’t had been old. The entire Marvel family would’ve finally been back together. But Disney threw that all away with their racist ways.