James Gunn confirms Skrulls in MCU. Skrulls had appeared in Corporate Red/Infinity Wars Crossover – Sub-message

James Gunn this evening on Twitter confirmed the Skrulls are now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As fans of both Corporate Red and Marvel are aware the Skrulls in later versions of the Corporate Red/Infinity Wars crossover did appear in the short story crossover. If you haven’t had the chance to check them out you can read them in the links below. Is this anther major Corporate Red sub-message/reference for the non-Marvel character in a possible entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Signs as of late are getting higher. Especially after both Spider-man Homecoming and the Disney23 Expo event (on and off-screen).  In the first two link is the tweet from fan rajarama and producer/director James Gunn reply.


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