Secrets Wars preview reveals Sailor Moon, Power Rangers, XMEN, Fantastic Four and more

The MCU crossover with TQR’s Secret Wars will be released to the world tomorrow August 31st in the re-release that features new scenes, new characters and what could be a major time shift. Here’s what fans need to be aware of:

Captain America’s actions of staying in the past in Avengers End Game has threatened the entire multiverse.

Events of TQR’s Secret Wars will affect upcoming re-release of The Forgotten Ranger and possibly tying into Loki series.

There will be new secret endings in TQR’s re-release of Secret Wars.

Universes of the MCU, The Forgotten Ranger, Power Rangers, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders and Sailor Moon collide.


Corporate Red replacing Agents of SHIELD


Major announcement came out today that Agents of SHIELD will be entering its seventh and final season next year. While this shocked many, there are some saying this wasn’t any ending, and that the ending of Agents of SHIELD could lead directly into Corporate Red. After the events of Netflix ending the Marvel shows and the backlash against Avengers Infinity War and End Game in which Disney and Marvel replaced TQR with Brie Larson, and MCU stealing creative ideas from the writer to use in their films (like the alternate timeline), things have not been looking good for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Meanwhile expect a big announcement or release of Secret InVasion, the sequel to TQR’s global hit, Secret Wars. TQR’s Secret Wars involve the Marvel Cinematic Universe vs The Multi-Verse (The Forgotten Ranger, Sailor Moon, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, etc) If you haven’t read it you can check it out in the link above. The sequel, Secret InVasion will continue where Secret Wars post credit left off involving a fleeing Skrull Empire fleeing their planet destroyed by the destructive cosmic feeding hand of Galatcus. There are rumors TQR could be releasing his version of Secret InVasion in the form of a two part series. Characters will include MCU’s Tony Stark/Iron Man, Corporate Red, X-MEN, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, Skrull Empire, Galactus and Silver Surfer.

TQR’s The Forgotten Ranger continues to soar in global popularity while the MCU has many question marks about their uncertain future since the demise of End Game. Not only did End Game confirm that TQR was telling the truth that the MCU is an alternate timeline, but they could end up in serious legal trouble as both Disney and Marvel along with Reddit and IMDB are being investigated for false accusations and blackmail which resulted in TQR being replaced by Brie Larson.  Reddit as many are aware is being investigated for cyber bullying and individuals involved could face serious criminal charges.

Avengers MCU vs The Multi-verse – Secret Wars


New Edit TheForgottenRangerSecretWars5

I’m re-releasing my online global hit sequel from yesterday. Alot of grammar corrections and new scenes in this epic storyline in Secret Wars. Everyone, please have a safe day and enjoy the read.

Secret Wars Synopsis – Taking place after Avengers End Game, Captain America staying in the past creates an alternate reality that threatens the existence of the entire multi-verse. Different realities are disappearing one by one and its up to heroes from different realities in a race against time to save the multi-verse. In order to do so, heroes from different realities must join forces in a war against the Avengers and Thanos of Earth 616.

Character Roster: Corporate Red, Khang, Thanos, Cable, Iron Man, Captain America, Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), Tuxedo Mask, XMEN, Fantastic Four, Defenders, Silver Surfer, Galactus, and more.

Secret Wars is coming.. MCU crossover

Tonight fans will be treated to Secrets Wars, an unthinkable MCU crossover involving the MCU, The Forgotten Ranger, Sailor Moon, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, Deadpool and more. Fans will be treated to the release tonight. Here’s a introduction preview with the lyrics from Dragonball Super. The last lyric is altered.

Introduction – Music starts playing as two fists are seen colliding as Khang and Next Gen Quantum are seen fighting at stealth/lightning speed.

2.. 3.. 4..

Title Secret Wars

Time has come, I’m ready to go.. Venturing into the unknown.. – a clip of Corporate Red entering a time fracture. Another clip of Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts entering a time fracture.

