Fans are boycotting the MCU?

An anonymous source is stating that the MCU’s recent failures is actually due to a boycott against the MCU. The anonymous source stated: If you look at the recent events of Jonathan Majors, what happened to Terrell, Terrance Howard, and Damien Poitier, fans are starting to wake up more.

The boycott or signs of it was first spotted during the Infinity War when it lost to Deadpool 2 in the box office. For the world to allow End Game to be the highest grossing film will be a stain on humanity for years to come. For a fanbase to tolerate an organization to disrespect black people, and allow white privileged people to get away with certain things is disgusting. Tom Holland, a white man, leaking scripts, with no punishment. Scarlett Johansson, a white woman, sues Disney, and is still has a job with the MCU. Vincent D’Onofrio, and several white supremacist terrorized Terrell Q. Rogers on social media, through terrorism acts of racism, and cyber bullying. Disney did nothing. This is what fans are getting fed up with. Yet black men like Terrell Q. Rogers, Jonathan Majors, Terrance Howard, and Damien Poitier have been treated unfairly.

Hostile Feminists Lead to MCU’s Downfall

It started with the false accusations made against TQR (Secret Avenger), and Jonathan Majors (Kang). Then the creative failures of the MCU the false accusations made against to TQR. Then public blacklash against She-Hulk. To the failure of The Marvels. We know why the Marvels failed. A woman who is bully, none other than Brie Larson. There’s rumors that Ms. Marvel’s Iman Vellani, was one of the people that made false allegations against TQR. There are sources within the film industry that are stating She-Hulk season two is being cancelled. Ms. Marvel series might get cancelled as well. Many will say this is severe karma what several fans, actors, producers, casting directors, list goes on did to TQR. Disney, your getting your karma for the wrongdoing you did to TQR. From the plagiarism, to replacing him with Brie Larson, to taking part in the false allegations made against him. Unless Disney waves that white flag, and bring in TQR, things will only get worse from here.

MCU in Serious Trouble: Part II

We said back in July the MCU is in serious trouble, and oh boy they are not feeling so good. The Marvels did poorly in the box office, and its pretty obvious fans are still angry, and upset, that Disney a few years ago replaced TQR (Secret Avenger) with Brie Larson (Captain Marvel) It appears are expressing that anger by possibly boycotting the films. It is unknown if this is what the fans are doing, but one investigator has noticed that with the recent false accusations that were made against both TQR, and Jonathan Majors, two black men, the fans might’ve finally put their foot down.

Investigator: What happen before the internet was quick to prosecute, without getting the facts. I like how Terrell, and Jonathan’s legal team handled their cases. By providing evidence, especially through surveillance, that neither committed wrong-doing.

This now has many wondering, will Disney and Marvel wave the white flag, and bring in TQR? After all Disney and Marvel are currently using his Time’s End storyline in the MCU. It will be a long overdue entry if it happens. Two black men leading the MCU is every racists nightmare. They spread false accusations against Terrell, and Jonathan, and failed. Sadly, the MCU is suffering as a result. Those responsible need to be seriously punished. Some of them have been punished, and more will.

MCU In Serious Trouble

From the Secret InVasion failure, to TQR & Jonathan Majors being falsely accused. Ironic two successful black men with two leading roles in the MCU being falsely accused, but white men and women with domestic and racist track records within the MCU, never being punished. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is in serious trouble. With Loki Season 2 confirming TQR’s Secret Avenger’s Time’s Out storyline, MCU will be in serious trouble if they don’t start making the preparations of bringing in TQR aka Secret Avenger now. Reports within the legal system they could face plagiarism charges, similar to what happen to Lionsgate Films, when their Power Rangers film was removed from two weeks from theater release due to plagiarism, and failed in the box office.

The MCU’s Time Running Out storyline first appeared in The Forgotten Avenger prequel, the main story extra endings, the sequel, and the third story, created by Terrell Quentin Rogers (The Forgotten Avenger trilogy). TQR also recently created Avengers Secret Wars Prequel which goes deeper into the Time’s Running Out storyline. It is expected to be re-released before the end of this year. Since then, there has been no reports of when TQR’s Secret Avenger arrival will come. Yet the MCU keeps teasing his arrival, and many are getting frustrated that he has not yet debut.

The global hit author/actor was falsely accused of harassment by women, which investigators found out “they all lied” orchestrating the lies to prevent TQR from getting film and job roles. The same is said to be happening with Jonathan Majors, who’s first false accuser fled the country, and reports she is now officially a fugitive.

