Black Panther Awkward Premier? Antman Trailer Revealed Already? Disney & Marvel already in Trouble?

Last night was the premier of worldwide premier of Black Panther in Los Angeles and alot of people that were watching on social media felt that awkwardness at the premier. Something felt very off about the Black Panther premier and you felt in the body language in everyone. According to a few insiders alot of African-Americans (and Americans/whites and just people of any race) are very upset that Corporate Red was not included in Infinity War or Avengers 4 and was replaced by Captain Marvel and the fact he was replaced by a white woman. Too many this was very uncomfortable to many people including the African-American community and to several insiders who are remaining anonymous it was felt at the Black Panther premier.

Insider: Watch the premier video and you knew something was wrong. It goes back to that guy. People are not happy, the fans are not happy. I’m deeply worried the fans may take their anger out on this movie. My deepest concern is what if this movie didn’t respect the African culture, the roots, and went a different root not shown in the trailers, then expect some noise.

Interestingly today Marvel dropped the Ant-man and the Wasp trailer today just a day after the world premier of Black Panther. This is somewhat worrisome which is too close to the Black Panther premier. Something to note from the trailer Hank Pym said he did have in mind blasters for Ant-man. This is a Corporate Red reference. Before the release of Ant-man in The Forgotten Ranger secret ending both Hank and CR met in the famous secret ending where Stark tells CR about his Infinity vision and where CR tells Stark about Spider-man. In a famous ending later on the Westchester Incident from FOX’s Logan CR learns about a secret upgrade to his device, created by the minds of Stark, Pym and McCoy in a secret initiative to prepare CR for the future in the Avengers were to be killed off.

The world already knows that Loki handing the Tesseract to Thanos first appeared in The Forgotten Ranger Infinity Wars crossover before it appeared in Disney/Marvel Avengers Infinity War. FOX has already pushed Deadpool close to Infinity War and there’s no plans to change that release date. With the combined powers of social media and Deadpool 2 it could be a disaster for Infinity War in the box office. Perhaps Disney and Marvel may need to look back in time and see what happen to Power Rangers when they stole an idea from The Forgotten Ranger and how that turned out. It didn’t turn out good in the end. One thing is certain it will be interesting to see how social media will react to Disney and Marvel knowing that the two companies have stole a scene from the online global hit and didn’t credit TQR. This will be interesting.. Power Rangers when they got the fans reacted and the Power Rangers film failed in the box office going from #2 and being knocked out and quickly pulled out of theaters. What will be the fate of Infinity War? Black Panther and Ant-man and the Wasp are two other movies fans will have to consider as well to make their voices heard in the boycott. Its unfortunate for Black Panther, but to disrespect a African-American writer who went big on a global scale as a writer on social media to be disrespected this way is just disgusting. Then to have his roster spot taking away by Brie Larson aka Captain Marvel a move many are calling racist, and Disney for years has been considered to be racist, this is starting to make many wonder now.

Stay tuned..

X-MEN 2 United/Skrulls crossover in upcoming The Forgotten Avenger Thor Ragnarok Release

While the current release of The Forgotten Avenger is having a hot summer, fans a few days ago on Facebook were giving a preview glimpse of what’s in store for the post endings in the upcoming late autumn re-release of The Forgotten Avenger schedule for Thor Ragnarok weekend which will feature Doctor Doom, Galatcus, Silver Surfer, the Skrulls and Super Skrull. Now Marvel, especially along with James Gunn have explained that Disney/Marvel do not have the rights for Super Skrull. So how will TQR pull off this secret ending? We’ll find out in this November. Fans also learned last that night the upcoming re-release will also tie the Skrulls to the events of 20th Century FOX’s X-MEN 2 X-MEN United. How will this exactly work since X2 takes place in 2003 and Captain Marvel takes place during the 1990’s? Again fans stay tuned..

Corporate Red will return..