Fire’s inside me, must be unleashed – Heroes seen standing side by side. Cable with a serious stare charing up his plasma gun. Bishop with a determined look with both his fists lighting up. Sailor Pluto holding her time staff smiling at you the readers. Khang with both his hands behind his back staring at you the readers with a cold angered stare.

People talking nonsense all day -social media and the MCU, Spider-boy press conference with Aunt May.

Chinpukan, that’s all they can say – Megasonic and Yukio. Megasonic with her arms folded giving you the readers a blank stare. While Yukio smiles at you the readers giving you all thee peace sign.

I can’t get no satisfaction – image of Homecoming Spider-man on left, and adult Spider-man on the right with origins Deadpool on the left and Deadpool on the right.

Whoop whoop – the original Avengers smiling at you the readers.

Challenges may come – Corporate Red doing the thumbs up and wink

Whoop whoop – Cosmic entities Sailor Moon, Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, Jean Grey/Phoenix, and Silver Surfer staring at you the readers. Sailor Moon and the Inner Scouts smiling, while the rest with blank stares.

Fighting’s just begin.. – Logan pulling out his claws and adult Spider-man putting on his mask.

There’s no stopping me from spreading out my wings – Silver Surfer sitting on his board with his eyes closed, then opens them and raises to Earth.

Whoop Whoop – XMEN, Fantastic Four, and Defenders staring at you the readers.

Concentrate my power.. Iron Fist powering up his iron fist and turns to Corporate Red who is powering up.

Whoop whoop – Corporate Rangers  smiling at you the readers.

In the final hour – Avengers real End Game

In the end I’m gonna win.  – Avengers walking side by side. Sailor Moon firing her power staff. Bishop firing plasma from his hand. Thanos making a fist with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Don’t you know I’m unstoppable. – Corporate Red fighting Iron Man

Don’t even try cause you will fall – Iron Man who fires at the young hero misses as the plasma hits the ground and explodes behind Corporate Red.

I got a strength deep in my soul that gives me courage and control – Corporate Red screaming as he powers up.

I’ll go beyond the limit break- Khang with a worried look fights Corporate Red

The universe is mine to take – Thanos joins the fight making it a triple threat battle.

I have no fear. I think its clear – Logan pulling out his claws, and adult Spider-man shoots webs at the heroes of the MCU and Cable firing his plasma gun at them.

Lets kick it up into high gear.

For this Avengers Secret Wars. They got the skills to blow Zemo away.

Marvel references Corporate Red

It appears there’s a Secret War between both Disney/Marvel and TQR aka Corporate Red after some references Marvel posted yesterday, along with the Russo Brothers. Yesterday Marvel and Marvel Studios posted a photo of a “Red” and “White” Infinity Gauntlet. Fans of the MCU know that a famous red and white hero secretly in the MCU is none other than Corporate Red. Other Marvel stars also posted the photo.

Later that day The Russo Brothers posted a photo of rapper Lil Nas X with the Infinity Gauntlet. Many have said this reference was not only a cheap shot at TQR (since both Nas and TQR are black) but also sub-messaging the original hero TQR of Avenger End Game. It was also TQR that confirmed that the MCU has a multi-verse and that the current MCU timeline is a alternate reality that is not suppose to exist. TQR confirmed both before Doctor Strange and Avengers End Game. In which years later fans would learn that Captain America erased a reality by staying back in the past.

To update the fans there is a continuing on-going investigation on Disney and Marvel for stealing creative ideas created by TQR and using them in the MCU films. Reddit and IMDB are also being investigated for a possible blackmail scheme with Disney and Marvel against TQR intentionally using false accusations to get him replaced by none other than Brie Larson.