Its now believed that the women involved in making lies against Jonathan Majors also orchestrated their lies. TQR’s recent false accuser is under a federal investigation, and once the warrant and arrest is made she is expected to face a long prison sentence. The detective involved in the case is under an internal and federal investigation. The cops involved in Jonathan Major’s case are also under an internal and federal investigation, after several reports circulated that those cops coached Jonathan’s Majors accuser into lying.

Either way the MCU better think of something fast, or their in serious trouble. Disney and Marvel will have explaining to do now that we know both men, two black men, were falsely accused. History has shown, black men are more likely to be falsely accused of harassment than any other race. Disney and Marvel have alot explaining to do. Big question, did they know the women lied? Or were they part of the orchestration? If they were, that could lead to a federal investigation, and jail time.

Avengers Secret Wars Prequel Part III

Its 3.3.23, and it is time, for the Main Event. LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE.

In one corner Team Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In the other corner Team Multiverse

Ant-Man 3 confirms Secret Avenger: Part II

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania confirmed Secret Avenger, and the whole world is going crazy. If you haven’t seen the movie yet be advised spoiler alerts below. We’re breaking down easter eggs, references and the big reveal in the post credits. Here we go:

Ant-Man talks to Secret Avenger (Ending Scene)

We did beat him right? He said something bad was coming, and that everyone was going to die if he didn’t come out. Interestingly Secret Avenge in the off-screen scenes leading into Infinity War and End Game told Tony Stark and Doctor Strange that the MCU will be destroyed. Tony Stark confirmed this to Captain America when he said, when you mess with time it strikes back, and that Captain America will see. Captain America will see it because he messed with time by staying in the past, and destroyed a reality. That’s a crime against time. TVA already took Agent Carter into custody. But before they could do anything Carter, along with the TVA officer that took her slowly fade out of existence during that scene of Loki. Now Scott is scared, and is “secretly” talking to Secret Avenger. Secret Avenger forewarned the MCU’s Time’s End.

Corporate Green, Lavender, White, Blue and Pink appear in Ant-Man 3 & Scott is heavily confused

In the ending of Ant-Man 3 Scott Lang learns he is either dead or in the wrong timeline. Scott is also talking to you the readers/audience, and he’s talking to Secret Avenger. Not only does he comes across variants of Corporate Lavender, Corporate Green, Corporate Blue, and what appears to be a variant of Corporate Yellow. Corporate Lavender is happy to see Scott (she’s the most cheerful of team after all along with Red and Yellow). But Corporate Green and Corporate White are walking side by side and glitch around Scott. Scott notices this glitch because they just walked past him, and now all of a sudden they are behind Corporate Lavender, who also saw the glitch, but she is not bothered and smiles. Keep in mind Corporate Red and Lavender are best friends/lovers. Could it possible Lavender knows what is happening through Secret Avenger? Two theories: This is caused by either Secret Avenger mastery of the Time Stone or Kang’s control of time. Or, what if its both of them? Cheng/Corporate Blue stops, and sees Scott, and is puzzled. Corporate Yellow stops, and is like what the heck (uh Red?) Corporate Pink is pushing a stroller with a dog in it. Corporate Red as we know mastered the Infinity Time Stone after discovering it in the secret Avengers 2012 ending. Did Secret Avenger put Scott in a time loop to protect him? Or is this sacred timeline Scott is in and he’s talking to Corporate Red?

TQR’s Birthday Referenced Again.

Scott’s boss in the alternate timeline in the ending scene gives Scott a green birthday cake. Later at the restaurant three men in red and white shirts with black pants bring in the cake. TQR aka Secret Avenger birthday color 317 is green as in St. Patrick’s Day Green and the colors of his famed Avengers uniform started as red and white, then red and black, and then red, white and black.


Before Ant-Man 3 was released in theaters, TQR released a off-screen secret ending from MCU’s Ant-Man 3. In the secret ending Janet and Catherine (or a variant of theirs) meet with Secret Avenger. Catherine says the Avengers have done something horrible. Before they can finish the two get time frozen by Kang. In Ant-Man 3 Kang freezes Janet. The secret ending can be found in the link below:

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger’s Reports

TQR before Infinity War and present has been saying that the MCU threatens the Multiverse. TQR also at times on Twitter constantly said that Kang is destroying timelines, and Ant-Man 3 confirms those reports. Kang tells Scott he killed him once, along with a Thor variant. Kang also confirms he killed the Avengers. This was confirmed by TQR several times on Twitter before Ant-Man 3 when he would say he and Kang destroyed another timeline. The recent one during the Superbowl between Chiefs and Eagles, where TQR/Secret Avenger stated:

This is not the first time Kang and Secret Avenger (or a variant) destroyed realities within the Multiverse. TQR’s Avengers Secret Secret Wars prequel, the House of Kang assassinated multiple Captain America’s, and members of the Avengers. TQR/Secret Avenger on Twitter at times also talked about how he & Kang assassinated members of the Avengers in different realities.

