Sam Raimi helming Doctor Strange leading to Corporate Red?

Scott Derrickson who was the original director of Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness, recently stepped down due to creative differences. Yep this sure sounds familiar with other MCU projects. Edgar Wright and Ant-man ring a bell? TQR/Secret Avenger/Corporate Red being replaced for Brie Larson/Captain Marvel ring a bell? Although that move most people hated and has shown already to be the downfall of the MCU moving foward. But then came news Sam Raimi is the new director for Doctor Strange 2. How could this tie to Corporate Red?

Well leading up to Infinity War, TQR constantly stated that the MCU is a reality that is not suppose to exist. Doctor Strange, Spider-man Homecoming and recently End Game have proven this TQR/Secret Avenger theory true after Captain America stayed in the past and altering an already alternate reality. An alternate within an alternate? That’s not good.. Remember what Stark said in End Game, mess with time, time messes back. Sam Raimi also directed the original Spider-man franchise, with star Tobey Magiure as the web-head.

The MCU alternate timeline theory by TQR has been that Holland’s Spider-man is not the real Spider-man, and that the MCU is a timeline that is not suppose to exist. Or at least that version of the MCU is not suppose to exist. Constant use of the Time Stone resulted in the glitches in the MCU’s matrix.

Could Raimi being bought in to helm Doctor Strange 2 set up the stages for Secret Wars where Secret Avenger/Corporate Red leads the Multiverse in a war against the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Things are getting.. interesting..

The Forgotten Ranger 2020 Schedule

Here’s The Forgotten Ranger 2020 Schedule, and details what fans can expect.

The Forgotten Ranger 2020 – Releasing in April 2020

The Forgotten Ranger will be re-released in April 2020, possibly on the anniversary of the original The Forgotten Ranger, created by TQR. The 2020 release have two different releases, the main story, and the main story with the prequel. The main story with prequel will have a major Top Gun and Ace Combat crossover, along with several new scenes. One of those news scenes will include the ancient era saga, that will take place during the prequel saga. Fans will also be treated to the fate of Black Widow after Captain America returned the Soul Stone.

The Forgotten Ranger II – Releasing May 2020

Taking place during Infinity War fans will see the return of Corporate Red coming out his second retirement to defend New York City against new threats such as the Kingpin, and dealing with an old nemesis, the former Queen Edea.

The Forgotten Ranger III – Releasing June 2020

Taking place during Avengers End Game, Colonel Fury teams up with Corporate Red to assemble a group of heroes to take on Thanos in the Multiverse, while the Avengers time travel. Both The Forgotten Ranger III and Avengers End Game will lead to a collision course of…

Secret Wars – Releasing 2020 (Possible dates, January, March, April, May or July)

TQR’s global hit version of Secret Wars is coming back and with a vengeance. Fans of both the MCU and The Forgotten Ranger series will enjoy this crossover as it will also feature Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians, along with Tuxedo Mask. Character roster will also include the X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Cable, Bishop, Madam Webb, Silver Surfer, Galactus, the Skrull Empire, and more. The consequences of the MCU’s Captain America of staying in the past threatens the entire multi-verse and heroes of the multi-verse must take on the entire MCU, and must destroy it to save all reality. But can there be a second option?

Disney vaulting FOX over Secret Avenger

Many directors, producers, just majority in film have expressed their anger towards Disney for putting several big name FOX films into the Disney vault. One of them the iconic Alien series. Many have wonder is Disney angry with FOX? Well it could back to when Deadpool 2 defeated Infinity War in the box office.

When news broke out that Disney replaced TQR/Secret Avenger with Brie Larson/Captain Marvel both FOX and Netflix were upset. Many worldwide viewed it as a racist replacement. Especially with Disney’s racist track record. FOX was so upset instead of sticking with their original release date, FOX pushed up Deadpool 2 close to Infinity War’s release date. Disney in a panic move pushed Infinity War to a earlier release date. But it still didn’t prevent Infinity War from losing to Deadpool 2 in the box office. The fans had expressed their anger. The hero everyone anticipated to defeat Thanos in Infinity War/End Game was replaced by an individual not everyone is fond of, including the Avengers cast who have expressed their anger over the move. Chris Hemsworth for example stated that Larson “stole” the torch.