Baron Mordo forewarned Khang and Secret Avenger in Doctor Strange

Baron Mordo in Doctor Strange and how it ties into warnings given by Corporate Red leading up to Infinity War and warnings for Avengers 5, which could possibly be entering Secret Wars, the destruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

“Temporal manipulations can create branches in time. (loud tone) Unstable dimensional openings, spacial paradoxes, time loops.” – Baron Mordo in Doctor Strange

“You weren’t manipulating space time continuum, you were breaking it. You do not tamper with natural law. – Wong in Doctor Strange

In both situations Doctor Strange and the Avengers violated both (Infinity War and End Game)

“Yes, we did. But also violating the natural law. You still think there will be no consequences Strange. No price to pay? The bill comes due, always. I will follow this path no longer.” – Baron Mordo in Doctor Strange

Leading up to Infinity War, TQR aka Corporate Red clearly stated that not only is the Marvel Cinematic Universe an alternate timeline that’s not suppose to exist, but that it would need to be destroyed in order to save the original/real timeline (Sony/FOX timeline). Corporate Red also warning he would save the original timeline by any means necessary in secret scenes with Doctor Strange leading up to Infinity War.

The two favorites heading into Avengers 5 are both Khang and Secret Avenger/Corporate Red., which could be headlining Secret Wars. Fans will be treated to Secrets Wars this summer where the Sony, FOX and The Forgotten Ranger timeline will wage war against the Marvel Cinematic Universe, written by TQR.

Disney, Marvel, Reddit under investigation

When Disney and Marvel replaced TQR with Brie Larson, the move angered fans across the globe, along with FOX and Netflix. Netflix was so upset it resulted in the fallout. The past few years TQR leading up to Infinity War told the fans the MCU is an alternate timeline and that its not suppose to exist. TQR’s creative idea was confirmed in both Avengers End Game and recent trailers of Spider-man Homecoming. Also the past few years Reddit had been cyber bullying and spreading false accusations about TQR, Lately major producers Kevin Feige and just yesterday Victoria Alonso met with Reddit for interview.

According to several insiders several investigators are looking into this and many are tying the two together. While Reddit wasn’t the only one spreading false accusations, that played one of the main keys of having TQR’s name slandered and this could result in consequences for not just Reddit, but Disney and Marvel.

Disney should not be exempt, said one insider. Remember when Lionsgate Films was punished for stealing TQR’s ideas from The Forgotten Ranger. Disney did the same in some of their films, including both Avengers Infinity War and End Game. Loki handing the Tesseract to Thanos was Terrell’s idea. The fans read this in the original The Forgotten Rangers/Avengers/XMEN/Fantastic Four crossover. MCU being an alternate timeline and the multiverse was TQR’s creative idea. Disney and Marvel made money off ideas they stole from TQR.

To make matters worse with no reason given to the fans TQR was replaced by Brie Larson in Avengers End Game, a move many are calling a racist move. Now there appears to be another sign Disney is a racist. This week Tom Holland on video spoiled Spiderman Far From, and yet Disney and Marvel have not punished Holland. This is now multiple times Tom Holland has intentionally spoiled a MCU film. Why has Tom Holland not been fired yet? Two words.. White Privilege..

Disney has had a huge racist track record. Just recently background actors for the recently released Aladdin have stated that actors were blackfaced in the move. One insider said maybe what TQR said is true. They replaced a black man with a hostile white woman who spreads hate. You have a white male spoiling movies on purpose and not fired. Disney recreating their films to cover up their racist past, yet blackfacing in Aladdin? We’re starting to see patterns here. Lets not forget Reddit who’s been meeting with Disney and Marvel for interviews and were involved in spreading false accusations about TQR.

Could it be possible the three companies were secretly working together in their racist agenda?

On light note fans are anticipating the upcoming The Forgotten Ranger IV and V. While The Forgotten Ranger IV was originally scheduled for 2020, TQR and his camp believe it was best to release it this summer instead of 2020.

Avengers 5 Secret Wars Enter Khang and Secret Avenger

Captain America is seen passing on the shield to Falcon. Suddenly the scene zooms away as someone is monitoring the scene. The individual is also monitoring other realities. The individual is none other than, Khang. Suddenly some realities start fading.

Fade to Black

Khang: We must find out who is threatening all of realities.

