Tom Holland Benedict Cumberbatch Disney 23 interview sub-message and possibly confirmed Corporate Red.

During Disney 23 Expo Event back on July 15th Disney and Marvel revealed Avengers Infinity War trailer. Later the stars of the film were paired up to do interviews. Ironically Benedict Cumberbatch aka Doctor Strange was paired up with Spider-man. Now this is interesting for several reasons:

Back in June Terrell Quentin Rogers aka Corporate Red came out on Facebook with his video announcement on the Spider-man glitch theory. Since then his already millions fanbase skyrocketed even more. The hero on the day of the Disney 23 Expo even said he talked to the good doctor. Ironically Disney/Marvel had Benedict Cumberbatch chaperon Tom Holland. If you don’t want to take this word here’s the evidence blow

Now the video above from Good Morning America gets even more interesting because Anthony Mackie makes an appearance and he gives Tom Holland a green cup. The color green has huge meaning in both the MCU and TQR’s life. TQR was born on ST. Patrick’s day, so the color green is his birth color. The Infinity Time Stone is green. Mackie gives Holland a lime green cup. Cumberbatch is angry that he has to chaperon Holland. Mackie says  that Feige says its the last interview you have to do with him. But notice what Holland said about the lime green cup. He says its empty. Mackie replies he knows. Now there could be several messages or theories or sub-messages:

The cup is empty because Holland’s version of Spider-man is fading or dead. In other words Terrell/Corporate Red is right its an illusion caused by both him and Doctor Strange and that Disney/Marvel are secretly teaming with Terrell and use the D23 event to pair Holland Cumberbatch to set up the chain of events as aka sub-limials. Remember there were reports and speculations awhile back that Holland’s Spider-man would not appear after Infinity War. Also Holland before Feige’s announcement leaked that there would be more Spider-man sequels. After Holland leaked the footage Kevin Feige later announced there would be more Spider-man sequels, and then it was announced Holland would not be access to the Infinity War script. When a major studio says there big star is being denied access to a major script that is big. The green cup also sub-messages that Corporate Red is coming and that Spider-man has been warned. That green cup was a warning. Both Spider-man and the MCU fans were being warned.

Apparently things weren’t better before this interview. Here’s a video from People’s where Holland with Cumberbatch says he once wore a thong. Cumberbatch who doesn’t appear pleased with that comment handle himself well.

Here’s a calmer version of the interview from Access Hollywood

In  the next video listen to what Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie says about Tom Holland’s version of Spider-man. If you really think about Holland’s version of Spider-man does throw the Avengers off, and this what TQR was talking about back in June with the Spider-man glitch theory which has everyone across the globe siding with Corporate Red.

Stan: Tom is what is throwing it off balance everywhere

Anthony: because he’s the littlest guy

So what can we gather from the new Disney23 Expo sub-messages. Well there Corporate Red sub-messages in the trailers and the interviews with the stars. Apparently both Holland and the MCU fans have been warned big time. Why are the MCU fans being warned? Well half of the MCU fans were cyber bullying TQR aka Corporate Red so this is a warning. This is not say Tom Holland is being cut from the MCU. This is to say something may happening involving Spider-man. But we do know Corporate Red was sub-message at the Disney 23 Expo on-screen and off-screen.

Disney 23 Expo fulfills major Corporate Red 2014 theory for Untitled Avengers Movie? Wolverine and Corporate Red sub-message in Avengers Age of Ultron.

Back on Saturday at Disney 23 Expo, Disney and Marvel reveal the Avengers Infinity War trailer and a scene showing Loki handing the Tesseract to someone in ruins. This same scene was also shown a year before in the Corporate Red Infinity Wars crossover of Loki handing the Tesseract to Thanos. This is a Corporate Red easter egg/reference and a major one. Now many are beginning to wonder could the rumors since 2014 be true after all? Lets do the breakdown.

Back in 2014 there were two major Corporate Red theories involving Corporate Red crossover into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and one of them may have been fulfilled thanks to Saturday’s Disney23 Expo Avengers Infinity War trailer reveal. Here’s the two rumors that were going around back in 2014 concerning Corporate Red about a MCU crossover:

Rumor #1: Corporate Red will team up with Spider-man and Wolverine in 2017 leading into Infinity Wars.

Rumor #2: Corporate Red will lead Luke Cage, Punisher, Daredevil, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Deadpool and Magneto against Thanos in Infinity Wars Part II.

Now things have been really interesting since 2014. Both Spider-man and Wolverine debut with solo films in 2017 since the 2014 rumor. But what is more interesting is that Spider-man was still under rights to Sony when the rumor was made, and Disney was not under co-owner rights for Spider-man, and the Sony incident involving Amy Pascal racist rant and Sony didn’t happen yet. At the time of 2014 was the X-MEN movie Days of Future Past. Luke Cage, Daredevil, and Punisher were not under Disney/Marvel yet meaning no Netflix shows. Deadpool was not even in production yet.

Now things get interesting with rumor #2. With rumor #1 it involves Spider-man. Spider-man is in Infinity War. So if the heroes lose that takes out rumor #1, which now leaves the most popular rumor, rumor #2. Could Corporate Red possibly be leading the team, with free agent Hugh Jackman aka Wolverine? Remember Hugh Jackman was at Disney Land, on the same day Terrell Quentin Rogers posted his big Corporate Red announcement, the same day Disney/Marvel reveal the Infinity War trailer. Now keep in mind this was a last minute thing for Disney/Marvel to reveal the Infinity War trailer. They made this announcement a few days after Terrell Quentin Rogers made his announcement that he would be making a big announcement. Many believe Disney/Marvel did this to keep Terrell quiet. With many speculating that TQR is the Secret Avenger and to get attention off his announcement many believe Disney/Marvel did the reveal to get all eyes off TQR’s Facebook, Twitter, Word Press, and now Youtube.