Several insiders believe Disney is holding a grudge against both FOX and Netflix for supporting TQR. For one Disney has completely erased the Netflix universe of the MCU. Disney now is throwing iconic FOX films into the vault. If anything this doesn’t put Disney in a good light. There has still been no word when we’ll see Secret Avenger, Corporate Red debut in the MCU. The future doesn’t look bright for the MCU with the recent announcements. One can only assume Disney will hopefully debut the secret MCU character in Avengers 5 as some have predicted leading up to Infinity War. While many had expected the hero to debut in IW and End Game there was a small group of insiders who had stated the hero will debut in Avengers 5, starring TQR.

Secrets Wars preview reveals Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, XMEN, Fantastic Four and more

The MCU crossover with TQR’s Secret Wars will be released to the world tomorrow August 31st in the re-release that features new scenes, new characters and what could be a major time shift. Here’s what fans need to be aware of:

Captain America’s actions of staying in the past in Avengers End Game has threatened the entire multiverse.

Events of TQR’s Secret Wars will affect upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Ranger and possibly tying into Loki series.

There will be new secret endings in TQR’s re-release of Secret Wars.

Universes of the MCU, The Forgotten Ranger, Power Rangers, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and Sailor Moon collide.


Loki Series Corporate Red Connection

During Avengers End Game a parallel Loki escaped with the Tesseract. According to some insiders the upcoming Loki series could help introduce Corporate Red.

While the hero wouldn’t have to make a appearance in the series, it could help set up the stages for The Forgotten Ranger (The Forgotten Avenger/Secret Avenger).

Long before Doctor Strange, Infinity War, and End Game, TQR creator of Corporate Red clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline, long before the official confirmation. He also said few years ago the Netflix shows would end in 2019, which did.

In the 2015 – present hit The Forgotten Ranger, in the original 2015 release along with the re-releases Loki battles Corporate Red during a off-screen battle of the Chitauri InVasion, taking place during 2012’s Avengers.

Parallel Loki could help set up the stages of a confrontation with Corporate Red. This would then determine if The Forgotten Ranger is alternate timeline where Loki escaped.

There have long been theories if The Forgotten Ranger could actually be a parallel or alternate reality and the reason Corporate Red was in a haste to fix the space time continuum that has now been harmed by Captain America and the Avengers.

If the stages are done correct fans could see the introductions of Corporate Red and Khang, with the two battling the New Avengers to save the space time continuum of the Multiverse.

The Forgotten Ranger Upcoming Schedule

Despite not being introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and recent unprofessional behavior of President Feige, The Forgotten Ranger continues to dominate internationally. Fans can look forward to the following:

The Forgotten Ranger – 120 page

The Forgotten Ranger 120 page will be released this October. This will not include as most fans are aware the prequel saga.

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page 

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page will be released in April of 2020 on the anniversary of the original release. This will include the prequel saga.

Secret Wars 

TQR’s global hit release, his version of Secret Wars, will be re-released on August 31st. Here’s character lineup and synopsis for those not aware.

Synopsis: Captain America’s actions of staying in the past now creates another alternate reality within an already alternate reality of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actions of both the Avengers and Captain America threatens the space time continuum, and several realities within the multi-verse are either erased or fading. It is up to time travelers and heroes of the multi-verse to wage a Secret War against the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Khang, Cable, Deadpool, Bishop, Spider-man, Wolverine and the X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, Thor, Ronin, Professor Hulk, Doctor Strange, Wong, and Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts.

Secret InVasion

Synopsis: The sequel to TQR’s Secret Wars, will be released this October. The Skrull Empire’s homeworld is destroyed by the hostile cosmic being Galactus. The Skrulls prepare for a Secret InVasion of earth, assisted by Captain Marvel. Corporate Red and the Avengers also begin their preparations to search for the lost family, The Fantastic Four.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Skrull Empire, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Terrax, Iron Man, Spider-man, Wolverine, Deadpool, Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Gambit, Rogue, Dr. Hank McCoy (Beast), Jubilee, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, and The Fantastic Four.