Time rips are seen in different realities. Secret Avenger, Corporate Red is in his apartment and sees a time rip in his apartment glowing with alight blur aurora. The same is happening in another reality of Crystal Tokyo, where Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts see a rip in their reality.

Queen Usagi: There is a rip in time.

Corporate Red: Someone in a parallel universe did something to cause the rip.

Khang: These rips are causing fractures in the space time continuum. It was caused by someone’s actions. There is a reality that is endangering all of realities.

A brief fade in image of Old man Captain America is seen smiling while Khang was talking.

A Captain America is seen throwing his shield at Khang who has his arms behind his back. The shield just goes through Khang body.

Captain America: What?

Suddenly Khang appears out of nowhere infront of Captain America and fires a beam assassinating him. After Khang departs Secret Avenger, Corporate Red arrives and brings Captain America back to the life with the Time Stone.

Corporate Red: This time, I’ll make it right.

The next scene starts with Corporate Red talking and the events of Avengers End Game being shown, or in this case off-screen event. Hulk is seen using the Infinity Gauntlet to reverse the snap, but with consequences as people that were dusted are bought back to life. But those that were bought back that were dusted while in the skies are falling to the ground.

Corporate Red: The Avengers, are a threat to time. By reversing the snap you killed several more people. People that were dusted in the skies fell to their death. People that were bought back can’t go back to the homes they lost to those that survived the snap.

Khang: Someone in the Avengers has destroyed multiple realities, including mine.

Everyone turns around to see Cable, Bishop and Pyslocke

Cable: And ours.. The X-MEN are no more..

Corporate Red: Deadpool?

Deadpool: Don’t wet your pants tiger. I’m right here..

Khang and Corporate Red are seen on the battle field of Avengers End Game as Khang is running through the fighters with Corporate Red also doing the same. The two then have Captain America cornered.

Khang: Captain Rogers, you have disrespected time.

Captain America: Corporate Red..

Corporate Red: I’m sorry Steve ::pulls out plasma gun::

Iron Man and Thor join with Captain America. Doctor Strange is then seen joining with Khang and Corporate Red.

Doctor Strange: The one universe Tony, wasn’t you…

Corporate Red: Our Secret War now leads to the real End Game.

Fade to Black

The words Avengers, Sailor Moon, X-MEN, Fantastic Four, and The Forgotten Ranger merge to form the words A Secret War.

Adult Spider-man is seen putting on his mask, and Wolverine hand is seen pulling out the famed claws.

Coming Soon


Far From Home confirms Secret Avenger Theory

A brand new trailer of Spider-man Far From Home was released today and it also confirmed a major Marvel Cinematic Universe theory started back in 2014. In Spider-man Homecoming Nick Fury confirms that the snap tore a hole in their dimension. In the original End Game plans Secret Avenger, Corporate Red was going to use the Infinity Gauntlet to restore the MCU to the original timeline (Sony/FOX) and merge it with the MCU. This would result in the destruction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How would the Snap cause a hole in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

When Doctor Strange handed the Time Stone to Thanos, the Time Stone was glowing/active. Thanos before putting the Time Stone into the Gauntlet paused and realized this. The theory is that Thanos and Doctor Strange were secretly working to gether to figure out a way to find the doorway to the original timeline to escape the altered MCU which isn’t suppose to exist. Since the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t be reliable Strange allowed Thanos to go forward to completely completing the Gauntlet. Once destroying half of the MCU timeline Thanos destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent interference of the Avengers of stopping whatever damage the Avengers woud’ve done. However the Avengers did more damage than good when they went quantum traveling in the multi-verse.

Back in 2014 and leading all the way to Infinity War creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that not only would the MCU coming to an end in 2019, but that its not a real timeline, and that its an alternate timeline that is not suppose to exist. The biggest suspect was none other than Spider-man. Its interesting how Disney and Marvel is choosing the Spider-man Far From Home to reveal the hole in the MCU’s altered dimension. This could as many insiders are stating preparing for Secret Wars which could introduce both Corporate Red and Khang if all goes according to plan with the two hunting down the Avengers, in particular Captain America, to save all realities in the multi-verse from Captain America’s selfish actions living life with Peggy instead of going back. However one of them has an agenda, while the other must destroy one universe to save the other.