Post Credit Confirms The Tournament mentioned in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel

This was the big Secret Avenger reveal. In the Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR, in the ending of Avengers Secret Wars Prequel a tournament would be put in place to take down the MCU. This tournament/battle realm arena appears in Ant-Man 3 during the post credit scene when the House of Kang starts filling the entire arena. The House of Kang could be the host of the Battle Realm when the Marvel Cinematic Universe takes on The Multiverse. Fans learned about the upcoming tournament in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR, which can be read in link below:

Ant-man Death Graffiti

When a hero dies a graffiti or statue is made of them. Scott starts panicking after walking past the graffiti and realizes the warning that Kang gave to him, and the warning Secret Avenger gave to you the readers. Scott is either in the timeline where Kang killed him, or they are in the sacred timeline and Secret Avenger mastery of the Time Stone is getting Scott’s attention. Remember its The Kang Dynasty and Secret Avenger were always in the MCU. They’ve just been waiting for the right time to strike the MCU. But is Secret Avenger the hero or villain or anti-hero?

The MCU Universe is a Threat

Janet tells Kang you want to destroy a universe that threatens you. The sacred timeline which has been mentioned by Thanos, The Other, Kang and Secret Avenger, are mentioned in Ant-Man 3 as well. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, Secret War on several occasions secretly met with Tony Stark and Doctor Strange informing both of them that the MCU is not only a threat to the multiverse, but that its not supposed to exist. Timeline alterations have taking place in Doctor Strange, Civil War, No Way Home, Doctor Strange 2, and now Ant-man 3. Secret Avenger was right from day one. The MCU is the threat to all realities.

Someone Exiled Kang

Janet: He was exiled

Hope: By who?

Janet: I don’t know..

I think you all know

Cat References Secret Avenger

Cat tells her dad Scott: Just because its not your fight doesn’t mean its not yours. The MCU needs Secret Avenger. Its not his fight. But they need him. Cat also says they need to look out for the little guy. There currently is no little guy in the MCU. But he is coming, and he’s none other than, the Secret Avenger.

Check out Ant-Man 3: Quantumania directed by Peyton Reed.

Ant-Man 3 confirms Secret Avenger

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania confirmed Secret Avenger, and the whole world is going crazy. If you haven’t seen the movie yet be advised spoiler alerts below. We’re breaking down easter eggs, references and the big reveal in the post credits. Here we go:


Before Ant-Man 3 was released in theaters, TQR released a off-screen secret ending from MCU’s Ant-Man 3. In the secret ending Janet and Catherine (or a variant of theirs) meet with Secret Avenger. Catherine says the Avengers have done something horrible. Before they can finish the two get time frozen by Kang. In Ant-Man 3 Kang freezes Janet. The secret ending can be found in the link below:

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger’s Reports

TQR before Infinity War and present has been saying that the MU threatens the Multiverse. TQR also at times on Twitter constantly said that Kang is destroying timelines, and Ant-Man 3 confirms those reports. Kang tells Scott he killed him once, along with a Thor variant. Kang also confirms he killed the Avengers. This was confirmed by TQR several times on Twitter before Ant-Man 3 when he would say he and Kang destroyed another timeline. The recent one during the Superbowl between Chiefs and Eagles, where TQR/Secret Avenger stated:

This is not the first time Kang and Secret Avenger (or a variant) destroyed realities within the Multiverse. TQR’s Avengers Secret Secret Wars prequel, the House of Kang assassinated multiple Captain America’s, and members of the Avengers. TQR/Secret Avenger on Twitter at times also talked about how he & Kang assassinated members of the Avengers in different realities.