MCU’s Phase 4 Failure and Major Corporate Red Announcements


The Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 4 announcements at Hall H at San Diego Comic Con is not going well with the fans. We’re also going to break those those announcement and some major Corporate Red announcements that have fans excited about The Forgotten Ranger series and disappointed in the MCU which is starting a major fall.

Mahershala Ali cast as Blade? 

This one confuses many fans for one main reason. Alfe Woodard Maria appeared in both Captain America Civil War and Netflix’s Luke Cage. Woodard played the character Maria in both Civil War and Luke Cage. MCU didn’t think about this did they?

Multiverse in Doctor Strange proves Disney and Marvel plagiarism 

The one that probably has fans angered the most besides the Blade announcement is Doctor Strange teaming up with Scarlett Witch in the MCU. The fans are aware before Doctor Strange and End Game were even announced for the MCU TQR had clearly stated that the MCU is an alternate timeline. This was confirmed years later in Avengers End Game after Captain Ameria stays in the past. Now some reporters and insiders are even receiving more disturbing reports how the MCU is trying to cover this up. One insider stated:

I spoke with Terrell, he said basically Scarlett Witch is trying to alter reality to bring back her brother and the missing mutants in an already alternate reality and that Disney and Marvel are trying to cover up the plagiarism of them stealing his creative idea’s is only hurting them.

No X-MEN and Fantastic Four in Phase 4 proves Disney is still in trouble

The fact X-MEN and Fantastic Four were not confirmed for phase 4 appears to be more evident that Disney and Marvel is still being punished for not following the original plan which resulted in fallout of FOX and Netflix with Disney. Many believe Disney is trying to get revenge by erasing the Netflix universe. This many are saying will backfire.

Hostile Feminism movement is hurting MCU

What fans are also worried about is the surviving heroes being replaced by women, which many fear could be because of a hostile feminism movement. Thor 4 is already spoiled by Disney and Marvel that Thor’s former love interest Jane will become Thor. Why spoil this before the movie even comes out? The upcoming Hawkeye also spoiled that Hawkeye is setting up his daughter to take over the mantle.

This has been bothering the fans since TQR was replaced by a hostile white supremacist/hostile feminist in Brie Larson. A move that was not liked by the fans, FOX, Netflix and even majority of the MCU cast. The move viewed by many viewed as a racist move. Even worse many have said the move was done due to false accusations made against TQR which many have said led to his replacement. Not only did investigators (some federal) find out accusations made against TQR were false, but that Disney, Marvel, Reddit and assistance from IMDB may have been on it. This is a serious investigation, said one insider. Alot of people don’t realize the individuals and parties involved in making the false accusations could face serious criminal charges and jail time.

Avengers End Game passing Avater proves racism is running wild in today’s world

The fact many are aware racism is still running wild in Disney and that fans allowed the movie to surpass Avatar as the #1 movie of all time shows the lack of protest against racism and plagiarism.

The Forgotten Ranger Major Announcement

The Forgotten Ranger 1,000 page will be released in 2020. The Forgotten Ranger page 120 format is expected to be released on the anniversary of The Forgotten Ranger in April of 2020.

Secret InVasion Parts I and II the sequel to TQR’s successful online global hit Secret Wars will be releasing this Fall sometime around October. Part I will feature a Secret InVasion from the Skrull Empire and along with the return of The Fantastic Four.  Part II will introduce Galactus and Silver Surfer’s return to Earth. The series will tie MCU and the original FOX/Fantastic Four events from Rise of the Silver Surfer and combining it with the recent events from TQR’s Secret Wars.