It’s just really ironic and somewhat awkward Disney/Marvel made the announcement, and they had they’re celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo make the announcement on their personal pages a few days after TQR made his personal announcement. If you think this is being made up go to TQR, Ruffalo, and Marvel pages timeline and you will see this is not made up. TQR announcement was first followed by Raffalo and celebs Infinity War announcement. It was as if they didn’t want Terrell to give a secret away?

Even more interesting that Saturday Hugh Jackman was at Disney Land the same day of the Disney 23 Expo, the same day of Terrell’s big CR announcement, posting a photo on his Facebook page, with the words, “Partners”. Now this is big because back in June and even on his return back from Atlanta (he also went to Orlando) TQR said he would be bringing in some friends from “FOX” for his Secret War against the MCU. Whether it be against Thanos or the Avengers. Even more interesting around the time TQR left NYC the rumors of The Black Order got hot. So its possible TQR aka Corporate Red was preparing recruitment to battle Josh Brolin aka Thanos and The Black Order. We know Corporate Red fight the entire Black Order, but he’s going to need a team.

So because of the Infinity War reveal at the Disney 23 Expo reveal it looks like the rumor #1 from 2014 probably won’t be the theory. But theory #2 from 2014 is the more likely route which is this one:

Rumor #2: Corporate Red will lead Luke Cage, Punisher, Daredevil, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Deadpool and Magneto against Thanos in Infinity Wars Part II.

Now the character that would be of concern would be Deadpool. But if they can transfer over Wolverine into the PG Disney then surely then transfer over Deadpool into PG Disney. If Corporate Red is coming to the MCU, they have the creative mind of TQR who can get the job done. So if the Avengers and the Guardians do fail here’s what Corporate Red’s team could look like if the crossover happens in the Avengers Untitled Sequel. Also here’s what the match up battle could look like. Below the match up is also links the Corporate Red Infinity War short story crossover links

Team Corporate Red vs The Black Order

Corporate Red vs Thanos

Wolverine and Deadpool vs Corvus Glaive

Colossus vs Black Dwarf

Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto  vs Ebony Maw

The Defenders and Kitty Pryde vs Proxima Midnight (research her and you’ll see why)

Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit

Updated Avengers Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit/Crossover

Infinity Wars/The Forgotten Ranger Crossover Part I (Updated)

The Forgotten Ranger Civil War Weekend Re-Release

Characters in The Forgotten Ranger Avengers Infinity Wars Crossover Script. More than 68 characters… 92 in Total

Infinity Wars The Forgotten Ranger Parts I and II (Finally Part II)

The Forgotten Ranger Final Re-Release, Infinity War, 2017 Live Action Release

Corporate Red reference in D23 Infinity War trailer during Loki Scene

Corporate Red easter egg, sub-message and reference in the Disney D23 Expo Avengers Infinity War trailer reveal yesterday. Did any of you catch it? Wait for it…

If you were the insiders that was treated to the Infinity War at the Disney D23 Expo you probably went crazy and mind blown. You probably saw Loki in ruins handing the Tesseract over to someone right? That same scene also came from somewhere also. That’s an easter egg/reference from Corporate Red crossover awhile back which can be found in the links below in the Corporate Red Infinity War crossover which featured Marvel’s greats.

In the following links below you all remember The Forgotten Ranger (Now Avenger) crossover Infinity War short story Part 1 and 2 which featured Avengers, X-Men Movies, and Fantastic Four. Part 2 which later featured Corporate Red, Deadpool, Magneto, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Luke Cage, Daredevil, and Punisher. There were updates along the way that later featured Elektra. Then the last the update later took Logan out of Part 1 and put in Part II which makes yesterday Hugh Jackman photo and “Partners” comment and Terrell Quentin Rogers June announcement about bringing friends from “FOX” and recent Secret War announcements since June interesting.

So Marvel Studios easter egg, sub-message, reference Corporate Red through that scene. The ruins is obviously Asgard as TQR called from day one and Loki is working for Thanos. Now Thanos is bringing in his family the Black Order. This is where things get really interesting. Black Order rumors got hot when Terrell left for Atlanta (same week of Infinity War filming), and the same time TQR started preparing the recruits for his team for post Infinity War. Terrell realizes if he is the Secret Avenger maybe he can’t face Thanos alone (technically he can his soul is worthy). So who’s the one guy or woman he’s going to want on his team? Who is the one free agent he’s going to want to recruit if the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy lose or get taking out by Thanos and the Black Order?

Hugh Jackman aka Wolverine.. aka Logan…

So fans what are your thoughts on a possible Corporate Red and Wolverine team up for the untitled Infinity War Avengers sequel? With this being Disney, perhaps we can see Logan in the black and yellow costume? Or black and orange? Who’s team are you on? Team Avengers? Team Black Order? or perhaps the new upcoming team… Team Corporate Red… Team Infinity War? Or Team Secret War… One thing is certain there’s a bigger war in developing… in secret… For some “Strange” reason most of the MCU fans are either puzzled or maybe they’re just caught off guard by this. It’s been a hot summer for Corporate Red with a hot re-release for The Forgotten Avenger and with the character recently sub-message all over Spider-man Homecoming.

Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit

Updated Avengers Infinity Wars Part I The Forgotten Ranger Post Credit/Crossover

Infinity Wars/The Forgotten Ranger Crossover Part I (Updated)

The Forgotten Ranger Civil War Weekend Re-Release

Characters in The Forgotten Ranger Avengers Infinity Wars Crossover Script. More than 68 characters… 92 in Total