Post Credit Confirms The Tournament mentioned in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel

This was the big Secret Avenger reveal. In the Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR, in the ending of Avengers Secret Wars Prequel a tournament would be put in place to take down the MCU. This tournament/battle realm arena appears in Ant-Man 3 during the post credit scene when the House of Kang starts filling the entire arena. The House of Kang could be the host of the Battle Realm when the Marvel Cinematic Universe takes on The Multiverse. Fans learned about the upcoming tournament in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR, which can be read in link below:

The MCU Universe that is a Threat

Wasp tells Kang you want to destroy a universe that threatens you. The sacred timeline which has been mentioned by Thanos, The Other, Kang and Secret Avenger are mentioned in Ant-Man 3 as well. Leading up to Avengers Infinity War, Secret War on several occasions secretly met with Tony Stark and Doctor Strange informing both of them that the MCU is not only a threat to the multiverse, but that its not supposed to exist.

Someone Exiled Kang

Janet: He was exiled

Hope: By who?

Janet: I don’t know..

I think you all know

Cat References Secret Avenger

Cat tells her dad Scott: Just because its not your fight doesn’t mean its not yours. The MCU needs Secret Avenger. Its not his fight. But they need him. Cat also says they need to look out for the little guy. There currently is no little guy in the MCU. But he is coming, and he’s none other than, the Secret Avenger.

Check out Ant-Man 3: Quantumania directed by Peyton Reed.

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger Theories/Reports

Ant-Man 3 Quantumania is now in theaters, and if you haven’t seen the movie, be advised there are spoilers incoming. These spoilers confirm an upcoming secret character in the MCU, that’s been foreshadowed several times in the MCU. Is Secret Avenger a friend or enemy to the MCU? Ant-Man 3 might’ve revealed some hints. In the meantime here are the spoilers/easter eggs/references for Secret Avenger in Ant-Man 3: Quantumanani


Before Ant-Man 3 was released in theaters, TQR released a off-screen secret ending from MCU’s Ant-Man 3. In the secret ending Janet and Catherine (or a variant of theirs) meet with Secret Avenger. Catherine says the Avengers have done something horrible. Before they can finish the two get time frozen by Kang. In Ant-Man 3 Kang freezes Janet.

Ant-Man 3 Confirms Secret Avenger’s Reports

TQR before Infinity War and present has been saying that the MU threatens the Multiverse. TQR also at times on Twitter constantly said that Kang is destroying timelines, and Ant-Man 3 confirms those reports. Kang tells Scott he killed him once, along with a Thor variant. Kang also confirms he killed the Avengers. This was confirmed by TQR several times on Twitter before Ant-Man 3 when he would say he and Kang destroyed another timeline. The recent one during the Superbowl between Chiefs and Eagles, where TQR/Secret Avenger stated:

This is not the first time Kang and Secret Avenger (or a variant) destroyed realities within the Multiverse. TQR’s Avengers Secret Secret Wars prequel, the House of Kang assassinated multiple Captain America’s, and members of the Avengers. TQR/Secret Avenger on Twitter at times also talked about how he & Kang assassinated members of the Avengers in different realities.

Post Credit Confirms The Tournament mentioned in Avengers Secret Wars Prequel

The Avengers Secret Wars Prequel written by TQR stated that a tournament would be put in place to take down the MCU. This tournament/battle realm arena appears in Ant-Man 3 during the post credit.

The Universe that is a Threat

Wasp tells Kang you want to destroy a universe that threatens you. The sacred timeline which has been mentioned by Thanos, The Other, Kang and Secret Avenger are mentioned in Ant-Man 3 as well.

Someone Exiled Kang

Janet: He was exiled

Hope: By who?

Janet: I don’t know..

I think you all know

Cat References Secret Avenger

Cat tells her dad Scott: Just because its not your fight doesn’t mean its not yours. The MCU needs Secret Avenger. Its not his fight. But they need him. Cat also says they need to look out for the little guy. There currently is no little guy in the MCU. But he is coming, and he’s none other than, the Secret Avenger.

Check out Ant-Man 3: Quantumania directed by Peyton Reed.

Power Rangers being removed from Secret Avenger MCU crossover.

Due to the recent racists actions of Simon Bennett, Becca Barnes and several others in the Power Rangers community, the Power Rangers community will be removed from the Avengers Secret Wars Prequel series written by TQR leading into Avengers Secret Wars. This decision is best for Terrell, Disney, and Marvel. A representative from TQR’s family said the following:

While its sad the Power Rangers community will not be apart of Avengers Secret Wars, we just want what’s best for Terrell, and his entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

No word from TQR, Disney or Marvel. TQR recently won his court case after being falsely accused of harassment. Both the woman and the detective involved in the cases are now under investigation by Internal Affairs, and the FBI.