Corporate Red replacing Agents of SHIELD


Major announcement came out today that Agents of SHIELD will be entering its seventh and final season next year. While this shocked many, there are some saying this wasn’t any ending, and that the ending of Agents of SHIELD could lead directly into Corporate Red. After the events of Netflix ending the Marvel shows and the backlash against Avengers Infinity War and End Game in which Disney and Marvel replaced TQR with Brie Larson, and MCU stealing creative ideas from the writer to use in their films (like the alternate timeline), things have not been looking good for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Meanwhile expect a big announcement or release of Secret InVasion, the sequel to TQR’s global hit, Secret Wars. TQR’s Secret Wars involve the Marvel Cinematic Universe vs The Multi-Verse (The Forgotten Ranger, Sailor Moon, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, etc) If you haven’t read it you can check it out in the link above. The sequel, Secret InVasion will continue where Secret Wars post credit left off involving a fleeing Skrull Empire fleeing their planet destroyed by the destructive cosmic feeding hand of Galatcus. There are rumors TQR could be releasing his version of Secret InVasion in the form of a two part series. Characters will include MCU’s Tony Stark/Iron Man, Corporate Red, X-MEN, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, Skrull Empire, Galactus and Silver Surfer.

TQR’s The Forgotten Ranger continues to soar in global popularity while the MCU has many question marks about their uncertain future since the demise of End Game. Not only did End Game confirm that TQR was telling the truth that the MCU is an alternate timeline, but they could end up in serious legal trouble as both Disney and Marvel along with Reddit and IMDB are being investigated for false accusations and blackmail which resulted in TQR being replaced by Brie Larson.  Reddit as many are aware is being investigated for cyber bullying and individuals involved could face serious criminal charges.

Avengers MCU vs The Multi-verse – Secret Wars


New Edit TheForgottenRangerSecretWars5

I’m re-releasing my online global hit sequel from yesterday. Alot of grammar corrections and new scenes in this epic storyline in Secret Wars. Everyone, please have a safe day and enjoy the read.

Secret Wars Synopsis – Taking place after Avengers End Game, Captain America staying in the past creates an alternate reality that threatens the existence of the entire multi-verse. Different realities are disappearing one by one and its up to heroes from different realities in a race against time to save the multi-verse. In order to do so, heroes from different realities must join forces in a war against the Avengers and Thanos of Earth 616.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Khang, Thanos, Cable, Iron Man, Captain America, Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), Tuxedo Mask, XMEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders, Silver Surfer, Galactus, and more.

Far From Home confirms Secret Avenger Theory

A brand new trailer of Spider-man Far From Home was released today and it also confirmed a major Marvel Cinematic Universe theory started back in 2014. In Spider-man Homecoming Nick Fury confirms that the snap tore a hole in their dimension. In the original End Game plans Secret Avenger, Corporate Red was going to use the Infinity Gauntlet to restore the MCU to the original timeline (Sony/FOX) and merge it with the MCU. This would result in the destruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How would the Snap cause a hole in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

When Doctor Strange handed the Time Stone to Thanos, the Time Stone was glowing/active. Thanos before putting the Time Stone into the Gauntlet paused and realized this. The theory is that Thanos and Doctor Strange were secretly working to gether to figure out a way to find the doorway to the original timeline to escape the altered MCU which isn’t suppose to exist. Since the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t be reliable Strange allowed Thanos to go forward to completely completing the Gauntlet. Once destroying half of the MCU timeline Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent interference of the Avengers of stopping whatever damage the Avengers woud’ve done. However the Avengers did more damage than good when they went quantum traveling in the multi-verse.

Back in 2014 and leading all the way to Infinity War creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that not only would the MCU coming to an end in 2019, but that its not a real timeline, and that its an alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. The biggest suspect was none other than Spider-man. Its interesting how Disney and Marvel is choosing the Spider-man Far From Home to reveal the hole in the MCU’s altered dimension. This could as many insiders are stating preparing for Secret Wars which could introduce both Corporate Red and Khang if all goes according to plan with the two hunting down the Avengers, in particular Captain America, to save all realities in the multi-verse from Captain America’s selfish actions living life with Peggy instead of going back. However one of them has an agenda, while the other must destroy one universe to save the other.

Several insiders have also stated this move if TQR is not introduced into the MCU could get Disney and Marvel in serious legal trouble as the idea was first created by TQR. This is a problem many fans have had with MCU not introducing the famed secret character of the MCU, but yet making money off his ideas. Several insiders are also stating Disney and Marvel did it without TQR’s permission, which is why the stages are being set now to possibly get him into the MCU.

Did Spider-man Far From Home confirm Corporate Red existence in the MCU?