Several insiders have also stated this move if TQR is not introduced into the MCU could get Disney and Marvel in serious legal trouble as the idea was first created by TQR. This is a problem many fans have had with MCU not introducing the famed secret character of the MCU, but yet making money off his ideas. Several insiders are also stating Disney and Marvel did it without TQR’s permission, which is why the stages are being set now to possibly get him into the MCU.

Did Spider-man Far From Home confirm Corporate Red existence in the MCU?

MCU, Khang, Secret Avenger News

Why Captain America has threatened the multi-verse? Is Khang about to rise off his throne? Did Captain America’s actions open the doorway for Secret Avenger, Corporate Red? We’re breaking down the multi-verse news and how it could be leading to as what one person warned MCU fans since 2014, a glitch in the MCU matrix.

Back in 2014 creator of Corporate Red, TQR stated that the MCU is not only an alternate timeline, but that it would need to be destroyed in order to save it. Original plans for Avengers End Game had Corporate Red being the hero, but also the destroyer of the MCU. CR would’ve defeated Thanos and then used the Infinity Gauntlet to fix the MCU’s timeline, restoring it to the original timeline (Sony/FOX timeline) and merging it with the MCU.

In Avengers End Game, Disney and Marvel proved TQR right. Not only is the MCU broken, but there just too many plot-holes in the movie. While many say this was because of bad editing due to Brie Larson/Captain Marvel replacing TQR/Corporate Red which resulted in tons of bad changes to the script, which hurt the movie overall, the move might’ve helped introduce Secret Avenger, Corporate Red into the MCU and a new villain he will be taking on, none other than Khang.

In the comics Khang blames Captain America for hurting his timeline. In Disney’s Avengers Earth’s Mightiest animated series Captain America is to blame for the destruction of a timeline. In the MCU TQR stated on several occasions the Time Stone glitched the MCU. Now it appears Captain America not only added to a bigger glitch (altering) The Captain has done something the Skrulls, Doctor Strange, and Corporate Red didn’t do, which is threaten the existence of other realities. While Corporate Red stating the MCU had to be destroyed was reasonable, Captain America getting a dance with Peggy Carter and endangering other realities wasn’t. Isn’t this the same Captain America who said some say move on, but not? Yet The Captain couldn’t move on?

TQR is expected to release The Forgotten Ranger trilogy on either the weekend of May 25th or during Spider-man Far From Home. Back in 2017 the author had a huge global online re-release of the famed global hit during Spider-man Homecoming debut week. The Forgotten Ranger 1 will be re-released, but this time in a 1,000 pages release edition. The Forgotten Ranger II will take place during the events of Infinity War, and The Forgotten Ranger III, what would’ve been End Game will be re-released with a new title. Corporate Red (The Forgotten Ranger IV untitled) is expected release in 2020. Right now only characters confirmed are Corporate Red, Avengers, Doctor Strange, Edea, Captain Marvel, Skrull Empire, The Kree and Khang.

This one, TQR states will prove the Avengers were the real villains in End Game. Yes, what Thanos did was wrong. What the Avengers did was even worse. In particular the selfish actions of Captain America..

There are some reports The Forgotten Ranger IV may not be released to the public, but possibly the script may be used for Avengers 5. TQR has stated End Game doesn’t help the X-MEN and Fantastic Four getting into the MCU unless they go into Secret Wars. Everything in End Game was clearly wrong and out of place. It goes back to what Baron Mordo warned about time paradoxes, opening the doorways for dimensional threats. Dimensional threats such as the Skrull Empire, Galactus, Khang, and maybe even Secret Avenger, Corporate Red as the baddie himself.

Did you enjoy Avengers End Game or as most said major disappointment?